The Key to a Healthy Life is a Healthy Mind

Stand guard at the door of your mind. In this blog post, I will share with you the importance of how the mind actually works and that your mind is just as important to pay attention to as is your food, water, and exercise. The importance of standing guard at the door of your mind and to feed your mind the good stuff! I do this by sharing the story about how the mind doesn't know the difference between what is real and what is imagined, how I quit regular TV, and the story of how no one entered my friends hospital room unless they were in a high frequency.

These are the three steps to having a healthy mind…

1. It all Starts in the mind

2.  Protect it

3. Affirmations

The outcome is to understand your beliefs about health and well-being and realize that the mind makes matter. You will have the skills to take back control over your mind, setting yourself up for success by telling the mind what to believe and only allowing positive, vital thoughts in. You will learn how important it is to protect what is going into your mind, what you are feeding it, what it actually needs for a happy life, and what to feed it instead. The key to a healthy life is a healthy mind.

It all starts in the mind and what we need to realize is that the mind doesn't know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. It doesn't know the difference. I know that doesn't make a lot of sense. And yet it's true. Just think about if your teenager didn’t come home by a certain time, and they always do. They aren’t answering their phone and neither are their friends. The mind starts to whirl. We as humans dream up all kinds of terrible things that could have happened, and our bodies start reacting to those thoughts with sweating, shaking, nausea, etc. You can even imagine police knocking on the door to give you the terrible news, and you can see yourself collapsing onto the floor in sorrow. Then your teen walks in calm as a cucumber and says, sorry, fell asleep and my phone died. Absolutely nothing was wrong but the mind and body certainly thought there was.  So if the mind doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's imagined, then let's imagine things the way that we'd like to see them and have them.

So for instance, the mind paying attention to the mind is just as important as paying attention to the water you drink, the food you eat, and the exercise you take. I realized this in a major way when my best friend Dani was in the hospital after being stabbed 9 times. Beto, her husband, and I knew that if we didn't help control the energy and how people were thinking and therefore feeling, then Dani could get a whole lot of visitors that were going to be crying and upset and visualizing her death. 

So Beto and I took it upon ourselves to guard Dani’s hospital room. Nobody entered unless they were in a peak state, unless they were in a great state of gratitude, and belief that she was going to be fine. And she wasn't going to be just fine, she was going to thrive!  We had people doing jumping jacks in the hallways, we had them thinking about what they're thankful for. We had them breathing and once we felt that they were good to go, we'd let them pass and go visit Dani.

So Dani had true support. She had amazing energy around her at all times. And she knew how to work the diamond as well. She was doing that within herself and the people around her were high frequency as well.

We stood guard at the door of that room. This is why we made such an impact on the hospital.  We have to stand guard at the door of our mind. We have to imagine there's a little guy or girl up there with the chainmail and the spear that says.. "No, you don't get to pass unless it is something that will serve me."

So what should have taken six weeks in the hospital to recover from being stabbed 9 times, and losing a kidney, and spleen, that amazing girl left only one week after she entered that hospital. One week.

Now how is that possible? She stood guard at the door of her mind and Beto and I stood guard at the door of her room. Period.  

I quit TV because it was not helping my mind. The way I get to help my mind and guard my mind now is, I start my day with incantations or a mantra. That's a phrase that I say when I wake up in the morning, and it goes like this: "I now command my subconscious mind to help me in all ways to lift up, inspire, help and encourage the people I come in contact with today." And I repeat it. If I'm not feeling it, if I don't feel like it's true in me, I say it again. with even more conviction. "I now command my subconscious mind to help me in all ways to lift up, inspire, help and encourage the people I come in contact with today." 

Now, do you think with a mantra like that, that I have opportunities to help and inspire and encourage and be a blessing? All day long, it's amazing! I have an attitude of contribution, and living in a state of contribution is the happiest place to live. 

So stand guard at the door of your mind. I also have a personal manifesto that I put to music that I listen to, often in the mornings while I'm walking or right before bed, or both. It feeds my subconscious mind, it feeds my elephant. So that at night, when I'm in those theta brainwaves and delta brainwaves, my brain is feeding me the truth, not bullshit. And that's another way that you can stand guard at the door of your mind. So this is my personal manifesto of affirmations that I listen to in the morning or before bed. It feeds my mind the truth!

How you can learn from me…

1. It all Starts in the mind

The importance of this step is to explain how the mind actually works and that Your mind is just as important to pay attention to as is your food, water, and exercise.

I do this step by sharing the story about how the mind doesn't know the difference between what is real and what is imagined - husband out cheating or sleeping on his friends couch?

To start…

A. How does the mind work

The first step in understanding the mind is that the mind doesn't know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. Just like the example of imagining something terrible happened to your kid because they aren’t answering the phone and it turns out nothing was wrong at all. The mind directs the body. The body follows the mind. So we need to tell the mind what to think so that the body follows. To recap: the mind doesn't know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. Say it out loud.. “the mind doesn't know the difference between what is real and what is imagined.” And write it down.

B. What are my beliefs about health and well-being?

To do this next step find a quiet place to sit where there are no distractions. It would be good to pick a time where you are completely alone to ensure this. Make sure you are in a great state by moving your body and thinking about at least three things you are thankful for. You can also play some inspiring music. Once seated comfortably, breathe deeply into your lungs in the same way I shared with you earlier. Breathe deep into the lungs through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Exhale for as long as you can to release any stale air. The Ahhhh sounds help release stress. Then ask your higher self,  What are my beliefs about health and well-being?  Write down what comes to mind. Do you believe that it’s possible to feel great, to have health and vitality? Or do you feel that being unhealthy is just the way that it is. Is It the norm, the common way that you might as well accept. The Doctors said that Dani would likely be in the hospital at least a month, maybe two. But she left the hospital in a week. How? She controlled her state and her husband I made sure everyone else around her was in a great state. She believed and we believed she could get healthier sooner than later. What are your beliefs about health and well-being? This will take 3-5 min to complete.

C. What do my new empowering beliefs need to be?

For this next step breathe deep into your lungs again, Breathe deep into the lungs through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now ask your higher self this question, “ What do my new empowering beliefs need to be about Health and Well Being?” 

For me, my beliefs now are:

  • I must stand guard at the door of my mind and feed it that which makes it strong and healthy.

  • I am healthy and strong because I eat food that serves my body.

  • I am healthy because I hydrate often with clean alkaline water.

  • I am healthy because I take time to exercise every day.

What do your new empowering beliefs need to be about Health and Well Being?” Write down your new empowering beliefs. This will take 3-5 min to complete.

The outcome of this step is to know what your beliefs are about health and well-being?

2.  Protect it

The importance of this step is to stand guard at the door of your mind. 

I do this step by sharing the story of quitting regular TV and of guarding Dani's hospital room so that no one entered unless they were in a high frequency.

Here’s what you do…

A. What shit have I been feeding my brain with in regards to health?

For this next step  breathe deep into your lungs again, Breathe deep into the lungs through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now ask your higher self this question, “ What shit have I been feeding my brain with in regards to health?” Write down the answers that come to mind without judgment. For me, I was watching a bunch of TV shows that didn’t help me focus on being healthy.  Most of the commercials are about fast food and junk food. Sitting around for hours watching TV wasn’t helping me move my body at all either.  “What shit have you been feeding your brain with, in regards to health?” This will take 3-5 min.

B. Who in my circle of influence is not a good influence on my mind?

For this next step ask your higher self “Who in my circle of influence is not a good influence on the health of my mind? Write down anyone who comes to mind without judgment. When I asked myself this question, I realized that I hung out with quite a few people who drank a lot of alcohol and I was finding myself doing the same. I also realized I had some friends that constantly complained and looked at life from the standpoint of being a victim. Being around them was a drain and I often would allow myself to become the same way.  Who in your circle of influence is not a good influence on your mind? This will take 3-5 min to complete.

C. What? Who do I need to spend less time with?

For the third step breathe, Breathe deep into your lungs through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now ask your higher self this question,  “ What or Who do I need to cut out of my life or minimize, in order to protect my mind?” Write down whatever comes to mind. The first thing I did was get rid of my satellite TV.  This alone has completely transformed my life. I didn’t think I could live without it, but it’s been the best thing for me.  I also changed some of the friends I was spending time with. This was hard to do, but I knew and felt was necessary for the well-being of my mind.  I tried first to remind them of all that was going great, but they weren’t in the place in their life to hear it, so we slowly drifted apart. What or Who do you need to spend less time within your life, in order to protect your mind?” This will take 3-5 min.

The outcome of this step is to take back control over your mind, over your health!

Step 3.  Affirmations

The importance of this step is to feed your mind the good stuff!

I do this step by sharing how I start my day with affirmations " I now command my subconscious mind...."

Here’s what you want to do…

A. Create a mantra that you say every day that fills you up and gets you going in the most vital direction

For this next step breathe, breathe deep into your lungs through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now ask your higher self this question,  “What should my new mantra be, that fills me up and gets me going in the most vital direction?” Mine is “ I now command my subconscious mind to help me in all ways to lift up, inspire, help and encourage the people I come in contact with today.” Write something that inspires you and makes you feel good to say.”  Keep it simple and easy to remember. “What is your new mantra that fills you up and gets you going in the most vital direction?” This will take 5-7 min to complete.

B. Memorize it

The next step is to memorize your new mantra.  I suggest you write it at least 7 times in a row. Then try saying it without looking.  Keep saying it outloud without looking as much as you can until you can say it without looking at all.  This will take you 5-7 min to complete.

C. Say it as you walk, or drive to work

The third step is to say it as you get up, walk, or drive to work or all of the above.  I don’t believe you can say it too much.  It will help keep your subconscious clear on what it is supposed to do.  Your days and interactions will change I promise. It’s an amazing magical tool to have but it’s useless unless you use it.  So practise it often. Set an alarm to remind you for the first week or so. After that you will know what to do.  Enjoy the magic.

D. Decide you want to live a vital life

The fourth step is to make a conscious choice to live a vital life. This is a huge step. If you don’t do this it will be very easy to go back to the program of just getting by, of feeling just so-so. Bullshit. You didn’t choose to read this book to just get by. You are reading this because you want to get your shit together. You want an extraordinary life! Correct? Ok then, so make a conscious choice to live a vital life. To me, that means 85% or more of the time you put in your mind or mouth and what you do with your body is something that serves you.  When you do that, you will experience energy and vitality that you can’t even imagine. Obviously the bigger the percentage the better, but the point is, there are times you will zag. We are human. The less zagging, the better you will feel. I promise!

The outcome of this step is to set yourself up for success by telling the mind what to believe and only allowing positive, vital thoughts in.

When you follow and implement these steps you will know the importance of standing guard at the door of your mind. You will know how the mind actually works and that your mind is just as important to pay attention to as is your food, water, and exercise. Like in the story of how I quit regular TV, and how no one entered my friends hospital room unless they were in a high frequency. You will also have the three steps to having a healthy mind. 

  • 1. It all Starts in the mind

  • 2.  Protect it

  • 3. Affirmations

The outcome is to understand your beliefs about health and well-being and realize that the mind creates matter. You will have the skills to take back control over your mind, setting yourself up for success by telling the mind what to believe and only allowing positive, vital thoughts in. You will learn how important it is to protect what is going in your mind, what you are feeding it, what it actually needs for a happy life, and what to feed it instead. The key to a healthy life is a healthy mind.

Your Action Steps:  Are to implement the steps above, and come back and let us know what your results are!

READ the whole story


There is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.


The more You praise and Celebrate your life the more there is in life to celebrate!