The world needs more Healers.

Do you have any darkness in you to clean up? 

Don’t be a lone wolf - Get help! In this blog post, I will share with you the importance of getting help, and that once you have your healer, trust them. I will share with you the story of how I woke up one day and realized I couldn't keep doing this alone, and three hours later I was in a session with my healer Josh. The kids and I went to see Josh every week to every other week for years! It was the best investment I ever made for the kids and I. 

I will share with you the three steps to follow to get support.  

1. Realize you need help/Find someone you trust(Get referrals),

2. Go consistently,

3. Implement what they ask you to do.  

The outcome of this step is that we all need healing sometimes. Consistent help, so that you can create real lasting change and transformation. You will learn the importance of trusting your healer and the process, and that trapped trauma and energies get stuck in our bodies, and how with a healer's help you can be free of them! 

Sometimes, probably most times, there is some darkness/trauma/pain in us that needs some cleaning up. And sometimes no matter how hard we try, we can't seem to get it all, and we need help. We need a healer. And by that, I'm not speaking about pharmaceuticals or doctors. I'm talking about healers, energy workers, and people who know that side of what exists. We all know that air and wind exists, but we don't necessarily see it. We all know that WiFi works, and we can’t see air-drop, and yet it works amazing as well. Radio waves are another example of things that we can't see, and yet we know exist. So do healers and their understanding of energy and how it works.

So when you realize you need help, then you need to go find someone to help you. I recommend that you do that by referral. You can research for sure and you can follow your intuition. Get referrals. Because like anything else there are those that have more experience than others in the energy world. You want someone with a beautiful heart, full of love and caring, because like anything, there's light and there's darkness. And so make sure that you're choosing someone who is living in the light. 

One day, I woke up and realized I needed help. Three hours later, I was sitting in front of Josh,  and an hour after that, I was bawling my eyes out. I cried for four hours straight and lost 110 pounds of pressure, pain, darkness, whatever you want to call it. I realized that I needed this, not just once. I needed this consistently because we're continually taking on other people's shit, and we have our own shit too. It's a lot to handle sometimes. So I made a decision to continue to see him on a regular basis to get healing and coaching for life. I knew from all the years of abuse and running, that I had a lot of layers to peel back. Shrek said we're like onions. We have lots of layers. I wanted to be the best person and the best mom that I could possibly be.

I knew that there was more in me than what I was putting out. I went consistently to Josh once a week, for years. My boys as well. We literally went consistently like that for probably 6 years. For the last two years, we've gone intermittently. But it's because we did it for six years consistently. I have multiple coaches in other areas as well. I always have coaches. I am determined to always have coaches. I feel like I don't have the right to be a coach unless I'm being coached because there's always more to learn and grow. We don't ever arrive. There is always another level, there's always something else that we can add to our toolbox. Consistency is a huge key component to success. 

Implement whatever it is that your coach/healer is asking you to do. Josh always encouraged me with the fact that he loved that I implemented things so well. He knew that when he asked me to do something, I would do it. One of my favorite memories was when Josh suggested that I... at my work in Sales, I bring a box of goodies and candies to carry around so that when I have kids, I'm able to give them a treat. Or if people start getting low in blood sugar, or they need to have a pattern break. I have something that I can give them. My first reaction to this was "Oh my god, I'm going to be laughed at!” And he goes, “So what, Trust me." So the next day, I went to Walmart and I bought a tackle box. It was clear, plastic with pink trim. And when you opened up, it had different levels. I figured if I was going to do it, I was going to DO IT! I went and bought a bunch of different candies and chocolates. It was super colorful, and I ordered a bunch of toys online, fidget toys for my ADD people. I had a whole beautiful toolbox full of goodies. I was nervous, but I was ready!

I walked into work with that thing, then oh yeah, they laughed at me. I marched around, and I did it anyway. That box of goodies became the best idea, I know that it made me thousands of dollars. Why, because I had prepared in advance for their needs. "Oh, you're hungry? Here." And I would pull out my box of goodies and hand them a granola bar. When they got to pick a chocolate, they would be so happy. That box of candy made me more human, it made me more likable, even more, trustworthy because they could trust me. It was the most amazing thing and I'm so thankful to Josh for the recommendation. I implemented it even though it wasn't the easiest thing to implement. Most things aren't. Most of the time our elephant/the program in us resists change. So, when you go see your healer/coach, implement whatever it is that they tell you to implement, trust them, and do it. Take the fear with you and get the benefits because there are many.

How you can learn from me…

1. Realize you need help/Find someone you trust (Get referrals)

The importance of this step is to not be a lone wolf - Get help! 

I do this step by sharing the story of how I woke up and realized I couldn't keep doing this alone and three hours later I was in a session with Josh.

Here’s how you do it…

 A. Wake up to the fact you need help

The first step is to understand that you are human, and so, therefore, could use some help, some healing. We all have a story of pain, trauma, disappointment, etc. Some more than others obviously, but we all could use some support and perspective. We as humans are a lot like horses with blinders on. We only see what we can see. This is dangerous. We can really mess things up by not being able to see the whole picture. Healers/coaches can help you see things differently.  To do this next step breathe deep into the lungs again. Make sure it’s through your nose, hold for 5 seconds, and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now ask your higher self this question, “ Could I use some perspective and healing?”  Listen, and write down your answer. For me, I literally woke up one day and was unwilling to go another day without help. I knew that going through life alone, being a lone wolf, was not the answer.  Hopefully, you will realize this sooner than I did. That you will get your kids the help they need too. There is something magical about a third neutral party to talk to that creates space in your heart and mind to think and do things differently. Could you use some perspective and healing?” This will take 3-5 min to complete.

B. Celebrate that you realized this

If the answer is yes, then celebrate! Celebrate that you have come to the reality that you don’t have to do life alone. Even if you have supportive people around you, it’s not the same as having a coach/healer in your court. They will push you harder, and help you see things in a way you’ve never seen them before. They are a third neutral party, trained to support you in your life and in your healing.  Celebrate. This is a big deal. You have just done something amazing for yourself!  

C.  Get a Healer to help you

The third step is to find a healer/coach to help you. I would suggest you call someone you know who has one already that they like. If you don’t know anyone who has a healer/coach, then go online and research for yourself. Go with your intuition on who to go with. The mind thinks the heart knows. Go with your heart on this one. I suggest you call them and have a brief conversation first. If all things are a go, schedule an appointment as soon as possible. This will take 30 min to an hour to complete.

The outcome of this step is that we all need healing sometimes.

2.  Go consistently

The importance of this step is that practice makes perfect.

I do this step by sharing the story of how the kids and I went to see Josh every week to every other week for years!  Best investment I ever made for the kids and I.

Here’s what you want to do…

 A. Know it's likely not a one and gone situation

It’s important that you understand that it’s likely not a one-and-gone situation. To get true help it will take more than one session. I would suggest that if you feel good about how your first session went, sign up for a month or more at a time. Do that now if you can or at least consider and possibly accept now that this is now a lifestyle choice.  It was for me. I will always have a coach or coaches in my life. I love how they help my perspective and how they encourage me to rise to my potential.  

B. Schedule a time weekly or bi-weekly to see your healer

The second step is to schedule a time with your healer coach weekly or bi-weekly. If you have never had a coach before this might seem like a lot. Once you have one, you will understand why I’m suggesting this. You want to be able to keep momentum. Accountability is important as well as you integrate new thinking. Ask your higher self now “do I want to do weekly or bi-weekly sessions?”  This will take 3-5 min.  

C. Guard that time with your life - Show up

The third step may seem obvious, but a lot of times the obvious isn’t obvious. The third step is to show up for your session. Show up. Go. Attend. Be there. Trust me your subconscious/elephant is going to look for all kinds of reasons why you might need to cancel or postpone. Don’t buy into it. It's just your subconscious protecting you from being uncomfortable, protecting you from change, protecting you from the unknown. Be aware. Be vigilant. Tell yourself “The more comfortable I can be in the uncomfortable the better life is!”  and go. Be on time too. Be ready to share and learn and grow. Get excited, because this is exciting!!!

The outcome of this step is to get some consistent help so that you can create real lasting change and transformation.

3.  Implement what they ask you to do

The importance of this step is once you have your healer, trust them.

I do this step by sharing how I listened and trusted Josh. Within one hour of meeting him I was able to cry for four hours, I released more hurt and loss than I had in years. I felt 100 lbs lighter after one session. 

Here’s what you do…

A.   Open your heart to receive help

For this next step, the importance is to keep your heart open to receive help. Sometimes my healer/coach would share something with me and it would blow me away. I remember I would sit there stunned and just blink at him. As I was blinking I would also remind myself to not shut down, to stay open. I would consciously tell myself not to react but to listen, and learn. Be open. There is no way you can get a different result if you keep thinking and doing the same things.  Keep your heart and mind open.  

B. Listen and take notes

Step two is to listen and take notes while in your coaching/ healing session. You think you will remember everything that was said but you won’t and you will wish you had taken notes. I suggest you have a fresh notebook just for your coaching sessions so that everything is in one place. I know many people like to type on their phone but I really encourage you to actually write it down with a paper and pen. It’s proven that your retention is much higher this way. Listen and take notes during and after your session. This will also help when you come back the next time as you can review what you wrote down.

C. Do whatever they say to do right away.

Trust your coach/healer. Trust them. You are with them for a reason, so trust them. Don’t argue and resist. Do whatever they suggest you do as long as it doesn’t go against any moral or ethical code you may have. But nothing like that should be asked of you. So do what they ask you to do. Consider what they ask you to consider. Enjoy the experience. If you aren’t growing you are dying, so yay for growing!

The outcome is to trust the process.

When you follow and implement these steps you will realize that being a lone wolf accomplishes nothing. You will know the importance of getting help. Like in my story of how I woke up one day and realized I couldn't keep doing this alone, and three hours later I was in a session with my healer Josh and how it was the best investment I ever made for the kids and I. You will have three steps to follow to get support.   

  • 1. Realize you need help/Find someone you trust(Get referrals),

  • 2. Go consistently, 

  • 3. Implement what they ask you to do.  

The outcome of this step is that we all need healing sometimes. Consistent help, so that you can create real lasting change and transformation. You will learn the importance of trusting your healer and the process, and that trapped trauma and energies get stuck in our bodies, and how with a healer's help you can be free of them!   

If you feel that I can help you in your healing journey, please click here

READ the whole story


Life is Energy and as such, it belongs to all, reaches all, and blesses all.


There are two sides to the coin and you should always try looking at the side that makes you feel happier.(Dr. Prem Jagyasi)