Life is Energy and as such, it belongs to all, reaches all, and blesses all.

What if "weird" worked. 

What if things that are weird, outside your comfort zone, or even outside your scope of understanding still worked, still helped you? 

In this blog post, I will share with you the importance of some of the healing modalities that exist and that can help you release pain/trauma. The importance is to listen to yourself and not get talked into or pushed into doing something that doesn't feel right for you. I do this step by sharing the story of my ayahuasca, reiki, and time regression therapy sessions for the first time. I will share with you the three steps to take to find the best modality for you. They are:

1.   Research the different modalities

2. Choose the modality that you feel called to and trust that it will help

3.  Go into the session with a clear intention for the session and trust that it will help you. 

The outcome is to know and understand that there are many ways to get help with trapped trauma. To trust your intuition and to trust and receive the healing. To know that you are in the right place at the right time!

Life is energy. And as such, it belongs to all, reaches all, and blesses all.

I've been learning a lot about energy in the last few years. And it's been a huge blessing in my life. 

It makes you free, free to be. I was invited multiple times to do an ayahuasca ceremony. I know ayahuasca is becoming more and more popular. But I didn't do it for that reason, I  decided to go ahead and do it, because I felt called to it,  and I honestly didn't know a lot about it. I knew people who had done it and I had heard all the stories, the positive ones, and the not-so-positive ones, so I felt like I had a good idea of what to expect and was also open to not knowing what to expect, that anything could happen. I went and it was a really special time because I got to do it with my adult kids. My sons, they teach me, they're such healers, and so we went together into this beautiful ayahuasca ceremony.

I had a beautiful experience. And I felt like it opened up my third eye, it opened up my spiritual seeing. To be able to see things differently. At first, I didn't think it did much for me. But looking back now, I know that it was what started me on my path of healing. At the end of the ceremony, I actually had an unbelievable migraine, it was terrible. And I honestly truly wanted to cut my head off, that seemed like a better option than what was happening. And one of the facilitators came over and a Reiki Master came over. And they worked on me and, and he whispered in my ear, and he said, "These will go away when you are more on your path." And I was like, "But I'm on my path". And I didn't understand what he meant at the time. Now I understand what he meant. I had a huge heart and I was still really trying to make a difference in whatever way I could. But I was limited as to how much of a difference I can make because of my job. And so when I got out of sales, started my healing center, and started my coaching, my migraines basically went away. I can't even remember the last time I had a migraine.

I can see now that the ayahuasca ceremony really started me on my journey of self-realisation. It was a beautiful thing. I'm very thankful for it. 

I had another really phenomenal experience with Reiki. A beautiful soul, Marita, offered to do a session with me because I was working actively on my heart chakra because I realized it was blocked. I wanted to see if I couldn't open that up and heal that part of me. 

Emotions create physical ailments. For example when people have heart attacks, stomach problems, etc. It's grief, it's sadness, it's trauma/pain that has happened in their life that affected the body. I didn't want that for me. It felt like there was a rock in my heart. I can tell you the exact size. it was black, like a riverbed rock. So I scheduled a Reiki session, it was my first introduction to Reiki. She worked on energetically removing it. As the session went on I could tell that it was getting smaller, I could totally see it in my mind's eye, I could feel it,  and I knew when it was gone. Then I could feel the space that it occupied energetically. 

So we consciously filled that space with love and light. And I know this sounds crazy for those of you, who this is new, too. But I'm telling you, it's my experience, and I was different after that. My relationships have been completely different because I am now able to let people into my inner heart. I didn't even realize how much I was keeping people at arm's length. I just didn't trust them all the way in because I didn't want to get hurt again. I didn't want to feel the pain of betrayal or abandonment or rejection. So we removed that rock. I removed it with my intention to have it go and she moved it with her with her ability to move energy. 

So when I had the opportunity to learn Reiki I took it. I knew I wanted to have that gift of being able to help people in the same way that Marita was able to help me. Now I'm a Reiki Master and I'm able to help other people clear their energy centers/chakras and move energy. I'm thankful for this tool to have in my toolbox.

Meditation is another amazing healing modality. I had an experience meditating once, that I will never forget. I became nothing and everything all at once. I became one, I became one vibration. I became one with source, with God with everything, with the planet, with everybody, everything, all at once. Words don't work when you're trying to express an experience like that. When people used to say that we are one, at first I was like, "Yeah we're one. Yes, we're all connected." But when you have an experience like that, then you're like, "Okay, yeah, now I get it. We really are one. It's true. It's just the way that it is." This 3D dimension that we live in, is not the same as the 5D dimension that exists and all the other dimensions that we can tap into. It's fun. It's fun to explore and see what we can experience and find through meditation.  

Bob’s meditation story.

Shortly after Bob turned 67 years old, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The Big C.  After Six months of “treatment at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN declared him “clean.”  A little note here: They never said they would cure him. In fact, they were very adamant about the fact that regardless of what modern medicine could do, in all likelihood his Cancer would return in about 8 years.

Almost eight years to the day following his original diagnosis, Bob’s body began to tell him something: the Big C was in fact back! I told no one but quietly made an appointment to see doctors in the US. Test results confirmed what he already knew to be true. But this time, it was worse. He was told to return home and get his life in order. He had only a year or so to live, and there was nothing modern medicine could do to halt the spread of cancer that had begun its rampage through the rest of my body. 

He began contemplating his options. He did NOT want to die and he knew for certain that the Universe still had more for him to do.

He received a suggestion to read a book entitled Super Genes, by Deepak Chopra. It told him that he could alter his genes and even cancer simply by changing his thoughts! 

It was at that moment he became certain he would not die - not yet anyway. He could continue to live the life he wanted. He simply needed to change what he was planting in his mind garden.

 He began in earnest to follow the formula that the book outlined. He enrolled in an online meditation course with The Chopra Center and began a daily study and practice of primordial meditation. Every day, for 30 minutes in the morning and again at night, he meditated. He also practiced sun salutations yoga almost every morning for the next seven months. 

He was feeling healthier, more alive, and eager to take on anything the Universe had to offer. So he called Dr. Christian Geier a new Urologist to Bob and asked him if he could run another test. His PSA tests before were a level of 20.01.

Prostate-specific antigen, or PSA, is a protein produced by normal, as well as malignant cells of the prostate gland. The PSA test measures the level of PSA in a man’s blood. For this test, a blood sample is drawn and then sent to a laboratory for analysis. The results are usually reported as nanograms of PSA per milliliter (ng/mL) of blood.

The stage of cancer based on physical examination and imaging studies. D'Amico Criteria for each risk category are as follows: 

Low-risk: PSA < 10, Gleason score ≤ 6, AND clinical stage ≤ T2a

Intermediate-risk: PSA 10-20, Gleason score 7, OR clinical stage T2b/c

High-risk: PSA > 20, Gleason score ≥ 8, OR clinical stage ≥ T3

He had the blood drawn and the Dr. called him later that afternoon and asked him, "Bob, how old are you?" He asked.

"Seventy-six years old. Why?" 

"I wish my blood work looked as good as yours." 

"Really?" he asked. "So, what is my PSA level?" 

"Point 001" he answered. 

"That can’t be," he replied. It was then he told Doctor Geier what had taken place over the past several months. 

"Let's re-do the test, just to be certain we haven't made an error," he said. 

The next day, he went back to the lab, and later that afternoon, he called and reconfirmed the numbers from the day before. His cancer was gone! He cured himself by simply changing his mind and through meditation. This is just one story of many who I personally know who have healed themselves of major disease through meditation.

Now I realize that what I'm about to say is maybe going to blow some brains. And that's okay. What I'm realizing is that time doesn't have to be linear. You've all heard the phrase “time is an illusion.”Now I realize why. Because it actually is. And the time-space continuum, when you're in the fifth dimension, it's vertical. Everything that ever was or ever will be is all happening right now. And I've just had too many experiences, and I know too many people who have had experiences, where they experience time travel, in the present, or everything is happening now. I experienced this in a time regression therapy session!  

Our healer was doing time regression with different individuals during different sessions.  He did it with my sons, Brayden, and Tate, and different people, and realized that quite a few individuals were all going back to the same time. It was my turn.

I didn't yet know if I believed it or not. It didn't make any sense to me. How can you go back in time into other lifetimes? Like, how is that even possible? But I trust my healer, and my boys were saying that they had gone through it, and that it was amazing. They didn't tell me anything so that I wouldn't have any preconceived ideas. He took me back and he said, "What do you see?"

And at first, I'm like, " I don't know." I thought I was doing it wrong, but then all of a sudden, I could see, with my eyes closed, it was like a movie playing in my head. He didn't feed me any information. He just said, "What's next?" All of a sudden I saw myself in Europe, I could see my green Emerald dress with embroidery. It went all the way to the ground and was big and poofy, my hair was pulled back. I could see our house. It was a huge estate. My amazing friend Gerry in this life was my husband in that life. I could see his eyes and I'm like, it's Gerry. I could see the bracelets that he had on his arms and the colour of his shirt and I knew without turning around that the fireplace was behind me and I knew our bedroom was up the stairs, I could see it all.

And then he says "What's next?" And I said we're walking to a secret meeting. It's a serious meeting. We didn't take the horses because we didn't want to make a noise. We arrive to a humble cottage.  he asks again, "Okay, and then what?" And then I say, "Okay, I'm in the house now. And I'm looking around and I see all these people,  And I'm like "Brayden's there. Tate's there." And I named off other people that I knew. And I'm like, "We're here for this meeting. The energy is really intense and there's this really strong sense of purpose."

And he goes, "And then what?" 

"Well, there's this book that we're all  protecting. It's not safe anymore, where it is, here with us.  So the meeting was  to discuss where to take it next." And then he goes, "And then what?" And I said, "Well, we're gonna hide the book in a false compartment on the floor of the carriage." And he goes, "Describe the carriage". And so I described the carriage. It's a big black carriage with big wooden spoked wheels. And he goes, "Is it round? Or is it square?" And I'm like, "It's round". And he goes, "Yep, that's the carriage." He says, "Yeah, it's the same time."

And literally, by  "coincidence", my boys showed up at our healers place, just to say hi, not knowing that I was there doing a past life regression therapy. He calls them in and the three of us all layed on yoga mats on the floor. He takes the boys back and now we are all there, back in time. For an hour or two, we filled in different pieces of the story.

Josh, at this point, knows that we're at the same time. So he says, okay, Tate was married to a girl named Madison. We all loved Madison, very much. And when he said the name Madison, I was like, "Are you kidding me? That was my girl name, if I had a girl, in this lifetime." If I had a girl, it had to be Madison. Love that name. And now I know that it was Tate's wife in a past life. In our past life experience, the boys were my brothers, not my sons. And so he goes, "What happened to Madison?", and then all of a sudden I know exactly what happened to Madison. I said, "She died in childbirth." Tate is beside me. And he burst into tears.  We all burst into tears. And we literally sobbed the three of us on the floor. Sobbing, like it had just happened. Tears and snot pouring out of us. Fresh grief at the thought of Madison and Tate's child dying. 

We recovered from that after a while. And then I was like, Brayden, you were married to a little blonde girl. And he goes, "Yeah", and I was just about to say, "You had two kids." And he says, "I had a boy and a girl." And I knew that it was a boy and a girl. And I say "And the boy was the oldest" and he goes, "Yeah", and I was really close to him. And I was just about to say, "And you were really close to him". You can't make this shit up. It was amazing.

I could see him with his son on his shoulders as they smiled at each other. The little girl, Her name was Sarah. I thought the boy's name was Robert, but I'm like that wasn't quite right. So I didn't say it. And then, sure enough, Brayden beside me says "Yeah, I think my son’s name was Robbie." And I'm like, "Yes, it was Robbie." Robert wasn't quite right. Robbie was the right name.

At this point, I am just in awe, I can't believe what's happening.

We as a group moved this precious book into a large bookstore, so it could be hidden in plain sight.  All of a sudden, I realized that I know that Brayden and his wife were murdered by the soldiers that were looking for the book. I didn’t want to, but I knew I had to say it out loud.  Brayden got so angry and then so sad until he sobbed, and we all cried again. Then I realized something else, I said, “Gerry and I, took your kids, we took Robbie and Sarah and we raised them as if they were our own”

I realized at that moment, why I was able to take in Zander (a troubled teen at the age of 16) as my son, like it was no big deal. People would say, what are you doing taking on another kid? You can't do that. I'm like, Well, yeah, I can. He needs help, I can help him. Simple. But now I know it’s because I've done it before. I have loved two other children as if they were mine, before.

After this experience, there is no doubt that I HAVE lived other lives and lifetimes. For me, there's just no other way. That experience was so real, it was so epic. 7 separate individuals were involved with this lifetime and we all experienced it individually. We've reincarnated together in this lifetime, and yet now I know from 5D, that everything's happening at once. Everything's happening right now, everything that ever was, everything that ever will be is happening right now, when you're in the fifth dimension, but in this third dimension, it takes time to go through time. 

All I know is that I was different after that. I saw things differently. I understand now that I have things to heal in this lifetime so that I don't have to repeat it again. I'm on a mission to learn, to seek, to understand, to heal, and to help others do the same. I love my life. I have never been so in love with my life, as right here, right now. I am doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing. And it's a wonderful feeling. I'm right where I need to be. Healing is a wonderful thing. 

How you can learn from me…

1.  Research the different modalities

The importance of this step is to know about some of the healing modalities you can use.

I do this step by sharing the story of my ayahuasca experience.

To start…

A:  Sound Healing

Sound Healing or also known as Sound Therapy, consists of the application of the voice and musical and vibratory instruments in the energy fields and on the physical body. Human beings have made use of sound since its creation to obtain and express information about the world around them, to communicate with each other, to heal, to transform and above all to feel united.

The vibration and sound of the bowls work on our energy and auric body, balancing it through each of the chakras, and physically our bone structure, our spine and every cell of our body to establish perfect harmony.

Benefits of this therapy:


  • Balances the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body.

  • Eliminates muscle contractures.

  • Helps to overcome psychological imbalances.

  • Controls states of anxiety, depression, stress, insomnia and hyperactivity. - Increases our energy, creativity, concentration and capacity for action.

  • Cleanses and energetically recharges our chakras. - Facilitates meditation.

  • Relieves headaches.

  • Lifts moods.

  • Raises the body's defenses

B: Crystal Healing

Crystal healing is a holistic and natural therapy that taps into the energetic power of crystals and how they affect the body and mind. A crystal therapist will place healing crystals on or around a client to help unblock, focus and direct energy.

​Crystal healing is an energy-based system. This means it is based on the belief that we are all made up of different energies and that when this becomes stagnant, unbalanced, or blocked, it can cause illness.

Crystals help unblock, balance, and direct energy where it is most needed, gently supporting the body to heal in a therapeutic and natural way. Different types of crystals have different frequencies hence different healing properties and energies. Just holding and being near these crystals positively affects our own energies on a physical, spiritual and emotional level.  

​It also allows for deep relaxation, which releases a lot of stress and anxiety. It can also help ease tense muscles which can help improve physical pain and sleeping problems.

On an emotional and spiritual level, crystals can help enhance self-esteem, encourage clarity and inspire a sense of peace and centredness. I always have crystals on me or near me depending on the reason I want them. I’m wearing my amethyst pendant right now as I write this because it helps me live with a positive purpose.  It helps me connect with Source

C:  Reiki / Energy Work

​One of the ways we can replenish our Life Force is by using Reiki.

​Reiki is a Holistic technique because it harmonizes and unblocks all planes of the human being, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It does not attack the body in any way and it does not create addiction or side effects since no chemicals or elements foreign to the body are used but only the life energy that is present in every living being.

Reiki can be used for:

  • Release repressed emotions

  • Increase the energy level, providing physical and mental vitality

  • Organic revitalization and rejuvenation of the whole organism

  • In most cases Reiki increases the effects of medical treatment when used in conjunction with it, never replacing it

  • To provoke a state of relaxation by reducing or eliminating anxiety

  • Relieving suffering whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual

  • Helps eliminate the daily stress we are subjected to by migraines, depression, menstrual cramps, constipation

  • Helps cleanse the body and mind of all types of toxins

  • In the case of terminally ill patients, it can provide relief to both the affected person and his or her family

  • Pregnancy and postpartum

  • Facilitating sleep and decreasing despondency - Eating disorders (bulimia and anorexia)

  • Can be used to help animals and plants

​To access Reiki you don't have to be sick, anyone who feels that "there is something else" and doesn't know what, and doesn't find much meaning in the things they do in their daily life, can find their reason to be and be in this life through Reiki.

Reiki really helped me open up my inner heart that I had been protecting for years.  Healing my heart in this way has helped me in my relationships.  I am so thankful for it!

D: Breath work

Transformational breathing techniques can liberate old blockages, emotional baggage, heals and releases anxiety, depression and quiets mental chatter.

On a physical level it alkalinizes your blood, supra oxygenates your organs and systems on a cellular level and stimulates your vagus nerve which is paramount in the body's healthy functioning.

Experiences vary from emotional release of old blockages and traumas, connection with spirit guides of the celestial dimensions, cellular full body orgasmic sensations, release of entities, general peace and well-being.

E:  Meditation

Meditation is the training in awareness. You’re not trying to turn off your thoughts or feelings, you’re learning to observe them without judgment. It’s the ability to be present, fully engaged in the here and now.  By opening your heart and experiencing thoughts and feelings of gratitude you raise your frequency. The higher your frequency in the current present moment the less distance between you and Source. The more connected to Source the more at peace you are, the more whole you feel. I have had profound experiences in meditation and love so much the feeling of connection to Source, the oneness, The love. Meditation is also proven scientifically to actually change matter and can heal sicknesses like cancer and other diseases. Just like in the story of Bob healing his prostate cancer. I know multiple people who have healed themselves through meditation.

F:  Past Life Regression 

Past Life Regression is a gentle form of hypnotherapy which takes an individual back through time to their previous lives or incarnations by accessing memories and experiences that are normally hidden in their subconscious mind. Life today is so busy and so ‘noisy’ that these memories are usually concealed beneath the noise of everyday thoughts. A PLR session guides you out of the noise and into a deeply quiet and peaceful state where it’s far easier to locate the memories held in your subconscious mind.

Past Life Regression can help you to:

  • Reconnect with past life experiences

  • Identify physical ailments you have, which may be remnants of past life experiences.

  • Help you understand why you feel a deep connection with certain places.

  • Explore unresolved emotions which have carried through into this lifetime, creating fears or beliefs which you have been unable to explain.

  • Acknowledge and embrace the key lessons learned through those lives.

  • Explore your past life and current Soulmate experiences.

My experience of past life regression transformed my life tremendously. I am in no way afraid to die. I know my soul has and will continue to live on.

G. Plant Medicines (Ayahuasca/Bufo/Kambo/mushrooms)

Sacred Mushroom Ceremony (Psilocybin)

Mother Earth gifts us this powerful medicine for the healing of our soul, mind, emotions and heart. It works on so many levels to allow the practitioner, in a guided ceremony, to address, understand and heal personal issues no matter how deep or ancestral they may be.

Furthermore; it cleans and activates your lower energy centers(chakras) allowing you to reconnect your roots to your great Mother that lovingly sustains all life.

Your heart and third eye chakras are also activated by this sacred medicine, thus allowing a deeper understanding, clarity and a deep sense of love and belonging.

Modern day medicinal use of psilocybin is rapidly growing where it is currently being used to treat many ailments such as; PTSD, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, suicidal tendencies, Alzheimer’s, dementia, ADD among many others.

An enjoyable, beautiful, colorful, loving and healing experience that lasts approximately 4 to 5 hours. Highly recommended for anyone that is serious about transforming their lives.


Kambo is the use of the excretion from a frog in the Amazonian jungle.  It is practiced as a healing technique discovered first by the tribes there.  It is practised by both men and women, it gives strength and endurance. Intuition is heightened, protection, for not being attacked by things in the jungle and it helps open roads, so they know which path to take. What we know now is that the peptides, which are shorter chains of protein in the Kambo, activate the genetic sequence necessary for what the body needs at the time it receives it. It is a smart technology as it is a bioactive peptide, and it drives the necessary DNA to activate the proteins the body requires allowing deep DNA rectification. 

There are also neuropeptides in Kambo that circulate in the central nervous system that allow neurons to communicate with each other. The results of this are memory improvement, sleep improvement, more energy, and mental clarity, among many other things. The wonderful thing is that the human body opens naturally to this substance recognizing and accepting it, allowing for a unique, deep cellular cleaning.


Ayahuasca is a brew made from the Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis plants. Taking Ayahuasca leads to an altered level of consciousness due to psychoactive substances in the ingredients.

This drink was used for spiritual and religious purposes by ancient Amazonian tribes and is still used as a sacred beverage by some religious communities in Brazil and North America, including the Santo Daime.

Ayahuasca is traditionally used for spiritual purposes for those who seek a way to open their minds, heal from past traumas, or simply experience an Ayahuasca journey.

Many people who have taken Ayahuasca claim that the experience led to positive, long-term, life-altering changes. 

Some of the known Benefits are that it helps with:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Mood Disorders

  • PTSD

  • Mindfullness

  • Drug Dependence

  • Overall Quality of Life

Ayahuasca started me on my healing path. I will be forever thankful for it. My migraines are almost non-existent now as well.  

Sonoran Desert Toad  (Bufo Alvarius)

Also known as “Sapito”. This Mexican toad blesses mankind with a secretion” humanely” extracted from its parotid glands (containing bufotenine and 5Meo dmt) that is dried, methylated and inhaled.

Creating possibly the most transcendental and unique entheogenic and mystical experience known to man. It opens the bridge to our inner spiritual dimensions and gives us the opportunity to feel the fusion with our most ancestral memory of Oneness, with the Great Spirit of Our Creator and all of creation. Thus, eliminating the illusion of separation and reconnecting us with the greatest love and truth of all. That we are one.

This Toad secretion has earned its name as the “God Molecule” for a good reason. The 15-minute indescribable journey is experienced on a cellular, molecular and atomic level.

It is truly a life changing experience. Giving so much love into every fiber of your being that it has the potential to change paradigms and heal us of many ailments.


Rape is a mixture of healing plants and tabaco converted into powder that is gently blown into both nostrils.

It is an Amazonian practice that has many therapeutic effects with each tribe having their own unique preparations and blends.

Rape has various physical healing properties but on an energetic, emotional and mental level integrates and balances our masculine and feminine energies, calms internal mental chatter and prepares the practitioner for a moment of clarity and relaxation making it perfect for beginning a meditative practice or just a moment of clarity, connection and contemplation with self.


These natural eye drops are made from the root and bark of the Tabernaemontana Undulata tree and come from the kaxinawa tribes in the Brazilian amazon.

This powerful sacred medicine is used to clear energy blockages on an emotional, physical and spiritual level. It can balance and increase your energy levels and has the potential to assist in locating the root cause of blockages and infirmities.

Increases concentration, mental and spiritual focus and clarity.

On a physical level Sananga is known to improve or heal myopia, depth and color perception difficulties, image definition, glaucoma, cataracts and even some cases of blindness.

There are many ways to get help with trapped trauma.

2.  Choose the modality that you feel called to and trust that it will help

The importance of this step is to really listen to yourself and not get talked into or pushed into doing something that doesn't feel right for you.

I do this step by sharing my story about trying Ayahuasca. 

Here’s how you do it…

 A. Take a look at the list of modalities and see which one has been calling to you the most through synchronicities.

For this step, take a look at the list of modalities and see which one if any has been calling to you.  It could be from reading this list above or maybe you have heard other people talking about one of them and it piqued your interest or you have felt a pull. To do this next step breathe deep into the lungs. Make sure it’s  through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now ask your higher self this question, “Which modalities should I look into further?” Write down any that come to mind.  It’s ok if nothing comes to mind as well. Only do plant medicine if you feeled called to it.  I felt called first to Ayahuasca and later to Reiki. Which modalities do you feel called to look into further. This will take 3-5 min.

B. Find a quiet place to sit and breathe and ask your higher self which modality to follow.

The next step is to breathe deep into your lungs again and exhale saying the sound  “ahhhhh”. Then ask your higher self if you have some plant medicine written down, “What plant medicine should I research and start with first?” Circle your answer. I started with Ayahuasca but you should only do what you are called to do.  

C. Listen and when you receive the answer do that.  If you don't receive an answer, that's your answer - wait, until you do.

The third step is to research the plant medicine you feel directed to study.  You will find both negative and positive things about anything you look up, just like almost anything in this online world we live in now.  Best to speak to someone you know and trust that has already experienced it, although everyone's experience is unique. I spoke to probably 7 or more people about ayahuasca and had been invited multiple times before I felt called to do it myself.  Follow your intuition, it will guide you!

The outcome of this step is to listen to your intuition and choose the modality you feel called to use.

3.  Go into the session with a clear intention for the session and trust that it will help you.

The importance of this step is to set a clear intention for your session.

I do this step by sharing the story of having a reiki session for the first time and getting the rock removed from my heart.

Here’s what you want to do…

 A. Go to your session

If you decide to go ahead with a plant medicine ceremony then once you confirm your yes and set the date, the medicine already starts to work to prepare you. Know that you will probably get feelings of wanting to back out, of fear etc. Know that this is normal and this is just your subconscious trying to protect you from something new and different. If you honestly feel like your higher self has led you to do it, then do it. If you think otherwise, then don’t. I was nervous when I did ayahuasca but I definitely felt led to do it. So I did.

B. Go in with confidence that you will get help

The second step here is to go into the ceremony with confidence that it will be an experience that will help you, that it will be a benefit to you. Trust that you are in the capable loving hands of the universe, of Source.  Visualize the smiles afterward and the amazing feelings you will feel as if they are happening now. Go in with confidence. The boys and I traveled together with our blankets and pillows to sleep under the stars.  We were laughing and looking forward to our time together, butterflies and all.

C. Have an intention of what you would like to see happen

The third step in any plant ceremony is to have a clear intention of what you would like help with.  Maybe it’s a question answered, or maybe you want to rid yourself of anxiety, or some other ailment.  Make sure you have a clear intention. You will use this throughout the ceremony. My intention going into the ayahuasca ceremony was to learn how to surrender. To allow myself to let go and trust. This is not an easy thing for me. I’ve always felt like I had to hold the sky up from falling, so to lower my hands and trust was not an easy thing to do.  But I did it, and the rewards and benefits were profound. I learned that I could trust, and the sky didn’t fall, I got to see life through different eyes, it helped me get on my healing path, and my migraines went away. Yippee. So thankful. So make sure you have an intention and you are willing to get the answer.  

The outcome of this step is to trust and receive the healing.

When you follow and implement these steps you will realize that there are healing modalities that may seem weird at first, but when called to use can transform your life. You will realize the importance of releasing pain/trauma. To listen to yourself and not get talked into or pushed into doing something that doesn't feel right for you. I will share my experiences with ayahuasca, reiki, and time regression therapy. You will have the three steps to find the best modality for you.  They are: 

  • 1.   Research the different modalities, 

  • 2. Choose the modality that you feel called to and trust that it will help

  • 3.  Go into the session with a clear intention for the session and trust that it will help you. 

The outcome is to know and understand that there are many ways to get help with trapped trauma. To trust your intuition and to trust and receive the healing. To know that you are in the right place at the right time!

If you feel that I can help you in your healing journey, please connect with me here

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There are only two ways to live your life. One is that nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle


The world needs more Healers.