Energetic Trauma Release Healing

Feel relief. Feel freedom.

Why Do You Need Trauma Release?

As we walk this beautiful planet called earth school, it is more common than not to have gone through some sort of trauma in your life. When this happens, trauma can get stuck in the body which creates an energy blockage.

There are three ways trauma gets stuck or blocked…

1. The trauma came from out of nowhere, in other words, it came as a surprise.

2. The trauma was perceived as a big deal, as in, it was acute.

3. The trauma came and you felt like you were alone in it.

When one ,or often all three of these things happen, it creates an energy blockage in the body, this blockage creates dis-ease. If not dealt with, this energy blockage can cause actual disease in the body. Amy with the Divine, is able to move this stuck energy out, which allows the body to flow freely again. This creates a sense of lightness, joy, relief, and freedom, just to name a few. It allows you to see things completely different, you will no longer have an emotional charge about it, it will just be something that happened, nothing more. This in turn allows you to make choices not based on past stored trauma and fears, but on what is actually going on in the present. It is liberating!

If you feel the call to have an energy session with Amy, please reach out to her here.

This type of healing can help with:

  • PTSD

  • Sexual abuse

  • Abandonment

  • Betrayal

  • And so much more!

Please Select, Book, and Pay for Your Session Below

Energetic Trauma Release Session: sold individually for $397 / 1hr.

Address and move stuck energy and emotional charges allowing the body to flow freely with a sense of lightness, joy, relief, and freedom. This liberates you so you can make choices without stored trauma and fears.

You may pay and book your Energetic Trauma Release Session instantly by using the calendar selection below.

Energetic Trauma Release followed by a 20 Minute Foundation Coaching Session for $477 / 80 minutes

Individual Energetic Trauma Release Session, followed by a 20-minute coaching session, which will provide foundational strategies to assist in maintaining the benefits of the Trauma Release experience. The coaching includes reconfirming the clarity from your initial session and designing specific ongoing actions for you to take afterward, along with addressing the mindset necessary for your ongoing success.

You may pay and book your Energetic Trauma Release with Coaching Session by clicking HERE.

”The trance of unworthiness is officially broken!

I'm not angry, afraid, regretful or the tiniest bit sad.
Thank you for being a part of my journey.
Your love and your support helped set me free.”

- Jo

Hear What James Has to Say.

”I feel SO different from when I started

My biggest takeaway is the overall awareness of how I have been living my life and how I can
change things moving forward and work on keeping myself in a beautiful state. I feel like I have
so many more tools to be able to do that now. I really found massive benefits in your teachings
and I feel SO different from when I started.”

- Melisa

”Now I can live life the way I'm supposed to without suffering and fear!

Amy is a pure angel! And my hero. I was born very fragile 3 months early and always have wondered why
I'm on this earth? My parents didn't know how to take care of such a fragile human. They did the best
they could but I have always felt unloved and unlovable,  Especially from my parents.

The session I had with Amy changed my life! She sang a beautiful song to my heart, literally and
I've never felt my heart fill with love like this before, from anyone in my life. I met a complete stranger
who loves ME and doesn't even know me! That was profound for me.

With so much suffering and hate in the world, we NEED People in the world just like AMY!
I also had been so deep in depression and suffering that I really didn’t believe in LOVE anymore.
Now I do! Do to Amy Joy!! She has such a great perspective on Life and I love her for helping
me get rid of MY "demons"!! Now I can live life the way I'm supposed to without suffering and fear!
I love her and hope to be lifelong friends”

- Luis

Hear About
Kim’s Experience

Hear About Katie’s Healing

”I noticed a significant calming effect…

Amy worked with my 13-year-old daughter on some issues that she was having related to anxiety
and self-esteem.  She used a combination of "straight talk" and energy work to heal my daughter. 
I noticed a significant calming effect over the next few days and even weeks. Our relationship had
been quite tense and I felt that the work that Amy did helped my daughter and I to interact
more harmoniously. 

I highly recommend her to anyone who is dealing with personal or relationship issues. 
In my daughter's words, "everyone could use therapy," or a life coach to navigate day-to-day challenges.”

- Suzanne

From Trauma to Choice and Freedom

Interview of Amy Joy