There is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.

Did you know that water holds memory? In this blog post, I will explain the importance of water in our lives and how we need to respect and honor it in order to live with vitality.  You will have a clear idea as to what exactly should or shouldn't be in the water. That we can control what we drink if we make it a priority. I will share the story about the Kangen water that I use and how I drove for a year to get Kangen water until I bought my own. I will also share the story of of the experiment of what even speaking to water does to it.

Here are the three steps to understanding and drinking the best water. 

1.  What is water

2. What should and shouldn't be in it

3. Do what you gotta do to get good water in you and your family

The outcome of this step is to understand water, how it behaves, and its importance. To know exactly what to look for and avoid when choosing water. To really see for yourself what it is that you want and need to do for your water consumption. You will likely never look at water the same after this.  There is magic on this planet and it is contained in water.

Water is amazing. I had no idea how special water was, other than it being one of the main things that we need to survive until after I watched the movie "The Secret of Water", ( I highly encourage you to watch it too) I will never look at water the same way again. Putting good water into me and the boys was the first thing I did in my transformation to good health. I figured if our body is 60% water then I should probably put good water in it. It made total logical sense to me.

At that time, I wasn't yet ready to change my diet to the level that I knew I needed to. So at least I could help with the 60% chunk that made me up, that was water. I learned about Kangen water. Kangen machines are from China. They've been used for years in hospitals to sanitize them. They alkalize and ionize the water. It also creates water that disinfects and sanitizes. Kangen has different machines that do different things. I have the fully loaded version that literally takes the pesticides off the vegetables, sanitizes, ionizes, and alkalizes. It even has a pH balanced one, called Beauty Water, and you can put it on your hair and your skin it hydrates and makes your hair and skin very happy. 

There are different ways to alkaline your water, for example, you can put lemon in your water, or you can buy alkaline water, and that's all beneficial. But the Kangen water ionizes the water, and that makes the water molecules so small that they can pass through the cell membrane. So instead of the water sloshing around in your belly, as most of the water we drink does, it will actually get into the cells. If I don't have my Kangen water, I can totally tell. When I travel, it's the one thing I have to give up.

The difference is unbelievable. If I don't have it, I feel like a prune. In "The Secret of Water", you'll see that they did this experiment by Masaru Emoto where they took rice and water and they put it into three different jars. The first one said, “I love you”. The second one said “I hate you” on it, and the third jar didn’t say anything on it, and they completely ignored it. For a period of time, every day, they would say “I love you” to jar 1, and “I hate you'' to jar 2 and would ignore the third jar. Here's what happened. After a period of time the jar that was loved literally created beautiful rice wine. The jar that was hated on got really dark and gross. And the third jar that was ignored was the worst yet, it was disgusting, rotten. Nasty. 

Water has memory. So you want to bless the water that you drink, you want to consciously send love into your water and into your food.

Remember, we're all connected, we're not separate. When you play music, the music will create different crystals in the water when it's frozen. The music of Mozart creates a beautiful crystal. Bach creates a different beautiful crystal. Heavy metal... not the same.  City water has to go through the pipes where there's people yelling, TVs are on and there is all this negative energy, fluoride, and other heavy metals and who knows what else, going through the pipes. Then we drink that dead nasty, negative water. Water matters. Love your water. You're an average of 60% water, then you better love yourself. Because you're 60% water and if you don't love yourself, if you don't take care of yourself, then that water in you is not working for you. It's working against you. It's all proven scientifically, check it out, please. Because of this, I drove for a year, about 20 minutes one way to get kangen water and I would fill up my big water jugs. The ionization and the alkalinization would last three days. So every three days for a year I traveled to get my Kangen water until I could buy my own machine. If you're interested in knowing more about kangen water, please let me know or find a kangen water person near you so that you can start putting the right kind of water into your body and the right amount. Adult males usually need about 3 liters of water a day and an adult woman about 2.2 per day but it really depends on where you live, how active you are etc. Water is uber important, it gets rid of wastes through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements. It keeps your temperature normal.  Lubricates and cushions joints and protects sensitive tissues just to name a few. Lack of water can cause death and on the milder side, dehydration. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired. While writing this book I spent a day with a friend in the hospital due to dehydration. Pay attention to your water. It's important.

How you can learn from me…

1. What is water

The importance of this step is to explain the importance of water in our lives and how we need to respect and honor it more to live with vitality.

 I do this step by sharing about Kangen water and its features.

To start…

A.  What water are you drinking?

For this first step, I want you to ask yourself, “What water am I drinking?” Write down your answers. Is it coming out of the tap?  Have you ever had it tested? Are you drinking out of plastic bottles or aluminum water bottles, both of which are terrible for you, because of the harmful toxins that come from them and can make their way into your bloodstream? Is your water filtered, alkalized, or ionized in any way? Take a minute to become conscious of the water you are consuming on a regular basis. “What water are you drinking?” This will take 3-5 min to complete.

B. Why is it important to us?

For this next step, we will recap why water is so important to us.  Other than the obvious reason, we would die without it. Ask yourself, ``Why else is water important to our bodies?” Write down everything that comes to your mind. What I have discovered is that water permeates and hydrates our cells and if we aren’t putting good water into us, it’s going to affect our cells, and our cells are what makes up the health of our bodies. Healthy Cells, Healthy Body. Water has memory, so sending water love and good vibes literally changes the molecular structure of the water. If you don’t believe me, do your own experiment and copy what Masaru Emoto did with the water and the words. It’s fascinating. Why is water important to you? This will take 3-5 min.

C. Do you have a healthy respect for water?

This next step is to establish a new consciousness about water if you don’t already have one. I want you to ask your higher self, “Do I have a healthy respect for the water I’m putting into my body?” It will be an easy yes or no. If the answer is yes, congratulate yourself for respecting your body in that way. If the answer is no, congratulate yourself for waking up and realizing where you are at, in this moment.  Becoming aware is a glorious thing! Now you have the choice moving forward to do the same thing or make a change. What’s it going to be? I hope it’s that you have a newfound respect for water, its importance, and what you are putting into your body. Repeat after me, “I love water and water loves me!” and smile.

The outcome of this step is to have a much better idea about water, how it behaves, and its importance.

2.  What should and shouldn't be in it.

The importance of this step is to have a very clear idea as to what exactly should or shouldn't be in the water

I do this by sharing the story of the experiment of what even speaking to water does to it.

Here’s what you do…

A. What should be in the water?

In this first step we are going to cover, what should be in your water. It should be/have.

  • Clean

  • Alkalized at a balanced PH of 7.2-7.4

  • Ionized

  • Minerals

  • Good Vibes

Check this list and see if your water has these things in it or not. This will take 3-5 min.

B. What should not be in our water?

In this second step, we are going to cover what should not be in your water.  It should not be/have:

  • Contaminants(aluminum, nitrates,  Arsenic, lead)

  • Fluoride

  • Microbes(bacteria/viruses)

  • Chlorine

  • PFOA (teflon)

  • Bad Vibes 

  • And Much much more

Check this list and make sure your water doesn’t have these things in it.  If you aren’t sure, test it.  

C. How much should we be drinking?

Once we are drinking pure, clean, amazing water, how much should we be drinking? There are lots of different answers to this and it’s because it really depends on how active you are, if you live in a humid or dry environment, if you are a male or female etc. But from my studies, it seems like the average is somewhere around 3 liters of water a day for an adult male and 2.2 for an adult female. It’s important that you make a conscious effort to figure out what it is for you. Most people do not drink enough and walk around dehydrated in some way. I try to offset this by having a large glass of water sitting next to my bed so that in the morning, the first thing I do is drink a big glass of water! It gives me a jump start on the day. I use a stainless steel water bottle so that I can measure what I’m drinking.  If you drink coffee, coffee dehydrates you. So for every cup of coffee, you need to drink two cups of water to break even on hydration.  Take a few minutes to think about how much water you should be drinking every day and how you might make that happen. Write it down. This will take 3-5 min to complete. 

The outcome of this step is to know exactly what to look for and avoid when choosing water.

Step 3.  Do what you gotta do to get good water in you and your family.

The importance of this step is we can control what we drink if we make it a priority.

I do this step by sharing about driving for a year to get Kangan water until I bought my own and have used it for the past 9 years.

Here’s what you want to do…

A. Ask yourself " What changes do I need to make in regards to the water I'm drinking?"

For this next step ask your higher self the question, “What changes do I need to make in regards to the water I’m drinking?” But first Breathe, breathe deep into the lungs. Make sure it’s through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”.  Exhale for as long as you can to release any stale air. , After at least three deep breaths, ask your higher self,  “What changes do I need to make in regards to the water I’m drinking?” Write down whatever comes to mind. Maybe you feel you should have your water tested, or change your water bottles from plastic or aluminum to glass or stainless steel instead. Maybe it’s to put lime or lemon in your water to alkalize it or maybe it’s to get your own Kangen machine that alkalizes and ionizes the water for you and your household. Maybe it’s that you aren’t drinking enough pure water throughout the day. Whatever it is, write down what you know you now need to do differently. This will take 3-5 min to complete.

B. Why do I want and need to make these changes, how will it be worth it??"

For this next step breathe deep into the lungs again. Make sure it’s through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now ask your higher self, “Why do I want and need to make these changes, how will it be worth it?” We are doing this to anchor in even more the importance of making the changes. The current program that we exist in is to just drink whatever water that is put in front of us. We need to become much more aware of that. So ask yourself again, “Why do I want and need to make these changes, how will it be worth it?” For me it was really simple logic. If we are 60% water, and I need water to live, I better put good water in me. Then over time I got even more aware and made the changes necessary to protect myself and my kids.  Why do you want and need to make these changes, how will it be worth it? This will take 3-5 min to complete.

C. Take Action Now

The third step in this process is to take action, now. Do one thing on your list of things to change right now if you can. If you can’t then take out your calendar right now, and schedule a time to start working on your list of things to change. I’m serious, do it now. Please don’t delay. This is your life we are talking about and possibly includes a spouse, children or roommates, etc. So don't dilly-dally. This is important. This will take 3-5 min to start.

The outcome of this step is to really see for yourself what it is that you want and need to do and then begin doing something about it.

When you follow and implement these steps you will understand that water holds memory and the importance of water in our lives. How we need to respect and honor it in order to live with vitality. You will have a clear idea as to what exactly should or shouldn't be in the water and that we can control what we drink if we make it a priority. Like in the story about my Kangen water machine and how I drove for a year to get Kangen water until I bought my own. And the story of the experiment of what even speaking to water does to it. You will have the three steps to understanding and drinking the best water.  

  • 1.  What is water

  • 2. What should and shouldn't be in it

  • 3. Do what you gotta do to get good water in you and your family  

The outcome of this step is to understand water, how it behaves, and its importance. To know exactly what to look for and avoid when choosing water and to really see for yourself what it is that you want and need to do for your water consumption. You will likely never look at water the same after this. There is magic on this planet and it is contained in water.

Your Action Steps:  Are to implement the steps above, and come back and let us know what your results are!

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The Key to a Healthy Life is a Healthy Mind