If You Don't Make Time for Exercise, You'll Probably Have to Make Time for Illness. (Robin Sharma)

Move your Ass- Just Do it.

In this blog post, I will share with you the importance that movement is key to almost everything. To diagnose for yourself what exercise floats your boat the most, and that unless you are already doing what you need to be doing, you need a coach. I will share my story of being an athlete all my life but when I moved to Mexico I had to find a new exercise and found Yoga. I will also share a story about the importance of having accountability and will share with you the three steps on how to get moving in the best way for yourself. 

They are:

1. The importance of Exercise

2.  How to Choose the right exercise for you

3.  Get accountability

The outcome is to understand the importance of moving your ass! You will learn the importance of exercise but more about when and how much to exercise as many people hurt themselves doing it incorrectly. To get clear on what you need and want to do for exercise moving forward and to get your coach rocking and rolling asap.  

As Nike says, "Just do it". You’ve got to move. Because if not, as Robin Sharma says, if you don't make time for exercise, you'll probably have to make time for illness. Exercise is so important and is absolutely one of the components you have to add to your daily schedule for a healthy, vital life.

I have been an athlete since I can remember. As soon as we moved to the mission school, I was surrounded by a whole playground for playing sports. I had a gym and a pond, and hockey became the love of my life. I literally lived, breathed, slept, and played hockey. I would get home from school, eat my snack, go play hockey, and come home at 530 to dinner, do the dishes, go out and play hockey, fall into bed, and repeat. It was awesome.

Soccer, basketball, volleyball, I played them all. And I was the captain for most of the teams that I participated in and the MVP as well. I had boxes of trophies that I threw out when I left home and my mom grabbed them out of the trash and kept them in case I ever changed my mind. I haven’t. But I just love sports. I love all things team. 

So the exercise was just something that was part of my life. To be honest, I don't have to work to do it. It's just in me. That has been a nice thing as I've gotten older. Now that I live in Mexico and in Puerto Rico. It's not quite the same. Team sports are hard to find. So there was a period of years where I didn't do a lot and it affected me. My coach Josh said, ``You've got to get into yoga, and I resisted and finally he's like, "Okay, you either get into yoga, or I don't see you anymore." Needless to say, I started yoga.  I do yoga everyday for about 12-15 minutes. It’s not long, but it is amazing. What it does for my body is unbelievable. I also do a lot of walking and free weights. It's important that you find something that works for you, depending on your age and physical fitness is going to determine what kind of sports or exercise that you choose. 

So make sure you're being smart about it. If you've never worked out in your life, you want to make sure that you're choosing something that builds some muscle before you go and do something extreme because you can really hurt yourself. So make sure that you get some help with that and that you get accountability.

I would not have kept up with yoga if Josh didn't make it a prerequisite for what we were doing together. He knew better than me how important it was. And you've already learned about how that helps the chakras and the energy centers. So Yoga is literally doing two things at the same time. So highly recommend that you find a yoga routine that you love. And I've literally done the same yoga routine every day for eight years. So it doesn't seem to matter that it's the same.

Accountability is king.  

If you haven't been exercising, if that isn't part of your life, the odds of you all of a sudden, being consistent and doing it are very small. I know you know that to be true because you've probably had New Year's resolutions multiple times on how you need to exercise more, because we all know we need to exercise more, but we don't necessarily do it. 

There was a study done in 1993 by Omaha mutual, and they studied 333 patients who were literally crippled from their disease and we're told that they either needed to change their lifestyle or die. Now, if someone asked you, change your lifestyle or die, what would you say?

Most people think that they would change if their life depended on it, of course, they would. But after a year, they checked on them and realized only 7% of them had actually changed their lifestyle.

7%. That means 93% kept doing whatever they were doing prior to finding out that if they don't change their lifestyle, they will die. So an amazing man, Dr. Dean Ornish put together a course to help these 333 people. To give them the option to have accountability. This course had two touch points a week and it also had menus, how to grocery shop, meditation, yoga, and different exercises. There was accountability. The course was a year long. Two years later,  they checked back up on these folks who took the course. And guess how many had stayed consistent on changing their lifestyle? 77% kept up the program even after it was over for two years. Why? Because they had accountability. Because they had help because they had support. Without support and accountability, you're probably not going to do it. This is why it’s so important to hire a coach. I have spent so much money on coaches. I'm so thankful and so happy to spend that money because I am where I am today because of the coaches I've had in my life. 

So get some help, get some accountability, get some support, so that you actually do whatever it is that you need to do, whatever it is that you're not already doing. Your life depends on it.

How you can learn from me…

1.  The importance of Exercise

The importance of this step is that movement is key to almost everything.

 I do this step by sharing my story of being an athlete all my life and had to find a new exercise when I moved to Mexico and found yoga.

To start…

What is exercise

A. What is exercise?  The actual definition is: activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness. There are 4 different kinds of exercise:

  1. Aerobic -Aerobic exercise aims to improve how the body uses oxygen. Most aerobic exercise takes place at average levels of intensity over longer periods.

    An aerobic exercise session involves warming up, exercising for at least 20 minutes, and then cooling down. Aerobic exercise mostly uses large muscle groups.

2. Anaerobic -Anaerobic exercise does not use oxygen for energy. People use this type of exercise to build power, strength, and muscle mass.

These exercises are high-intensity activities that should last no longer than around 2 minutes. 

3. Agility training-Agility training aims to improve a person’s ability to maintain control while speeding up, slowing down, and changing direction.

4. Stretching and Flexibility -Some exercises combine stretching, muscle conditioning, and balance training.

B:  Why do it?

Medical News Today explains the benefits of aerobic exercise:

  • improves muscle strength in the lungs, heart, and whole body

  • Lowers blood pressure

  • improves circulation and blood flow in the muscles

  • increases the red blood cell count to enhance oxygen transportation

  • Reduces the risk of diabetes, stroke and cardiovascular disease.

  • Improves life expectancy

  • stimulates bone growth and reduces the risk of osteoporosis when at high intensity

  • improves sleep hygiene

  • enhances stamina by increasing the body’s ability to store energy molecules, such as fats and carbohydrates within muscle

The Benefit of anaerobic exercise is:

While all exercise benefits the heart and lungs, anaerobic exercise provides fewer benefits for cardiovascular health than aerobic exercise and uses fewer calories.. However, it is more effective than aerobic exercise for building muscle and improving strength.

Increasing muscle mass causes the body to burn more fat, even when resting. Muscle is the most efficient tissue for burning fat in the body. Examples of anaerobic exercise are:

  • weightlifting

  • sprinting

  • intensive and fast skipping with a rope

  • interval training

  • isometrics

  • any rapid burst of intense activity

The benefits of Agility Training are: agility training helps a player maintain control over their court positioning through good recovery after each shot.  People who take part in sports that heavily rely on positioning, coordination, speed, and balance need to engage in agility training regularly.

Examples of Agility Training are:

  • tennis

  • American football

  • hockey

  • badminton

  • volleyball

  • basketball

  • soccer

  • martial arts

  • boxing

  • Wrestling

 The benefits of stretching and flexibility are:

improved balance, flexibility, posture, and circulation. It also focuses on unifying  the mind, body, and spirit. Improves mobility and function, relaxation and allows for deep breathing. It also promotes flexibility and core strength.

Examples of Stretching and Flexibility are:

  • Yoga

  • Pilates

  • Tai chi

C: Ask yourself, Am I exercising to the best of my ability and health?

For this step I want you to ask yourself, “ Am I exercising to the best of my ability and health?”  Write down your answer. If the answer is yes, congratulate yourself and celebrate with a high five, or a healthy dinner with loved ones.  If the answer is no, then celebrate as well that you have become aware of the situation. Give yourself a high five! Now you have a chance to choose to either continue to rob yourself of the exercise it needs or make a change and give it the exercise it needs. What’s it going to be? Are you in or out? If you are in, keep on reading!

The outcome of this step is to understand it's important to move our ass!

2.  How to Choose the right exercise for you.

The importance of this step is to diagnose for yourself what exercise floats your boat the most.

I do this step by sharing the story of how I have helped and directed clients on how to choose the best exercise for what they need.

Here’s what you want to do…

A.   What exercise do YOU need?

For this next step I want you to breathe deep into the lungs. Make sure it’s  through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”.  Exhale for as long as you can to release any stale air. , After at least three deep breaths I want you to scroll over the list of activities and exercises above and ask your higher self, “What exercise do I need?”  Write down anything that comes to mind.  Keep asking yourself until you have 3 options. At the current age I am now, my body needs yoga, walking and HIT workouts. A little less impact. For years I played hockey and soccer with the men and loved every second of it, and I still do from time to time, but for my daily exercise, yoga, walking and HIT are the answers for me.  What exercise do you need? This will take 3-5 min to complete.

B. What is safe for you and what is not?

Breathe deep into your lungs again three times, exhaling “ahhhhh” and ask your higher self of the options on your list, “What is safe for me and what is not?” The reason for this question is we don’t want you to get hurt.  If you are new to exercise for instance and you are 40 years old, you aren’t going to want to start playing on a soccer team. You will get hurt. So ask yourself the question, “What is safe for me to start with, or add to my exercise routine?” Write down your answers.  When I first asked myself this question, I was really resistant to accepting that lower impact exercise was probably what was best for me now.  I loved the high impact stuff, but I was getting hurt more and more. At the end of the day it wasn’t serving anything but my ego to say I could do it. So be honest with yourself and kind, but also push yourself past your comfort zone a bit as well. Once you have 3 options for exercise that you feel you need, are safe for you, and push you out of your comfort zone...celebrate!!  This will take 3-5 min to complete.

C. What exercise are you the most excited about doing or learning

For the last step. Out of those three options, which one are you the most excited to start again or learn anew.  Which one lights you up the most? Circle it on your paper! This is the one you will focus on moving forward. This will take 30 sec to complete.

The outcome of this step is to get clear on what you need and want to do for exercise moving forward.

3.  Get accountability

The importance of this step is that unless you are already doing what you need to be doing you need a coach.

I do this step by sharing my experience with my coach Josh keeping me accountable on my yoga and weights and the story about the study they did with 333 people to either change or die.

Here’s how you do it…

A.  Ask yourself " do I do the exercise I need to be doing consistently on my own?"

Breathe deep into your lungs again three times, exhaling “ahhhhh” and ask your higher self,” Do I do the exercises on my list(the ones I know I need) consistently on my own right now?” Yes or no?  If yes, way to go, keep going.  If not, then stay with me. This next step is important.

B. Research a coach

This is one of the most important steps you can take, and it’s to find yourself a coach.  If you are not already kicking ass doing your exercises that you know you need to do on a consistent basis then you need a coach.  Period.  No shame, no guilt. This is why coaches exist. We need help sometimes with different categories in our life.  I have multiple coaches for multiple subjects. This is how you cross over, this is how you excel, this is how you get your shit together!  So right now, get out your computer and start researching for a coach or coaches in the exercises you wish to start again or learn anew. If you know someone who knows someone, then call them up and get their referral info. Follow your intuition.  Say this to yourself as you are researching. “I need a coach, so I’m finding a coach, they will be awesome and I will get the results I want and need!”  Why are we saying that?  Because we are reprogramming the subconscious mind, that is going to start chirping away on your shoulder here in a minute if they aren’t already. Saying things like, you don’t need a coach, you can do it on your own, what you are already doing is enough, don’t spend your money on that...etc etc.  Instead you will tell your subconscious, your elephant what to believe, like this..  “I need a coach, so I’m finding a coach, they will be awesome and I will get the results I want and need!” I wouldn’t have started yoga or had an 8 year stretch of consistency with it, if I didn’t have my coach Josh!  You’ve got this, find your coach. This will take 15 min to an hour to complete.

C. Decide if it is better private or group or a mix of both

You can think about whether you want to join a class or whether you want private classes or both. Just make sure you choose what you believe you will be the most successful at!  Be smarter than your elephant.  Set yourself up for success.  

D. Hire them and start right away

As soon as you have found your coach, hire them! Now. Don’t delay. Of course make sure your budget can handle it. If it can’t then figure out a way for the budget to handle it, then hire them right away.  I suggest paying for a few months in advance if you can. The more skin in the game the better. You will show up more constantly and take it even more seriously the more you pay in advance. What I don’t suggest is paying as you go, cause here is what is predictable...you won’t feel like it, so you will talk yourself out of it,”just this one time”, then of course that turns into more missed appointments, and you are right back where you started. Be different. Pay in advance. I pay up front with my coach for four months at a time. It keeps me in the game and therefore I receive the benefits of being in that game. Hire your coach and then celebrate!! Seriously, do it! Celebrate!

The outcome of this step is to get your coach rocking and rolling asap.

When you follow and implement these steps you will understand the importance of Moving your Ass!  That movement is key to almost everything. You will know how to diagnose for yourself what exercise floats your boat the most, and that unless you are already doing what you need to be doing, you will need to hire a coach. Like in my story when I moved to Mexico I had to find a new exercise and found Yoga, and also the importance of having accountability. You will have the three steps on how to get moving in the best way for yourself. 

They are: 

  • 1. The importance of Exercise

  •  2.  How to Choose the right exercise for you

  • 3.  Get accountability 

The outcome is to understand the importance of moving your ass! You will learn the importance of exercise but more about when and how much to exercise as many people hurt themselves doing it incorrectly. You will get clear on what you need and want to do for exercise moving forward and will have a plan to get your coach and rock and roll as soon as possible!

Your Action Steps:  Are to implement the steps above, and come back and let us know what your results are!

READ the whole story http://www.getyourshittogether.life


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