Intuition is Seeing with the Soul

We Can Trust Our intuition. We all have an inner compass that knows the way if we will listen. In this blog post, I will share with you the importance of figuring out your intuition formula of how best to hear your inner voice of direction. Once you hear your answer, act right away, don’t get into paralysis analysis. I will share a story of how I knew my psychopath ex-husband was going to show up at the school and how I listened to my intuition that ended up leading us to move to Mexico. You will learn the three steps on how you can listen and use your intuition to lead you. They are…

1.  Ask Your Higher Self "What do I need to hear or understand right now?"

2.  Discover and use your formula for being able to hear your higher self/source in you

3.  Act now

The outcome of this step is to ask your higher self for guidance and to discover what your intuition recipe is. You will learn how to listen to your intuition and trust it so that you can follow it.  

Your intuition is seeing with your soul. I've learned over the years that you can really trust it. It is there to guide you, in the best possible way, even when things don't make sense. Following it has always been the best thing. One of the most prominent examples of hearing the voice of God/ intuition was right before we ended up running to Mexico. 

I woke up one morning, and I felt that Joe ( my abusive ex-husband) was going to show up at school. There was no need for him to be at the school. He had never come before in all the years since we left. He was an American, and the Canadian government-supervised visitations that he sometimes came to were an hour or so away. He had never once asked about the kid’s grades or anything to do with the school and so he didn't have any reason to be at the school. I had worked at the school for years as a teacher's aide. At the time I was on disability due to my severe migraines. When I worked at the school it was with special needs kids, diagnosed with down syndrome and autism. It is a wonderful school and they all knew the situation, had copies of my custody papers, and there was a picture of Joe on the bulletin board of the staff lunchroom for years, to make everyone aware.  They had helped us with other precautions for the kids and I over the years to protect us.

I woke up that morning, and I had this feeling..” he's coming. He's coming to the school.” And I thought "That sounds crazy. Amy, what are you thinking?" But in my gut, I knew it.   And so I called Tammy, the secretary. I literally called her a few months ago, 15 years later for another reason and she still answered the phone and I was like, "Tammy, you're still here!" She's like, "Yeah," I said, "Do you remember that day?" and I didn't have to say anything else. She was "Oh my god, Amy. That was unbelievable. I will never forget that day as long as I live." 

This is what happened. I called her up and said, "Tammy, I know this sounds crazy. But I think Joe's coming today. So be aware. This is what he's going to say and this is what he's going to do. He's going to act really nice. But really, this is what he's actually doing, he's scoping out the place to learn who to talk to and who not to talk to prepare to kidnap them. He's going to charm his way into the school and don't allow it. Call the police." She says "Okay, I will."

At 4:30 that afternoon, I get a phone call, and it’s Tammy hissing over the phone whispering "He's here. He's really here." And I was like "No!" My body and mind went into mama bear mode and my nervous system went into fight or flight. I grabbed the kids and my husband Pete and we ran and stayed in our trailer. We hid there for a while. Later I found out from Tammy that Joe did exactly what I said he would do almost word for word. Unfortunately, the Principle got charmed by him and didn’t call the police as we had agreed. So I met with the school board and the principal. And they were like "Sorry." And I said "No, sorry, isn't good enough. You knew the situation" I had cried on the phone with the principal months before telling her the story as she was a new principal. The old principal understood perfectly. So I let the new Principal in on the situation and showed her my custody papers and all my paperwork. She said she would call the police if he showed up. The police all knew about my situation, they constantly would circle my house. Every time Joe would send a gift of knives, drills, 104 piece ratchet set, and other inappropriate things to the kids when they were three and five years old. I would take it to the police station and open it there so that they could see the types of things that he was sending, so there was a record. So the police knew, they were my buddies. I played hockey with them. They knew who I was, they knew my heart, and they knew how dangerous the situation was. At this point, I was involuntarily twitching and I got to the point where I decided that I couldn’t live this way anymore. My intuition was telling me, "It's time to do something drastic, you can't keep living like this. You have to do something." And so I'm like, "Okay, let's go on vacation." 

We ended up on a plane to Mexico, and three days into being in Mexico, my migraines went away and I felt truly safe for the first time in my life. I thought, "Okay, we're gonna move to Mexico, and start over." And so we did. Within 5 weeks I had sold my house, and we were on our way to freedom.

There's a way to be able to tap into your intuition. My personal formula for listening to my intuition is by getting into a peak state by using the diamond. By exercising or getting into nature, breathing, smiling, and thinking about what I’m thankful for. And then I stop. I stop and meditate and connect to Source and ask myself, "Okay, what do I need to know and understand or see, right now?" That's the question I ask, "What do I need to understand, know, or see right now?" 

And then I hear it. And the key thing is, once you hear it, write it down.  

And then ask again, "What else do I need to see? What else do I need to understand? What else do I need to know right now?" Write down your answer. Then act. 

Don't wait to act, don't hem and haw. Don't get your brain into it with logic because that's going to be mostly fear. “What if? Prepare for this. Have all your ducks in a row”, this is what that part of the mind is going to tell you. And sometimes things aren't logical. It wasn't logical that I called Tammy that morning and said, "He's coming." That was surreal. And yet, it was real. So when I got the call, to make a move, and even to make a big one like that, it saved our lives.  I know it saved our lives. There's no question in my heart and in my mind that it saved our lives. So we traveled. We traveled for a while and we left. The only people who knew where we were ultimately going were my parents and my siblings.  We left family, grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins, and friends. My grandparents passed away not knowing where we were, that’s how serious it was.  

For 12 years, nobody knew where we were. We traveled for a while. And we ended up in Mexico and we started over. Mexico saved us and we got to be free, like actually free. Free from fear. Free from harassment. Free from the judgments and the guilt and the shame. We got to live our life. And I can't even imagine if I hadn't listened to that voice and if I hadn't taken action. So listen, listen to your intuition. Trust it. Take action. You won't always find out the reason, but often you will. Often you will find out why that was the answer and why that, was what you needed to do. It could even save your life and the ones you love.

How you can learn from me…

1.  Ask Your Higher Self " What do I need to hear or understand right now?"

The importance of this step is that we have an inner compass that knows the way if we will listen.

I do this step by sharing the story of how i knew that if I didn't get away right now I was going to snap. 

To start…

 A. Stop

To do this next step breathe deep into the lungs again. Make sure it’s  through your nose, hold for 5 seconds, and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”.  Now here’s what I want you to do for the first step to listening to your intuition….STOP.  Stop whatever you are doing, or thinking, just stop. Be present. Breathe some more. Be here now. Stop. Easy right?

B.  Set the intention of receiving guidance

The second step is to consciously set the intention of receiving guidance from the Source/Higher Self/God. You do that by declaring that you are needing help. I usually am pretty direct, surprise surprise, and say, “Source I could really use some help please!” Now your turn, say it with me, “Lord, I could really use some help please!” I did that when I realized I couldn’t take any more of living the way that I was living and I asked God for help. It’s important to make your intention clear. Ask and you shall receive.

C.  Ask "What do I need to see, hear or understand right now?"

The third step in beginning to listen to your intuition is to ask your Higher Self, " What do I need to see, hear or understand right now?"  Write down whatever comes to mind.  At first, you might not believe it or understand it. If so, ask again until you are sure you know what the answer is. Don’t worry about the how yet. Just listen for your answer. I did that when I sought to know what I should do to keep the boys safe. My answer was to move to Mexico and start over, and that I had to keep it a secret at all cost, our lives depended on it.  What do you need to hear or understand right now? Ask your question and write down your answers.

The outcome of this step is to ask your higher self for guidance.

2.   Discover and use your formula for being able to hear your higher self/source in you

The importance of this step is to know that everyone has a formula of how best to hear your inner voice of direction.

I do this step by sharing my formula to my intuition.

Here’s how you do it…

A.  Exercise/Nature

I feel that it’s important that you discover if you don’t already know, your success formula for listening to your higher self/intuition. We just did a few of my steps in the exercise above. But I want you to be able to think about and create your own success formula for listening to your Intuition. The first step of my Intuition Formula is to get outside into nature. It’s best to even get my bare feet on the ground.  This makes me feel more connected to the earth and helps me get present. What is your first step? If you don’t have one. Ask yourself “What should my first step be in my Intuition formula? Write down your answer. Maybe it’s exercising, or taking a hot bath, or listening to music. Whatever it is, write it down. This will take about 3-5 min to complete.

B. Breathe

My next step for example is breathing. We are overall under-oxygenated due to breathing shallowly. By breathing deep into your lungs, you can actually have the oxygen absorbed. So I usually breathe three times deep into the lungs. Do it with me now... Make sure it’s through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”.  The ahhhh sound releases stress and exhaling longer than your inhale will allow any stale air to escape. Three breaths usually does it, but if not, breathe as long as you need to to get to a state of peace and calmness. What is your second step? Write it down. This will take 3-5 min.

C. Gratitude

My third step in my intuition formula is to make a list of things I’m thankful for. This is key. You want to raise your vibration to as high as you can get it. The higher your vibration the less separation there is to Source. Gratitude is the rocket ship to joy so it’s the fastest way to raise your frequency. What do you believe your third step is? Feel free to use mine if you want. Smile.

D. Listen

The Fourth step is to ask your question and listen for the answer. My question usually goes like this, "What do I need to see, hear or understand right now?” If you have a different question that works better for you, then use that. Make sure you write it down. To listen, just sit quietly and listen to hear, listen to understand. If you ask and listen for a while and you don’t feel you received an answer, then that’s your answer. It just means wait for now.  Otherwise, write down what you heard and understood to the best of your ability. What is your fourth step in your success formula for listening to your intuition?

The outcome of this step is to discover what is your intuition recipe.

Step 3.  Act now

The importance of this step is to act right away and not get into paralysis analysis.

I do this step by moving to Mexico.

Here’s what you want to do…

A. Receive the answer

To receive the answer it’s not enough to just hear it. You also need to be open to actually receiving it. Sometimes as humans our need for certainty is so strong that we resist hearing that change might be what’s necessary. So make sure you are open to hear what it is that you need to see, hear, or understand. I will tell myself “ I am open to receive guidance” a few times to get myself ready to listen and receive. I suggest you do the same.

B. Trust

The second step is to trust the guidance that you’ve been given.  When I got the answer to move to leave everyone and everything I knew and move to Mexico.  At first, it was a shock. It was overwhelming, but I was also at peace because I knew it was the truth, I knew I had just been given the answer. I knew in my heart it was what I needed to do. So trust the guidance. Every road has bumps in it. There is no real way to prove whether one road is actually better than another and would be more smooth. So follow your Higher Self. Listen to your Intuition.

C. Take the first step forwards

The third step is to take the first steps forward. I remember the first people I told that I was moving were my parents. I can see their faces clearly in my mind even now. They had a reaction of shock and then relief. They knew too that this is what we needed to do to stay safe!  The next step was to put my house on the market, it sold in 15 min to the first people who looked at it. Step by step. Do what you know to do. Period.  It will all work out.

The outcome of this step is to move and trust.

When you follow and implement these steps you will learn that you can trust your intuition. You have an inner compass that knows the way if you will listen. You will know the importance of figuring out your intuition formula and how best to hear your inner voice of direction. I will share a story of how I knew my psychopath ex-husband was going to show up at the school and how I listened to my intuition and how it also led us to starting our lives over in Mexico. You will learn the three steps on how you can listen and use your intuition to lead you. They are…

  • 1.  Ask Your Higher Self " What do I need to hear or understand right now?" 

  • 2.  Discover and use your formula for being able to hear your higher self/source in you 

  • 3.  Act now

The outcome of this step is to ask your higher self for guidance and to discover what your intuition recipe is. You will learn how to listen to your intuition and trust it so that you can follow it clearly and confidently.

Your Action Steps:  Are to implement the steps above, and come back and let us know what your results are!

READ the whole story


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