Wake Up! Stop being a zombie! Take responsibility

What if you weren't a zombie but a real live person with choices?

In this blog post, I will share with you how to yank out the program that says thou shalt suffer and replace it with a program that serves you! 

The importance of this is to make us aware how we are being programmed in every aspect of life through media, culture, tv etc.  We need to take responsibility for what enters our minds and to choose well what we put into our mind. I will share with you the story of the hot cup of coffee experiment, how we are controlled by the programming in the media that keeps us in fear, guilt and shame.

I will give you the step on how to take back control of your mind. 

They are: 

1.  Realize that we are constantly getting programmed.

2.  Protect yourself.

3.  Choose what you want to believe after researching well.

The outcome is to realize you are being programmed and the importance of taking action to protect your mind.  To learn to research and seek to understand, not to take everything at face value.  You will learn how to wake up from the zombie state and become a human being with choices. You will learn how not to be a sheeple.

So here's the deal. We are programmed. We have been programmed since the moment we were born, probably before that. It probably happened in utero. That's how long we've been programmed.

We're getting programming from our culture and our families, parents, siblings, friends, schools, sports clubs, and anybody that we have access to. They are inserting and programming thoughts and feelings and beliefs that we choose to take on or not. But most of it is subconscious, because, remember, we're 95% subconscious. And so we don't even realize that we are being programmed. 

The TV literally says "programming" on it.  It is meant to program us and don't think it's not. I heard this story and it changed my life in my understanding of how easily we are programmed. 

Yale University did a study in October of 2008 with "hot coffee or iced coffee, this is out of an article from Yale News.  -” To test their hypothesis about the importance of temperature, research assistants casually asked that the undergraduate test subjects briefly hold either a warm cup of coffee or iced coffee as they wrote down information. The subjects were then given a packet of information about an individual and then asked to assess his or her personality traits. The participants assessed the person as significantly “warmer” if they had previously held the warm cup of coffee rather than the iced cup of coffee. 

In the second study, participants held heated or frozen therapeutic packs as part of a product evaluation study and were then told they could receive a gift certificate for a friend or a gift for themselves. Those who held the hot pack were more likely to ask for the gift certificate, while those who held the frozen pack tended to keep the gift.

“It appears that the effect of physical temperature is not just on how we see others, it affects our own behavior as well,” Bargh said. “Physical warmth can make us see others as warmer people, but also cause us to be warmer – more generous and trusting – as well.”

So imagine what is literally being programmed in our face directly. We have to pay attention. We have to pay attention, and we need to stand guard at the door of our minds. We have to. So I made a choice to get rid of TV. You have to understand, I love TV. I spent a lot of time watching TV for a lot of years. It was my escape, but it was also affecting me. I watched all kinds of violent shows and mysteries and medical stuff. It was stressful, and I was already stressed. So I took the TV out of my house. There's no satellite or cable. I occasionally watch Netflix or something like that and I occasionally go to movies because I enjoy them. But I'm very aware and conscious of what the program is that they are selling. I ask myself…What do they want me to believe by watching this movie? What is their angle? Then I get to consciously choose whether I want to believe it or not. 

My nervous system is tremendously better. I also don't watch the news. I actually haven't watched the news really ever. I had to watch it sometimes because that was the main program in my house growing up. But I would literally float through the living room and back out because I couldn’t take it. My intuition knew that it's 95% bullshit.

It is 95% programming. It's probably higher than that, but I just don't want to be extreme. I am not going to be told what to think. I want to engage in my own thinking.

Some think that if you get rid of news that you're not going to know what's going on, it's not true. There's so many other ways to get information out there that aren't from the National news. You can research in a more conscious way, and you can see it from other angles, and you can look at different sources, and you can get a real idea, a big picture idea of what's going on instead of one angle with a specific purpose to get you to believe whatever it is that they want you to believe.

I've spent hundreds of hours since Covid started, when we were stuck inside. Here’s what I know from those 300 + hours...something's going on, something's not right. This does not add up. There are some huge global agendas that are underway and have been for a long long long time! There are big, huge global things going on, and everything isn't as it seems.

And in doing this research, I have this big picture view of the current situation, and that gives me power, and that gives me understanding, and that gives me comfort, and that gives me hope because I can see it. And I'm not being controlled by fear,  guilt and by shame, because that's what the news creates. That's what programming does. The powers that be want you to be scared and they want you to feel guilty and shameful. As long as they can keep you in those energies, they control you.

I will not allow it. At least I will not allow it as much as I possibly can consciously not allow it. And it's an amazing thing to not be controlled by fear and to know, like to truly know that there's a gift in everything, even in this Covid situation,  there's good things happening and there's some bad shit happening, but there is a gift in everything. We need to stand up, we need to say something, and we need to do our part.

Doing nothing should not be an option, but at least do your research. Know what's going on from different angles from different sources so that you're not getting one tainted view. This alone will change your life, and the levels of stress will significantly lower when you guard your mind.

How you can learn from me…

Step 1.  Realize that we are constantly getting programmed

The importance of this step is to make aware how we are being programmed in every aspect of life through, media, culture, tv etc.

 I do this step by sharing the story of hot cup of coffee experiment.

To start…

  1.  Your thoughts are not Your thoughts

In this first step in waking up, is to realize that your thoughts are not your thoughts sometimes. Sometimes it's a hot cup of coffee influencing how you think and therefore feel about something. So taking a minute to understand this fully will help you as you navigate situations in the future. We are all energy, and it’s like Wifi floating in and around and through us. Sometimes we take on other people's stuff. Have you ever felt that way? So take a minute to ask your higher self, “what thoughts and feelings have I taken on that are not really mine?” Listen. When something comes to mind, write it down. Don’t condemn yourself, just understand it’s not yours to carry anymore and let it go. How do you let it go? You let it go by setting the intention to let it go. If you take it on again, let it go again. Becoming aware of what we are thinking and feeling is key. So what thoughts and feelings have you taken on that are not really yours? This should take 3-5 min.

2. Look around at what information is feeding your mind

For this second step, I want you to ask yourself, “what information is feeding my mind?” Are you watching the news? Could be other things like friends, church, communities you are a part of etc.  Think about anything that is outside of you beneficial or non beneficial.  Write them all down. How much TV programming are you taking in every day? How many of your thoughts are actually your thoughts? Write down a list of places and ways that you are feeding your mind. I’ve seen it over and over again with TV how we are being programmed to believe things like “milk does the body good”  even though there are countless studies and proof that milk causes cancer and other major problems. So “what information is feeding your mind? This should take you 3-5 min to complete.

3. How has this info impacted your life?

For step three I want you to Breathe deep into your lungs.  Make sure it’s through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhh”. Now I want you to ask your Higher self, “How has this outside programming impacted my life?  Keep breathing. Write down anything that comes to mind without judgment. Sit with it for a minute and let it soak in.  For me I could see and feel how anytime I was around the news I would get anxious and worried. I also am aware that my best friends are for the most part a great influence on me and help make me feel positive and powerful. The important thing here to realize is that outside information does affect us. Write down how each source of outside info affects you. This will take 5-7 min to complete.

The outcome of this step is to have the three steps to realizing we are being programmed.

Doing nothing should not be an option, but at least do your research. Know what's going on from different angles from different sources so that you're not getting one tainted view. This alone will change your life, and the levels of stress will significantly lower when you guard your mind.

Step 2.  Protect yourself

The importance of this step is to take responsibility for what enters our minds

I do this step by sharing how I have gotten rid of the news and regular tv programming etc.

Here’s what you do…

  1.  Find what isn't serving you

Ask your Higher self, “out of all the outside information that I take in on a consistent basis, which ones aren’t serving me”   Breathe deep into your lungs. Write down anything that comes to mind.  For me, it was obvious that the news and TV in general was not adding to my life but was taking away from my peace and happiness.  So out of all the outside information that you take in on a consistent basis, which ones aren’t serving you?” This will take 3-5 min to complete.

2. Get rid of it or minimize it

Now ask yourself the question, “What outside information should I eliminate all together, and what should I reduce?  Write down anything that comes to mind. Keep breathing through this process. Certain people may come to mind and your elephant may start throwing a fit. Hang on tight, it will be ok. Just keep breathing and asking yourself the question until you are clear on what you need to do. Then take action, make some decisions and follow through on them. You can give it a 30-day experiment, as you can make a change for almost anything if you know it’s just 30 days. If you think it’s forever it can become too much to handle and you quit. So try it for 30 days and here’s the great things about it. You will KNOW the benefits within that time. Then you can decide if you want to keep going or not. So, “What outside information should I eliminate all together, and what should I reduce? “  This will take 3-5 min to complete.

3. Feed your mind with things that serve you - Gaia, Mind valley, personal development books, etc.

Remember that it’s important to not just tell your brain/elephant “No” you must replace whatever you remove with something else or it will just go back to the old ways. So for this third step, I want you to ask your higher self “What are some highly beneficial things that I could use to feed my mind instead?” Write down anything that comes to mind. I started watching Gaia, a subscription-based platform that teaches many things about the planet and world we live in. I also signed up for MindValley, that has a host of courses for personal development, and also started reading more and taking more walks. “What are some highly beneficial things that you could use to feed your mind more optimally?” This will take 3-5 min to complete.

The outcome of this step is to take action to protect your mind.

Step 3.  Choose what you want to believe after researching well

The importance of this step is to choose well what you put into your mind.

I do this step by sharing how I have researched so much about what's going on in the covid situation and how it is not what it seems. Understanding the big picture gives me power and comfort and I am less controlled and am able to make conscious choices much easier.

Here’s what you want to do…

  1. What is something I have been told/ programmed to believe that doesn't quite feel right

For this next step, I want you to  Breathe deep into your lungs.  Make sure it’s through your nose, hold for 5 seconds, and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhh”. Now I want you to ask your Higher self,  “What is something I have been told/programmed to believe that doesn't quite feel right?” Write down anything that comes to mind without judgment. For me it was this whole pandemic situation, it didn’t feel right. The common narrative didn’t sit well. What is something you have been told/ programmed to believe that doesn't quite feel right?”  This will take 3-5 min.

2. Research non conventional avenues/Ask of people who you know research and seek to understand their opinions

Step 2 is to research whatever it is that doesn’t feel right. I suggest you research in non conventional avenues. I went digging online and I also asked the opinion of people I respected and trusted about it so I could glean even more information. I dug in deep and spent over 300 hours researching to the point that I now feel like I have a pretty good idea of what’s actually going on in the world. What do you need to research and where/who might you go to to discover it? This will take 3-5 min and then whatever time you take to do the actual research.

3. Listen to your intuition

Once you’ve gleaned enough information, this will be specific to each individual as to how much research is enough. Once you have reached that point, gather it all together, review it, get a big picture view of it, then listen to your intuition. Ask your higher self, “What is the truth?” listen. Write down anything that comes to mind.  Then go with that truth for yourself. That’s all we can really do. If it feels good and if the icky feeling is no longer there, you can know that you are on the right track, at least for yourself. What is the truth for you? This will take 3-5 min to complete.

The outcome of this step is to learn to research and seek to understand, not to take everything at face value.

When you follow and implement these steps you will understand that you don't have to be a zombie, but a real live person with choices. You will know how to yank out the program that says thou shalt be scared and guilty and replace it with a program that serves you! The importance of this is to make aware how we are being programmed in every aspect of life through media, culture, tv etc.  We need to take responsibility for what enters our minds and to choose well what we put into our mind just like in the story of the hot cup of coffee experiment and how just a warm cup of coffee causes us to see others as warmer. You now have the steps on how to take back control of your mind. They are:  

  • 1.  Realize that we are constantly getting programmed. 

  • 2.  Protect yourself. 

  • 3.  Choose what you want to believe after researching well.  

The outcome is to realize you are being programmed and the importance of taking action to protect your mind. To learn to research and seek to understand, not to take everything at face value. 

Your Action Steps Are to implement the steps above, and come back and let us know what your results are!

READ the whole story http://www.getyourshittogether.life


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