The more You praise and Celebrate your life the more there is in life to celebrate!

Take time to party! 

In this blog post you will learn the importance of taking the time to celebrate progress. To always have something that you are working towards that lights you up and have a ready list of ways to celebrate. I will share how the boys and I celebrated our trip around the world with a launch party and different ways the kids and I have celebrated things across the years.

Here are the three steps to a celebration…

1.  Celebrate every progress along the way

2.  Ideas on how to celebrate

3.  Pick your next dream to focus on

The outcome is to train yourself to celebrate and rewire your brain to stop and smell the roses of accomplishment. Dream Dream Dream! You will learn the importance of celebrating successes and failures. This is how we learn and this is how we move forward with significantly more fun!

So here's what I know. The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. We’ve got to take time to party. Seriously, sometimes we take life way too serious. 

The boys and I have learned to do that, we celebrate. We had a big launch party at a beautiful restaurant in town. We wanted to celebrate with our town for our trip around the world. I figured if it just inspired one family to do anything resembling what we were about to do, it was going to be worth it, and we'd have some fun in the meantime. 

The place was packed and the kids played their music. We shared a little bit of what we're doing, and it was amazing. It was so much fun to just celebrate life. Sometimes we feel like we can't do that because it's like bragging. We need to stop with that bullshit. We need to celebrate each other, we need to be not afraid to say "Hey, I just got a promotion" you know "I just got a raise" and "I just lost 20 pounds." Instead of being so afraid of being judged and having them be jealous and things like that like... Just celebrate, live your life freely, rejoice in what's going on, and let people rejoice in you and not worry about whether they do or not. Just be free.  We like to celebrate by eating out with friends, going to the movies, get together at home, etc... sometimes we just call somebody and say "Hey this happened." 

We celebrate together... Sometimes we give ourselves a pat on the back. Acknowledging progress along the way is super important. Oftentimes, we take a vacation because as you can clearly see, travel is one of our favorite things to do. So when the kids graduated, we took our trip around the world. Every January I go away to do my goals and in essence that's a celebration from the year before, a job well done. Take time, and take care of yourself. Massages, I do love massages. I've celebrated a lot with massages. 

So create your list of ways to celebrate. And then as you accomplish things and check off boxes and make progress you can go down the list and say "What do I want to do to celebrate?", but just make sure you do it. Celebrate. It makes life a lot more fun.

How you can learn from me…

1.  Celebrate every progress along the way

The importance of this step is to stop and take the time to celebrate the progress.

I do this step by sharing how we had our launch party to celebrate our trip around the world.

To start…

 A. Stop

The first step is to take a minute to stop. Just stop and ask yourself, “What did I just accomplish?” Stop and take it in.  Do it.  I’m not kidding.

B. Smile

The next thing you do it smile. Seriously, let yourself smile. Smile for yourself, smile for all the work and effort you have put into something. Smile.  Enjoy.

C.  Take in the accomplishment

The third step is to savor the moment. So often we don’t stop to even realize that we have accomplished something, we are so busy moving on to the next thing. What this creates is a sense that you have not accomplished much, but it’s not true, so take it in. Like we did when we had a big ol’ launch party for our trip around the world. We celebrated Zander and Tate’s graduations and that we were taking an epic trip together. Take in your accomplishments!

The outcome of this step is to train yourself to celebrate.

2.   Ideas on how to celebrate

The importance of this is to come away with ideas on how you can celebrate something.

I do this step by sharing different ways the kids and I have celebrated things across the years.

Here’s some ideas…

A.  Go out to eat with friends

B. Go to the movies

C. Call a friend and share what you are celebrating

D. Give yourself a pat on the back.

E. Write down your list of ideas of ways to celebrate.

Write down your list of ideas for ways to celebrate. You can borrow mine and make sure you come up with some of your own as well. Ask your kids, spouse, family, and friends for their input so that you end up with a long epic list.  

The outcome is to rewire the brain to stop and smell the roses of accomplishment.

Step 3.  Pick your next dream to focus on

The importance of this step is to always have something that you are working towards that lights you up.

I do this by sharing my story on how I have a list of my dreams ever present so that I can actively work on them.

Here’s what you do…

A. Look at your list of dreams/goals

For this step, take a look at your list of dreams and goals. If you don’t have one already made then take a few minutes right now to write down some things that you’ve always wanted to do, or some new thoughts of things you’d like to see happen. This will take 5-10 min.

B. Pick the one that lights you up the most

Next, I want you to pick the one that lights you up the most.  The one that makes you physically smile when you think about it.  The one that gives you a few butterflies in your stomach or the one the makes you want to tell someone you love right away. This will take less than 1 min to complete.

C. Take the first step towards that dream

The third step is to take the first step toward that dream. Do it, take it. Start. Move. Take action. You get the idea. This will take just a few minutes to complete as well. Take the first step then the second, then the third. Next thing you know you will be driving that new car, graduating from that college or course, taking that trip around the world. Start now.

The outcome of this step is to Dream Dream Dream! 

When you follow and implement these steps you will understand the importance of taking time to party! The importance of taking the time to celebrate progress and to always have something that you are working towards that lights you up!  Just like how the boys and I celebrated our trip around the world with a  launch party. Here are the three steps to a celebration.

  • 1.  Celebrate every progress along the way

  • 2.  Ideas on how to celebrate

  • 3.  Pick your next dream to focus on

The outcome is to train yourself to celebrate and rewire your brain to stop and smell the roses of accomplishment. Dream Dream Dream! You will learn the importance of celebrating successes and failures. This is how we learn and this is how we move forward with significantly more fun!

Your Action Steps:  Are to implement the steps above, and come back and let us know what your results are!

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