There are only two ways to live your life. One is that nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle

You can hone the healer in you too! 

Everyone has a healer in them if they choose to activate it.

In this post I will share with you the importance of activating the healer in you, finding the best teacher, and to put the time in to learn it well. I will share my story of how Christian Mickelson helped me and everyone around the breakfast table. How in that moment I knew I wanted to be a facilitator, and how I listened to my intuition and sought him out to learn asap. I will share with you the three steps on how to activate and become a healer yourself.

They are:

1.  Identify what modality you feel called to work with. 

2. Find a master of that modality and learn from them. 

3. Practise, practise, practise! 

The outcome of this step is to get started, to learn how to find and hire a Master to Teach you. That practice makes perfect! You will learn the steps to take if you want to learn a specific modality of healing, or how to master anything for that matter.

There are only two ways to live your life. One is that nothing is a miracle. The other is that everything is. I choose the latter. I have had the amazing privilege of meeting a divine healer named Christian. He is a friend and  #1 Best-Selling Author of "Get Clients Today" and the creator of the world-renowned client sign-up system, "Free Sessions That Sell," the program designed specifically to help coaches, consultants, and healers easily sign up high-paying, high-end clients. He's one of the best coaches on the planet and, he is also a healer. One day, we were having breakfast together with 10 people around the table. We were asking him questions about his Instant Miracle healing and he offered to help people in that moment, with whatever it is they were dealing with. I watched him do his thing and then he turned to me and said, "Is there anything I can help you with?" I told him about my jumpy nervous system due to years of abuse and living in fear from my ex-husband and that I had some tendinitis in my shoulder. So he starts sending me energy using the Instant Miracle Technique. I literally twitched for probably seven minutes or more, my arms and legs kind of flailing around, right in the middle of the restaurant. My ego wanted to say "don't do it, this needs to stop." But I knew intuitively that I was getting help, I was really getting healing help. So I just surrendered, to whatever it looked like, to the people around, and I twitched and moved and fluttered. Until all of a sudden, it stopped. 

The results are: My shoulder hasn't given me trouble since, and my nervous system is tremendously better. People can walk up behind me now and I don't jump out of my skin. It's amazing. 

It was so influential on me that I decided that I have to know how to do this. I want to be able to help people like him sitting around the breakfast table, I want to be able to do that. I got certified in Instant Miracle, and it is a miracle. It's the only thing I can say. It's beyond what you can even imagine. I practice it constantly. When I see someone struggling I just send them a little instant miracle and I can see them stop struggling. I had a friend come to visit when she was super depressed, I worked with her, and the depression went away. Another, individual, his shoulder was hurting for months. I worked on him and he says, it's been, three months now, and he's not had any issues with the shoulder again. Sexual abuse, traumatic experiences that people hold inside them, pain, dry mouth, anxiety, and fear, are just some of the conditions I’ve healed, using this healing technique. I could go on and on literally for hours speaking of all the things and ways that Instant Miracle has helped and healed. I have never seen anything like it before in my life. I’m so thankful, so thankful to have that tool in my toolbox.  

How you can learn from me…

1.   Identify what modality you feel called to work with

The importance of this step is that everyone has a healer in them if they choose to activate it.

I do this step by sharing my story of how Christian helped me and all the people around the table and how I knew in that moment I wanted to be able to help people in that same way too.

To start…

A:  Feel the call to activate the Healer in You

This next section is for you if you feel the call to activate the Healer in you.  If you are already sure of this calling skip to step 2.  If you are not yet sure, hang with me a little bit longer. I want you to first To do this next step- breathe deep into your lungs. Make sure it’s through your nose, hold for 5 seconds, and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now ask your higher self this question, “Do I want to activate the healer in me?” Listen and write down your answer. Keep asking until you have an answer. Either answer is ok. I realized I wanted to activate the healer in me the moment I experienced healing from a Christian using Instant Miracle. I hardly knew what it was, but I knew I needed to learn it. If you have this same knowing to activate your inner healer, move to step 2. If not you can keep reading anyways if you want. It’s all perfect.

B. Research different modalities you wish to work with

Step 2 is to research the different modalities that have piqued your interest from reading this book or other interactions before now or a combination of both. This will take as long as it takes to research the modalities that interest you.

C. Choose the one you are most excited about and called to

For step 3, choose the one you are the most excited about and feel called to learn. If you have that feeling with multiple modalities then I suggest you ask your Higher self this question, “Which modality should I focus on and learn first?” Listen and write down your answer.  Whatever it is, that’s the one you start with. The others can come later. Just like with me. I learned reiki first, then sound and crystal healing, then Kambo, then Instant Miracle. It takes time to practise and master a modality so taking them one at a time is advised.  Which healing modality are you going to start with?  

The outcome of this step is to get started!

2.  Find a master of that modality and learn from them

The importance of this step is to fine the best teacher

I do this step by sharing how I experienced it first hand multiple times Christians healing and how I sought him out to learn asap because my intuition told me to.

Here’s what you want to do…

 A.  Research a few different Masters of your Modality if possible

The first step in finding a Master teacher for your healing modality is to research who might be the best pick for you! You want to make sure they have years of experience.  If you can find one via a referral that is always helpful. That is how I have found all of my Master Teachers by referral.

B. Make sure they are aligned with the value of loving and serving

Make sure that they have the energy that radiates love and service. There are a lot of spiritual egos even in this area, so be wise. Take a minute to slow down and feel and listen to how you feel around them. Listen to your intuition! Ask your higher self, “ Is this my Master Teacher or Not?” Listen to your answer, trust it!

C. Hire the one you feel led to hire.

Step 3 is to hire the Master Teacher you feel led to learn from. It’s important that there is an exchange of energy in that you pay them money or some other kind of trade. If they train you for free, things will end up unbalanced, so make sure there is an exchange of energy of some sort.  Get started as soon as you can. Don’t delay. If you are led to learn it, learn it.  

The outcome of this step is to learn how to find and hire a Master to Teach you.

3.  Practise, practise, practise!

The importance of this step is to put your time in to learn it well.

I do this by sharing my story of practicing Instant miracles everywhere I go.

Here’s what you do…

 A. Put the time in with your teacher

Step one here is to put in the time with your Master Teacher. It will take time and energy to learn something new. Put in the time and don’t leave too much time in between sessions as you will forget things. So make sure when you start learning a healing modality that you have the proper time allocated to learn it and to learn it well.  Immerse yourself. Get in as much time as you can. No half-assing things. Go all in, and play full out. The world needs you.

B.  Practise practise practise

Step 2 is easy.  Practise, practise, practise. You just have to do it. At first, it will be a little weird and nerve-racking, but that’s life. Anytime you do something new, we get those feelings. So prictise anyways, practise on friends and family and anyone who will let you. You can’t practise too much.  

C. Spaced repetition review and up-leveling every once in a while to make sure you are up to speed

Step 3 is to make sure that when you are “finished” with your teacher that you schedule times to revisit with them to review and uplevel yourself even more. There is always more to learn, you never arrive, and learning from a Master Teacher, with immersion and spaced repetition is how you truly master anything.

The outcome of this step is that practice makes perfect!

When you follow and implement these steps you will be able to start the process of honing the healer in you too! You will know how to find the best teacher and the importance of putting in the time to learn it well. Like in my story of how Christian Mickelson helped heal me and everyone around the breakfast table. How in that moment I knew I wanted to be a facilitator, and how I listened to my intuition and sought him out to learn asap. You will have the three steps on how to activate and become a healer yourself. They are: 

  • 1.  Identify what modality you feel called to work with. 

  • 2.  Find a master of that modality and learn from them.  

  • 3.  Practise, practise, practise!  

The outcome of this step is to get started. To learn how to find and hire a Master to teach you and that practice makes perfect! You will learn the steps to take if you want to learn a specific modality of healing, or how to master anything for that matter.

Your Action Steps:  Are to implement the steps above, and come back and let us know what your results are!

If you feel that I can help you in your journey, please connect with me here

READ the whole story


What love isn't


Life is Energy and as such, it belongs to all, reaches all, and blesses all.