Food Is Medicine.

Nothing tastes as good as Healthy feels. 

In this blog post I will share: what is food really? And how important it is to eat what's good for us. Knowing what to look for and avoid in our food and to understand there are consequences for what we eat. I will share the story of Tony Robbins' 10-day challenge, and never going back. I will share what I eat and why, to live the healthy lifestyle I now have, and how my son Tate lived on cold medicine for the first 7 years of his life due to being lactose and gluten intolerant. I will share the three steps to finding your healthy self. 

They are:

1.  You are what you eat

2.  Do's and Don'ts in Food

3.  Make the changes you have to make to be healthy and vital or pay the ultimate price sooner than necessary.    

The outcome is to get real about what we are putting into our mouths and how if we don't change we are killing ourselves off sooner than necessary, and with less quality of life. We will also get clarity on: What the hell do I eat?” The outcome of this step is to come away with the consequences and benefits crystal clear. You will learn the truth about food, how it's processed, and what's actually good for you and creates vitality.

Food is medicine. Period. Food is the best way to help the physical body to create a system that serves you instead of fights to keep you alive. There's a saying in the video documentary on Netflix called "What The Health?" that says. "Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels."

I have this written down on the mirror in my bathroom. "Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels." And I didn't really realize how important food was, until later in life, my beautiful mother knew, and she tried, she tried her darndest to feed us in the best possible way. My brother and sister and I fought with her, and we told her she was crazy when she put broccoli on our pizza, and gave us what seemed like mitt- fulls of vitamins. But we almost never went to the doctor. She fed us good food, lots of garlic and vitamin C, vitamin D, and all the things I now know to be 100% the way to go. But back then, nope. I was in the program, thinking pharmaceuticals were the only way. 

Bullshit. It's simply not true. We have been told lies. Probably some of the biggest lies that we have been told are in the food industry. The more you research it, the more you're going to see. Thank God I was at Tony Robbins' amazing UPW event and one of the last days is Health Day. He shows you videos of how they treat the animals and what happens to them, the antibiotics and the shit that they put into them, and the horrific environment that they have to literally shook my soul. At the end, he challenged us to a 10-day challenge of saying no to the poisons, that we literally feed ourselves on a regular basis. 

I took it on. I went all in, and I could not get over the difference in how I felt in my energy at the end of those 10 days. It was hard. Don't get me wrong. It was brutal. because my body was used to telling me what to do. Your elephant, the program,(the 95% subconscious mind) is used to telling you what to do. So I did things differently and decided to be in control. I had to tell the elephant "No, we're not doing that. We're not eating this now. My Elephant was super confused and not happy about it at first but eventually he started playing along and feeling the benefits.

I cut out meat. I cut out dairy. I cut out gluten. I cut out sugar. And I cut out alcohol for 10 days. "What did I eat?" You're probably wondering. I ate lots of delicious vegetables. They were steamed and they were sauteed and they were in a salad. And they were sometimes on rice or quinoa or couscous or gluten-free pasta. 

I stayed away from anything that had wheat in it. Why is that? Well, you'll learn if you research that wheat, in the way it's processed nowadays, literally cuts the inside of your bowel lining. It cuts the cheesecloth material that's on the inside of your bowels so that your bowels leak into your gut. Your body is an amazing thing. And most of the time it heals up between meals, literally heals all the little cuts in your bowels from when we are eating wheat between breakfast and lunch. 

But then you eat it again for dinner, your poor body after years of this can't keep up, it gives up. And it lets the bacteria and all the things that are in the bowel into your belly. So I avoid it. Alcohol, it's obvious, is a form of poison to the body for most people. When we drink it, it's like pouring a little arsenic in the bottom of a shot glass and saying it's just a little bit. So I don't drink alcohol. Not because of the rules that I believed in the Church/Mission I grew up in. I don't drink, because it's really not good for you. Not because people say God says it's bad. 

The processed food that we eat, it's unbelievable. If you look at an ingredients list, and you can't pronounce what is in there, don't eat it. The different food colorings, the MSG, and all these things that are so incredibly terrible for us. Be careful.

I didn't go back to my normal eating habits after 10 days. I actually did go back a little, I cheated for cheese, it was the hardest thing for me to give up. If I was on an abandoned Island, and I had to pick one food, it would have been cheese. And so I did eat some cheese and I did eat some fish after those 10 days, but for the most part, I changed everything else and I felt amazing. Then I watched "What the health?" and my three teenagers came to me individually and said Mom, you’ve got to watch this video. So I did and from that day on I went vegan. That doesn't mean that I don't have zag days. But for the most part, I stick to it because I can't even tell you the difference in energy and how I felt going from vegetarian to vegan. Massive. My cholesterol dropped 30 points from going vegetarian to vegan after just 10 days. These are real numbers. And you can't argue with how I felt and my energy and my brain is clear. I don't get tired mid-day, and I stopped having hypoglycemia. I used to have to eat every couple hours, shaking if I didn't, getting hangry if I didn't eat, now I can go forever between meals. Why? Because the food I'm eating is actually sustaining me. It's alive. Not dead.

So what we eat is super important. I start my day with a smoothie every morning. I put kale, spinach, celery and carrots in there. Sometimes I throw some frozen broccoli in there as well. I put plant-based protein in there: flaxseed, chia seed, maca, some turmeric, a pinch of black pepper, frozen blueberries and some Acai and I blend all that up. 

And wow that sustains me. I can go for hours and then the rest of the time I eat veggies, veggies with different sauces... curry sauce or pesto sauce or tomato sauce on pasta, or quinoa, or rice, or salad... there's all kinds of super yummy, super delicious foods that are vegan.   Try it. Just for 10 days, make it an experiment. See if I'm crazy. Prove me wrong. But you’ve got to be strict on it. Otherwise, you can't say you actually tried. You can't know whether it made a difference or not. So make sure if you're going to do it, you freakin do it.

My guess is, you might be quoting, "Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels" as well. This highly affected Tate growing up, I had no idea that dairy and gluten were so bad for us. And that poor child suffered, he had an eternal cold. I thought it was because we lived in Canada, and most people were sick a lot of the time. But he was sick all of the time. He would cough so much that he couldn't sleep. And neither could we. He lived on that terrible cough medicine, the purple and blue kind. He lived on it. Throughout the day, and throughout the night, he had it almost consistently for years. 

I think he was six or seven before my beautiful chiropractor said "Take out dairy and gluten". How can I do that to a child, I thought. All the kids eat are chicken nuggets, bread and cheese, right?" That's what our society does. But I took it out of his diet and he changed almost overnight, his cough went away. He was a much happier kid. Even though it was tough to change the diet, it was worth it for the outcome. It was 100% worth it to make those changes.

The more you stick to it, the more that elephant is going to realize "It's okay, you're going to survive this change". A client of mine told me he had prostate cancer. I explained to him how I eat and why I eat what I eat, and he went home, he and his wife and they changed their diet to the diet I'm suggesting and he no longer has issues with prostate cancer. He feels amazing. He's gotten all kinds of backlash from people not understanding but they stick to it because nothing tastes as good as healthy feels. He doesn't have that stress anymore because "having cancer isn't going to kill me". He knows he's okay because he's eating well and he's also guarding his mind. He's taking care of himself. It’s worth it.

For the record, I am not writing this to get into any debates about certain diets. Everyone is completely different and I can’t possibly know what is best for you. I do know that we as a human race, and especially in the Western world that I live in, do not eat healthily. We all know it. This is designed to shed some light on the subject from my experience.  

How you can learn from me…

1.  You are what you eat

The importance of this step is to get into: What is food really? And how important it is to eat what's good for us.

I do this step by sharing the story of Tony Robbins 10 day challenge and never going back.

To start…

A. What is the importance of our food?

Food is something that provides nutrients.  Nutrients are substances that provide energy for:

  • Activity

  • Growth

  • Breathing

  • Digesting Food

  • Keeping Warm

  • Keeping the immune system healthy

Food is very important to state the obvious! What we put into our mouths matters. Period. It’s time to wake up and smell the roses on this one. I learned this in a big way with my son Tate especially. When we removed dairy and wheat he could all of a sudden breathe clearly. My girlfriend has the same experience, for years she always had to have tissues nearby due to a runny nose. She took out wheat and dairy and now she has zero sniffles. You get out what you put in.

B. Food is the cure

Food is actually the cure. Not Big Pharma. We have it ass-backwards these days, unfortunately.  Healthy food is the cure for most things. We know this deep down, we just don’t want to think about it because we like our Doritos and Ho ho’s too much. I love Doritos so I’m speaking to myself here too. The struggle is huge, the program has been running a really long time.  We are slowly poisoning ourselves with the food we eat and we can see it in the health stats. Change your food, change your life. This has been my experience and the experience of so many people I know, who have decided to take back control of their food. Like my client who completely got off meat, and dairy, and now lives a healthy cancer free life. For this next step breathe deep into the lungs again.  Make sure it’s through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”.  Exhale for as long as you can to release any stale air……. My challenge to you is to do what I did. Do a 10-day challenge. Do it with your family or anyone in your household. 

Here’s the Challenge:  Breathe!

  • No Meat

  • No Dairy

  • No Wheat

  • No Sugar

  • No Alcohol

For 10 days! 21 Days is better. But if that blows your mind do 10. It’s just 10 days.  You can do anything temporarily! Then after 10 days, you will know whether you want to keep going or not, or what you might want to reduce. You will know. I was an “eat meat or die” person. I used to get mad at people like me who suggested that meat wasn’t the best source of food for us. For real. I couldn’t even imagine how I would be able to stand up without meat. I took the challenge, and it completely transformed my life.  I kept going because I felt fantastic!  Lighter, happier, way more energy and I even sleep better. You couldn’t pay me to go back. Do you trust me? If so, accept the challenge. If you are intrigued, take the challenge. If you choose not to, you might never know whether it would change your life or not.  Will you take the challenge? Circle yes or no. I love you either way. There is no guilt or shame here, this is simply an opportunity to try something that could possibly save your life or at the very least give you something to talk about. Why not try? Smile. 

C. Ask yourself " Am I eating what will give me life and vitality or not?"

For this next step breathe deep into the lungs again. Make sure it’s  through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Do this at least three times then ask yourself, “Is the majority of what I’m eating, giving me nutrients for life and vitality or not?" Write down your answer. You may not like it but knowing and accepting the truth is the answer.

The outcome is to get real about what we are putting into our mouths and how if we don't change we are killing ourselves off sooner than necessary and with less quality of life.

2.  Do's and Don'ts in Food

The importance of this step is knowing what to look for and avoid in our food.

I do this step by sharing what I do, what I eat, and why to live the healthy lifestyle I now have.

Here’s what you want to do…

A.  What should we be eating

So what food should we be eating?  Here’s what I know for sure from what I’ve studied and what works for me.  

We should be eating:

  • Lots of Organic Fresh Vegetables

  • Organic Whole Grains (Rice, Quinoa, Barley, Oatmeal etc)

  • Fruits

  • Beans and Legumes(Lentils, Lima/Black/Kidney/Navy Beans, Chickpeas etc)

  • Nuts

  • Plant-based dairy alternatives

  • Sprouted or Fermented Plant foods

Ask yourself, “How much of these foods are in my diet?” Be honest with yourself. No judgment, just an honest knowing of where you are at this minute. Write down or circle your answer. 

Your choices are:

  1. Yes, the majority of my diet consists of these healthy foods.

  2. Half of the time I eat these kinds of healthy foods.

  3. I hardly ever eat these kinds of healthy foods.

Knowing where you are is half the battle. Step one is complete.

B. What should we be avoiding

What should we be avoiding?  Here’s what I avoid:

  • Meat

  • Dairy

  • Gluten

  • Processed Food

  • Fast Food

  • Food coloring

  • MSG

  • Fried Food

  • Refined sugar

I avoid these things because there have been multiple studies suggesting they are unsafe, but mostly because I feel amazing without them. Here are my reasons for not eating these items. I don’t eat meat for a few main reasons, the first is because of how the animals are treated in a lot of cases,  the antibiotics and additives that are given to them, and the other main reason is because I don’t want to take a life to eat. We are all energy, they experience fear as they are being slaughtered, that fear is in the meat and then we eat that fear. I don’t want that. I avoid TV and the programming of fear in the media, I don’t want to consume it in my food. I love that no animal has to die for me to eat. I personally don’t understand why it’s ok to slaughter thousands of cows, chickens, pigs and fish, but we will protect dogs, cats, and whales. They are all the same to me in that they are alive and share this planet with us. I don’t judge anyone who eats meat as I know it’s a very strong program running right now, I choose not to for the reasons above. Many of us eat meat because we’ve been told that we need it for protein. Here’s what they haven’t told us, there is plenty of protein in vegetables. More than enough for our bodies to be healthy. Think about the elephant. It’s the largest animal, the gorilla is the strongest and the Turtle lives the longest and they are all fueled by plants. 

I don’t eat dairy because of all the antibiotics and because our bodies don’t process it well.  It also has a certain amount of puss in it that I choose not to eat.  

I don’t eat gluten because it cuts the cheesecloth material on the inside of our bowels and those cuts allow free radicals to enter the system. No, thank you.

The rest of the list you already know isn’t good for you but most of us eat it anyway because that’s what everyone else does. The thing is this. If you eat like the masses you will die like the masses. We have to do things differently to get a different result.

Ask yourself, “ How much do I avoid these items above?” Write down or circle your answer. These are your choices.

  1. Yes the majority of the time I avoid these unhealthy foods

  2. Half of the time I avoid these unhealthy foods, the other half I eat them.

  3. I hardly ever avoid these unhealthy foods, as I usually am eating them.

Be honest, knowing where you are is half the battle. Step 2 is complete.

C.  Other things to look for in the "healthy" food that makes it unhealthy.

What I’ve discovered is that there are some healthy foods that if we are not aware, we can poison ourselves. For example, vegetables are amazing for us, but only if we wash off all the pesticides and bacterias. This is why I suggest eating everything you can organic because at least it helps with this issue. It is still important to clean your vegetables as pesticides float in the wind and still get into organic crops at times. There are 12 foods called the dirty dozen. These are the foods you really must buy organic as they tend to have more pesticide residue on them.  

  1. Strawberries

  2. Spinach

  3. Kale, collard greens, and mustard greens

  4. Nectarines

  5. Apples

  6. Grapes

  7. Cherries

  8. Peaches

  9. Pears

  10. Bell peppers and hot peppers

  11. Celery

  12. Tomatoes

The point here is to be aware!  Pay attention, research, and find out for yourself.  Ask yourself, “Do I take time to research and understand what I am eating to know if it is beneficial for me or not?” Another way to ask it is this, “Do I care what I put into my body, or am I eating blindly?” Let the truth be the truth. You can always make changes, and I hope you do. But knowing where you are at with this whole subject of food is very important. Where are you at, actually? Do you care what you put into your body, or are you eating blindly?”

The outcome of this step is clarity on:” What in the hell do I eat?”

Step 3.  Do what you gotta do to get good water in you and your family.

The importance of this step is we can control what we drink if we make it a priority.

I do this step by sharing about driving for a year to get Kangan water until I bought my own and have used it for the past 9 years.

Here’s how you do it…

A.  Ask yourself " What do I need to change in my diet?"

For this next step, I want you to breathe deep into the lungs again. Make sure it’s through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”.  Exhale for as long as you can to release any stale air. After at least three deep breaths, ask your higher self, `` Source in you, the question, "What do I need to change in my diet?" write down what you know to be true. For me, I needed to cut out meat, dairy, and gluten. They are the ones that changed my life the most. Especially removing the dairy. I couldn’t believe the change in me, how much better I feel without it. What do you need to change in your diet?"  This will take 3-5 min.

B. "If I don't make the changes what are the effects on me now and the possible long-term effects"

Now I want you to ask your higher self this question, “If I don't make these changes, what are present effects on me now, and what could be the possible long-term effects?” Write down whatever comes to mind. I knew that cutting out meat and dairy was very possibly saving my life. My dad had what they called the widow maker, in that he had a heart condition that most don’t catch in time. It can be genetic. I had high cholesterol eating “fairly healthy” in comparison to the masses, it dropped considerably when I removed meat and dairy. Who knows if I would have had a shorter life than normal, all I know is I feel amazing! If you don't make these changes, what are the present effects on you now, and what could be the possible long-term effects?” This will take 3-5 min to complete.

C. If I do make the changes what can I expect to see and feel?

I want you to breathe three more times deep into your lungs, making the “ahhhhh” sound, then ask yourself this question, ``If I do make the changes, what can I expect to see and feel?” In this moment you might not know what you don’t know. So ask yourself, “ If I was to know now what to expect If I do make the changes, what can I expect to see and feel?” Write down whatever comes to mind. I really didn’t have any idea at first because I only knew the diet I knew. The changes really came later once I ate differently.  But deep down I knew that I would have more energy and feel better, and this for sure was true for me! If you do make the changes you know you need to make for the sake of your health, what can you expect to see and feel? This will take 3-5 min to complete

D. Choose and live with the benefits or consequences

The fourth step is to make a conscious choice right now to either get your shit together with your food or keep doing what you are doing and live with the consequences, knowing you chose them. I don’t mean to be harsh, but this is the life we are talking about. You either want to live it well, healthy, and vital, or you can just get by until you don’t. That’s how it works. You know deep down in your gut that that is true. Please don’t shoot the messenger. Of all the subjects I cover, this gets people the most upset. The reason is clear to me. The program that is running and has run for years has lied to us over and over, but deep down we know the truth, but we often feel it’s just too hard to fight the river. Bullshit, it’s possible. Yes, it takes work, commitment, dedication, and some gumption, but it’s possible and the reward is incomprehensible if you’ve never eaten healthy consistently before. Try it. Try it for 21 days. It’s just 3 weeks out of your life. After 3 weeks and you don’t feel amazing, then go back to your old ways. But you’ll never know unless you try. I challenge you to choose you! 

The outcome of this step is to come away with the consequences and benefits crystal clear.

When you follow and implement these steps you will realize as well that, Nothing tastes as good as Healthy feels. You will understand how important it is to eat what's good for us. You will know what to look for and avoid in your food and to understand that there are consequences for what we eat. You will know what I eat and why, to live the healthy lifestyle I now have, and how my son Tate lived on cold medicine for the first 7 years of his life due to being lactose and gluten intolerant. You will have the three steps to finding your healthy self. They are: 

  • 1.  You are what you eat

  • 2.  Do's and Don'ts in Food

  • 3.  Make the changes you have to make to be healthy and vital or pay the ultimate price sooner than necessary  

The outcome is to get real about what we are putting into our mouths and how if we don't change we are killing ourselves off sooner than necessary, and with less quality of life. You will also get clarity on: What the hell do I eat?” The outcome of this step is to come away with the consequences and benefits crystal clear. You will learn the truth about food, how it's processed, and what's actually good for you, and creates vitality.

Your Action Steps:  Are to implement the steps above, and come back and let us know what your results are!

READ the whole story


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There is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.