Awaken Enlightenment Within (Chakras) 

What if there was more to the body than met the eye? In this post, I will share with you the importance of understanding there are 7 energy centers to know about and take care of. We need to maintain these energy centers in order to live optimally. I will also share with you tools that you can use to clear your chakras and get them flowing freely.  I will share with you the story of how I realized my heart and solar plexus were blocked and what I did to free them. I will also share with you the three steps to having a system flowing freely energetically. 

They are: 

1.  Learn there are 7 energy centers that match up with the 7 human needs. 

2.  Each center needs to flow freely to run optimally and they each get blocked with specific emotions. 

3.  Crying, realization, changing your thoughts, and energy work modalities can all help unblock a chakra. The outcome is to know and understand the 7 chakras, how they line up with the 7 human needs,  and how they can get blocked and unblocked.

The outcome is to add to your toolbox ideas of how to help yourself and others when needed. A Well oiled car runs much smoother, so does a well-oiled body. Living with all centers flowing freely will allow you to live your life optimally.

Have you ever thought that there might be more to the body than meets the eye? Have you ever watched a documentary that teaches you about the body and you're like, "Whoa, I didn't know that. That's crazy." How our heart beats 100,000 times a day. Amazing things.  What I am about to share with you is a little like that.

There are seven energy centers in the body that we are not taught about in our Western schools. In Asia, and that part of the world they already know this. But in our Western schools, we are not taught about the seven energy centers. For some of you, this might be the very first time that you're even finding out that we have them, that YOU have them. Everyone has them. They are also called chakras. There are seven main chakras, there's actually lots more, but I'm only going to get into the seven main ones.

  • Root

  • Sacral

  • Solar Plexus

  • Heart

  • Throat

  • Third Eye

  • Crown

I realized that my heart and my solar plexus were blocked. And so you may be asking, "Okay, what does that mean?" Imagine there's a PVC pipe that runs through your body from head to toe, and your energy centers run through that. And imagine they're like little tornadoes of energy spinning because they are. And if that PVC pipe gets blocked with, let's say, cobwebs, then the energy center isn't flowing as freely, and when you're not flowing freely, you're not as optimal.

Have you ever woken up and you felt like you were off? I actually woke up that way today, and I had to do some of the tricks I know, to get in alignment. Once we understand we have energy centers, and once we understand that we need to maintain those energy centers no different than any other organ or anything else to do with the body. Then it's amazing to see and feel the difference. I realized that my solar plexus was blocked. Energy centers get blocked by different emotions. 

This is all going to become clear to you here in a second. So the root chakra, the need for certainty, is blocked by fear. Fear being one of the lowest frequencies. So the more scared you are, the more you are messing up your root chakra, which is putting you into survival, just making you worry about survival, which means you can't dream. You can't think about things past surviving. 

The second chakra, the sacral chakra, the need for variety, this is blocked by guilt and shame. And when you think about all the guilt and shame that surrounds sex, you can understand why so many people's sexual chakras are compromised, are not flowing freely. People are not in their flow, they are not in their creativity, they're not rolling with the punches, and they are stressed out, afraid, worried, and feel guilty. 

The third chakra is your solar plexus. And this is the one I had issues with. Mostly because it's blocked by anger. The Solar Plexus is right below your rib cage, the top of your belly, and it's blocked by anger. I had so much anger. I didn't even know I had it. Do you know why? Because I wasn't allowed to be angry. In my culture, my family, and in my environment. It was ok to be sad now and again, but you're not allowed to be angry. Anger was considered really bad. So I would stuff my anger down, and it would turn into sadness, because that's what was accepted better, but anger? Nope, not allowed. Bad, bad, bad.  So I didn't express it. I didn't express my anger and so it was all stuffed and held in my belly. 

My heart was also blocked. The heart gets blocked from grief.

I had my share of grief, losing my marriage, eight years of abuse, violence, and anger, losing babies and people in the tribe, trying everything you can to save them... I think I might have been the reason a baby died once. She was newly born and she had pneumonia. And the family was already wailing, because they believed she was dead. We were doing all that we could do. My partners asked me to go grab the medicine, and so I tore through the jungle, up to my partner's house to get the adrenaline, stomping through the jungle in my boots, in the wet grass and mud. I  get back all out of breath and I'm reading the instructions on how much of the medicine to give. I missed a zero and gave the wrong instructions, and the baby got too much, and she died. I felt immense grief and guilt for not being better, for getting worried and stressed so that I couldn't think straight so that I made a mistake. I blocked my sacral and heart chakra in that situation.

Then there was the grief of the Mission abandoning me. The grief of friends stealing from me and then disappearing. I had experienced quite a bit of grief and my heart was blocked. There was this one day I remember we were with Josh my Healer and Zander(my unofficially adopted son) and I were having some struggles together. So we went to Josh to get some help.  He was mitigating for us and at the end of the session, he looks at Zander and he says "Zander, follow your intuition and tell Amy, whatever it is you feel you need to tell her." 

He takes a deep breath, and he says this to me. “You have this incredible heart, this huge heart that everyone can see, and everyone can feel. And then there's this inner heart that you don't let anyone else touch or allow in”

My first reaction was very human. I thought "Nah, no. I live my life out in front of everybody I love freely." And then I said to myself, " Amy, listen.” Ask yourself, ``Is this true?"  It was a few days later when I was thinking about it again,  And I'm like, "Oh my gosh, He's right." I have a rock in the middle of my heart that I protect, that nobody else gets to see. So that I don't get hurt to that same level ever again. That's what grief can do. 

There are different modalities that you can use to help clear your chakras. The main one that I use and do almost every day is yoga. That's why yoga is so amazing. It's not just helping your muscles. It's helping your chakras. It's aligning your chakras and clearing your chakras so that you can be as optimal as possible. Another way to clear your Chakras is to cry. To express yourself and cry. I have cried at this point, honestly, for hundreds of hours. I remember I would come home from a session with my Healer and my mom would go "Still crying?". I'm like "Yep, getting it out. You’ve got to get it out.” I didn't cry for years, I kept it all in until someone would die in the village and I would wail with them.  I lived in Papua New Guinea as a missionary for 4.5 years with an abusive husband.  And when someone died I would give myself permission to cry.

I would wail. I didn't understand wailing. Westerners don't grieve properly in my opinion,  tribal people, they grieve properly, they wail, they let it all hang out. And I would do that with them. I wasn't just crying for the death in the village, I was crying also for me, and for my boys and what we were living with. But that wasn't very often. And so all the other times I would hold it in, because if I cried, things got worse for me. And most of all, I had to keep my kids safe. protected. So I didn't cry, I didn't yell. That's the other thing you can do, you can yell, you can get angry, you can punch some pillows. The thing is to do it in a way that's safe, in a way that you're not hurting anybody. I go out into the desert and I scream my head off, it feels so good. Be angry. Sometimes you need to be angry, sometimes things make you angry and sad.

Get it out.

Don't let it stay in because if you keep it in, it messes up your energy centers/chakras. And you’ve got to take care of your chakras no different than you take care of the rest of your body. The other thing you can do is get help. Go to a healer, go to an energy worker. Again, we are all energy. There are people who know how to do that. Sometimes things take work and consistent therapy. And sometimes things can be healed in a second. So seek to understand what could help you and think about whether or not you have had fear, guilt or shame or anger or grief, or, lies in your life.

There are so many different ways that you can use to help maintain your energy centers. Meditation is another beautiful way. Breathwork as well is another beautiful way of clearing and helping your energy centers work in the best possible way for you.   Seek and ye shall find.

How you can learn from me…

1. Learn there are 7 energy centers that match up with the 7 human needs

The importance of this step is to understand there are 7 energy centers to know about and take care of.

I do this step by sharing the story of how I realized my heart and solar plexus were blocked.

To start…

A. Root chakra

The first one is the root chakra. Which by the way, lines up with the first human need, which is certainty. And the root chakra is all about survival. It's all about taking care of our primal needs. Which matches up with certainty, needing to know, and needing to plan. Questions like. Do I have a roof over my head, do I have food in my belly? Our primal Root Chakra is down at the bottom, it's at the base, basically, right below and over your private parts. That is the section for your root chakra. And the color for that is red.

B. Sacral

Then there is the sacral chakra, which is just below your belly button. And that is the sexual chakra, that meets the need of variety. You don't want sex to be mechanical, you want it to flow and the sacral chakra is all about flowing and being creative. We need that in our life. We need certainty and we need survival and we need to have flow, we need to be creative, all of it is necessary. 

C. Solar Plexus

The third one is your solar plexus. Your solar plexus is the colour yellow, and that matches the need for significance. Your solar plexus is where your will and your fire and your motivation comes from, from your core, from your centre. It’s located right below your ribs, top of your stomach.

D. Heart

Your heart is the fourth center and it is green in colour. That matches love and connection. It is located in the center of your chest.  This is also a center for creating. We all have the need for love and connection.

E. Throat

The fifth chakra is your throat chakra, which is the equal counterpart to the need to express yourself and to express the truth not only to yourself but to others. And the colour for that one is blue. 

F. Third Eye

The sixth one is the chakra of the third eye. Located in the center of your head. The eye that sees without your eyes open, and that matches the need for awareness, the need to follow your intuition, the need to grow, the need to wake up and get off the program. 

G. 7. Crown

The seventh is the crown chakra, that's at the top of your head. And that is the counterpart of connection to all this is where you realize that we are all one. There is no separation. 

To know and understand the 7 chakras and how they line up with the 7 human needs.

2. Each center needs to flow freely to run optimally and they each get blocked with specific emotions

We need to maintain these energy centers in order to live optimally.

I do this step by sharing how my chakras got blocked and how and what I did to free them.

Here’s how the energy centers are blocked

 A. Root - Blocked by fear

So the root chakra, the need for certainty, is blocked by fear. Fear being one of the lowest frequencies. So the more scared you are, the more that you are messing up your root chakra, which is putting you into survival, just making you worry about survival, which means you can't dream. You can't think about things past surviving. I want you to breathe deep into your lungs. Make sure it’s through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Repeat three times then ask your higher self this question. Right now I want you to ask your higher self, “ Where in my life have I been so afraid that I know it affected me?” Write down anything that comes to mind. For me, I was the most afraid when I ran away with my kids from my abusive husband. “ Where in your life have you been so afraid, that you know it affected your root chakra? This will take 3-5 min to complete.

B. Sacral - Blocked by Guilt and shame

The second chakra, the sacral chakra, the need for variety, this is blocked by guilt and shame. And when you think about all the guilt and shame that surrounds sex, you can understand why so many people's sexual chakras are compromised, are not flowing. People are not in their flow, they are not in their creativity, they're not rolling with the punches, they are stressed out, afraid, worried and feel guilty.  Breathe deep into your lungs again and ask your higher self, “When have I felt so much guilt and shame, that I know it’s affected me?”  Write down anything that comes to mind. For me, I felt the most guilt and shame when I decided to not live my life single and alone and went against the church/Mission organization I was in and started to date again. “When have you felt so much guilt and shame, that you know it affected your sacral chakra?” This will take 3-5 min to complete.

C. Solar plexus - blocked by anger

The third chakra is your solar plexus. And this is the one I had issues with. Mostly because it's blocked by anger. The Solar Plexus is right below your rib cage, the top of your belly, and it's blocked by anger.   Breathe deep into your lungs again and ask your higher self, “When have I felt so much anger that I know it’s affected me?” Write down anything that comes to mind. I experience the most anger being mad at God for a while. I was mad that he would “allow” me to get into an abusive marriage, have to run to be safe, have to start over alone etc. “When have you felt so much anger, that you know it affected your Solar Plexus chakra?” This will take 3-5 min to complete. 

D. Heart - Blocked by grief

The heart chakra is blocked by grief. Extreme sadness when not expressed can severely affect your heart. It creates a protective shell and it keeps you closed off to fully giving and receiving love. Breathe deep into your lungs again and ask your higher self, “When have I felt so much grief, that I know it’s affected me?” Write down anything that comes to mind. I experience the most grief over the death of my marriage and over the death of the baby because of my mistake.   “When have you felt so much grief, that you know it affected your heart chakra?” This will take 3-5 min to complete. 

E. Throat - Blocked by lies

The throat chakra is blocked by lies. If you've been telling others or yourself lies, if you've been an ostrich not wanting to look at the truth, your throat chakra probably needs some attention. The throat chakra will also get blocked if you are lying to others as well.   Breathe deep into your lungs again and ask your higher self, “When have I lied to myself or others so much that I know it’s affected me?” Write down anything that comes to mind. For me, the biggest lie of my life was telling myself that I didn’t have value. That I wasn’t good enough. “When have you lied to yourself or others, that you know it affected your throat chakra?” This will take 3-5 min to complete.

F. Third Eye - Blocked by not following your intuition

And the third eye is blocked by not listening to your intuition. By going off of fear and logic instead of listening to the God that lives in you. Breathe deep into your lungs again and ask your higher self, “When have I not listened to my intuition, my Higher Self, so much that I know it’s affected me?” Write down anything that comes to mind. I’d have to say, and it’s very hard to admit outloud, but I didn’t listen to Source in me in regards to marrying my second husband Pete. I knew, deep down it wasn’t what I should be doing, but I did it anyway to give myself a loving husband and a dad for the boys.    “When have you not listened to your intuition, so much that you know it affected your third eye chakra?” This will take 3-5 min to complete.

G. Crown - Blocked by forgetting we are all connected, we are one

Connection to all, that that one gets blocked in the crown chakra that one gets blocked by forgetting that we are one, when you get attached to material things, and you forget that we are one, that we are connected, that when I hurt you, I hurt me. And when I hurt an animal I hurt me. And when I don't take care of my planet, it hurts me, because we are connected. Breathe deep into your lungs again and ask your higher self, “When have I completely forgotten that I am connected to all, so much, that I know it’s affected me?” Write down anything that comes to mind.  For me, it is when I didn’t realize that we were all connected, and I used to eat meat.  I didn’t really think about the fact that by eating an animal I was taking a life, that I was taking on their fear of death by eating the flesh that was full of fear... that it was also hurting me because I was hurting them. “When have you totally forgotten or didn’t realize that you are connected to all, so much that you know it affected your crown chakra?” This will take 3-5 min to complete.

The hope is that you will realize that it’s important to take care of your energy centers and make sure they are flowing freely.

Step 3. Crying, realization, changing your thoughts, energy work modalities can all help unblock a chakra

The importance of this step is to understand some of the tools that you can use to clear your chakras and get them flowing freely.

I do this step by explaining some of the modalities that can be used to clear chakras.

Here’s what you can do…

  A. Yoga

The first modality that I discovered on my journey of learning about the energy centers and needing to take care of them was to learn yoga. I have now done yoga almost every day for 8 years. It has changed my life. I was super resistant to it at first feeling like it was super boring, but now I love it and can totally appreciate what it does for my mind, body and energy sessions. If you don’t already do yoga consistently, I encourage you to get started with a month of classes.  Best to have a teacher to start so that you can make sure you are doing the positions correctly. Call a person you know who does yoga already and get their recommendation and then book it. Right now, do it. After 30 days of at least 2-3 classes a week you will see and feel the difference. Book your first appointment asap.

B. Crying

Another great easy to cleanse and clear the energy centers is to cry.  Sometimes energy gets stuck and crying can help release it. Now if you are someone like I used to be and you think you aren’t a crier, it’s possible to change that. For me, I had to give myself permission to do it.  For a long time, I thought I had to know the reason to cry. Turns out you don’t have to have a reason at all. Just cry, get it out.  You can help yourself by watching a sad movie and when it gets to the really sad part, let it all hang out. Sob, go all in, let it out. You won’t cry forever I promise, you will be surprised at how fast it passes, but you will feel so much better after.  Homework for this step is to let yourself cry.  

C. Getting angry

Another way to sort out your solar plexus energy center is to allow yourself to get angry in a safe and controlled way. What I do is I go for a walk, way out in the desert so that I know no one can hear me and I scream and yell and cry and scream and yell and cry. I say whatever I need to say to God or the person I’m upset with. I scream and yell until I can’t scream and yell anymore.  Then this peace comes over me, and wow do I feel better. You have to get that shit out. I have also punched pillows. If you have someone in your home that can hold up a couch cushion, go at it, that can be very helpful as well. I have a punching bag that looks like a person named Bob.  He has had the shit kicked out of him for years between my boys and I.  Get it out. So your homework for this step is to the next time you feel angry find something ( not someone) to punch or you go out and scream and yell, but the point is, you get it out. Promise? I hope you do.

D. Energy work etc

Another amazing way to get your energy centers spinning effectively and clearly is to go to someone who is an energy worker. I went to an energy worker for 8 years consistently and I have been one now myself, for a couple of years. I can’t even imagine what my life would be like without the help that I received. Just so you know it doesn’t have to take years, or it could, depending on how much trauma you have to clear and heal. The point is to go as long as you want and need to. Doing your own practices like the ones above with yoga, and expressing your emotions will help considerably. With the big stuff you might need some extra help and there is no shame in that.  We all need help sometimes. To do this next step breathe deep into the lungs again. Make sure it’s  through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now ask your higher self this question, “Do I have energy stuck that I need outside help with?” You will know. Your Higher self will say yes or no.  If it’s yes, I want you to make an appointment with someone you trust. If you don’t know anyone, then think of someone you know who might know. If that ends up a dead end, go online and research.  Energy work can be done in person and online. I’ve done many sessions on zoom. We are all connected so distance doesn’t matter.  The important thing is to go with someone you feel good about. Your intuition will lead you. Trust it.  

The outcome of this step is to add to your toolbox ideas of how to help yourself and others when needed.

When you follow and implement these steps you will realize that there is more to the body than meets the eye. You will know and understand that there are 7 energy centers to know about and take care of. We need to maintain these energy centers in order to live optimally. You will have the tools that you can use to clear your chakras and get them flowing freely. Like in my story of how I realized my heart and solar plexus were blocked and what I did to free them. You will have the three steps needed to have a system flowing freely energetically. 

They are:  

  • 1.  Learn there are 7 energy centers that match up with the 7 human needs.  

  • 2.  Each center needs to flow freely to run optimally and they each get blocked with specific emotions.  

  • 3.  Crying, realization, changing your thoughts, and energy work modalities can all help unblock a chakra.  

The outcome is to know and understand the 7 chakras and how they line up with the 7 human needs and how they can get blocked and unblocked. The outcome is to add to your toolbox ideas of how to help yourself and others when needed. A Well oiled car runs much smoother, so does a well-oiled body. Living with all centers flowing freely will allow you to live your life optimally.

Your Action Steps:  Are to implement the steps above, and come back and let us know what your results are!

READ the whole story


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