Be the Change You Wish To See In The world.(Mahatma Ganndhi)

Are you part of the problem or the solution? In this blog post, I will share with you the importance of taking a look at what you wish was different in the world. To then come up with a solution to the problem that you can help with. It requires action. Complaining about wanting change doesn’t work. I will share the story of feeling helpless at first to put my friend in the hands of doctors that may or may not have had a good day, want to be there, or know how to handle this situation, etc. How I thanked them in advance for how they will help my friend and what we did as individuals and a community to help. I will also share with you the 3 steps on how to become the change you wish to see in the world.

They are: 

1.  What do I wish was different in the world? 

2.  What can I do to move toward that becoming a reality?

3.  Do it- help or contribute or both.    

The outcome of this step is to know what you would like to see differently and get into the right state to start doing something about it. To realize that things are not completely out of our hands, we can be part of the solution. The outcome is to stop complaining and do something about it - Take responsibility. 

Sometimes we feel so helpless, don't we? We feel powerless to make a change. And we get overwhelmed with all the garbage and shit and power and bullshit that exists in the world. But sometimes we need to be the change that we wish to see.

I had an opportunity to do that with my friend Dani after she was stabbed 9 times. When we got to the hospital with Danni, I felt so helpless. I gave her to the doctors and I stood nearby on the other side of the curtain. I stood there and thought, "What can I do? What can I do to help." I know the diamond, I know how to change my state, I know how to also help other people change their state. And so I'm like, "Okay, I'm gonna do whatever I can to get the doctors to pay attention to be the best that they can be." And so as they were coming and going, I would stop them.  I got this idea from my dad. I didn't think about it at the moment, but later, I realized I must have remembered his story in the hospital with his heart. 

And so each doctor that came by, I would grab them quickly. And I would say, "Listen, I am so thankful for you, thank you in advance for what you're going to do for my friend, I want you to know that she is amazing. She's one of the best people on the planet. Thank you for all the school and all that you've done to get to this point to be able to help her. " She's amazing. Thank you. You could see the shift in them even though I found out later that they believed she had a 20% chance of living. 

She died twice on the table. They had to resuscitate her twice, they removed her kidney, it was obliterated, he stabbed her multiple times with the knife in the same hole. So they had to take her kidney and her spleen. But she survived. The next morning, the doctors were ecstatic, you could see that they were completely shocked that she was alive and that she was doing as well as she was doing. 

I don't know if my little gratitude speeches to each of them made a difference or not. But I did what I could to be the change that I wanted to see. I don't know if they worked a little harder. I don't know if they wanted to beat the odds a little more. But I remember I saw a change in each of them as I thanked them. Dani is super close now to all of those doctors and nurses. She made an impact on the people in that hospital, we all did, because of the energy that we brought in, the gratitude and expectation of great things, and the blood drive that we organized the following morning before we even knew if she was going to make it. 

They had never seen so many people show up for a blood drive. My incredible brother started a GoFundMe for her because they didn't have the money for the hospital bills. And so, so many hundreds of different beautiful souls contributed to Dani’s $30,000 hospital bill and removed so much stress from their lives by knowing that they had some help with that. 

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

How you can learn from me…

Step 1.  What do I wish was different in the world

The importance of this step is to take a look at what you wish was different in the world, like really look. 

I do this step by sharing the story of feeling helpless at first to put my friend in the hands of doctors that may or may not have had a good day, want to be there, know how to handle this situation, etc.

To start…

  1.  Ask yourself ' What do you wish was different in the world, or what would you like to see happen

There are situations in this world that each of us has witnessed, experienced, or are aware that exist, that we detest and wish were different. Often we complain about it, bitch about it, and stress about it.  But that doesn’t help anything, does it? We need to be the change that we wish to see in the world. The first step to do that is to first know what it is that we wish was different, or would like to see happen. So right now I want you to Breathe deep into your lungs. Make sure it’s  through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhh” Do this at least three times, then ask your higher self “ what it is that we wish was different, or would like to see happen?” Write down anything that comes to mind. For me, I wanted to make sure that the Dr.’s saw Dani as a real person.  I’m sure they do most of the time, but I could also see it might get easy for them to numb themselves, as what they do is so difficult. So what is it that you wish was different, or would like to see happen?” This will take 3-5 min to complete.

2. Get clear on what that looks like

The second step is to take a few minutes to get clear on what it is that you REALLY would like to see change. Look at the list you just wrote and pick the one that means the most to you. As I was waiting in that hospital for Dani to go into surgery, there were all kinds of things that I wanted to see happen. I wanted her to live, I wanted her family to arrive, I wanted the Dr’s to do their all, etc. The most important to me at the moment was making sure the Dr. 's did their all. Which desire on your list means the most to you? This will take 2 min.

3. Get into a high frequency

The third step is to be grateful that Life is Happening For You. This will raise your frequency and help you get clear on the next step. This will take 1 min to complete.

The outcome of this step is to know what you would like to see differently and get into the right state to start doing something about it.

Step 2.  What can I do to move toward that becoming a reality

The importance of this step is to come up with a solution to the problem that you can help with.

I do this step by sharing the story about talking to the doctors and thanking them in advance for how they will help my friend.

Here’s how you do it…

  1. Ask Yourself " What can you do to be part of the solution?"

Once you are in a space of gratitude, ask your higher self this question, ``What can I do to be part of the solution?" There is always something you can do. What is it? ``What can I do to be part of the solution?" write down anything that comes to mind. For me, sitting on the sidelines there at the hospital at first I couldn’t think of anything that I could do, other than wait. And sometimes that is the answer, but I’d say rarely. I kept asking what can I do to help, what can I do to help?  Until all of a sudden, I thought about helping change the Dr.’s state by sharing my gratitude with them and to let them know what an amazing person Dani was. ``What can you do to be part of the solution?" This will take 3-5 min to complete.

2. Ask yourself " who else could I talk to about it?

The next step is to see who else you can get enrolled to help you in your mission. So ask your higher self right now, “ who else could I talk to about this or get enrolled to help me with this mission?” I was able to do this by getting the community together to give blood. That was something we could do for Dani and others who needed it. We did this as well when my brother put together a Go Fund Me for her and many of us contributed towards her hospital bills, etc. “ Who else could I talk to about this or get enrolled to help me with this mission? “ This will take 3-5 min to complete.

3. Research the best ways to help

The third step is to spend some time researching if necessary the best ways to help. This is a good practice as there is no need to reinvent the wheel when it already exists. I said to my brother, “Dani and Betto don’t have the kind of money that this emergency is going to cost, they are going to need help.”  I didn’t know how in that moment, but my brother did, and so he put together the Go Fund Me.  So take some time to research the best ways you can help.

The outcome of this step is to realize that things are not completely out of our hands, we can be part of the solution.

Step 3.  Do it - help or contribute or both

The importance of this step is that it requires action, not just complaining about something to make a change.

I do this step by sharing how Dani died twice on the table, how they brought her back, and how she lived after being given a 20 % chance to live. Blood drive, Go Fund Me, etc

Here’s what you want to do…

1. Once you know what to do - take the first step

Once you know what to do, take the first step. So the first step here in this process is to take the first step. Just do it.  Dive in. Step by step, brick by brick, blood donation, by blood donation, etc. Move, act, jump, you can do it! For me, it was to talk to the first Dr. that passed me and then the second, and then the third. I kept going until I had spoken to all of the people involved with her care, expressing my gratitude for their skill, expertise and care for my beautiful friend! What is your first step? This will take as long as your first step takes.

2. See who you can get to help and contribute as well

The second step in this process is to again continue to ask yourself who else could I enroll to help me with my purpose?  Who else can make a difference with me? Who else would like the blessing of making a difference? Write down who comes to mind and then contact them. Don’t delay. Act.

3. Keep asking yourself " What else can I do to be part of the solution?"

The third step is to remember to keep asking yourself how you can be the change you wish to see in the world. Ask yourself, what else can I do to be part of the solution?  It’s not a one-time thing, this is a lifetime thing. Otherwise, we continue to be bystanders in our life, bitching about whatever it is we don’t like. Stop that, do it differently. Get involved.  Now.  

The outcome of this step is to stop complaining and do something about it - Take responsibility.

When you follow and implement these steps you will know how to become part of the change you wish to see in the world. You will know the importance of taking a look at what you wish was different in the world and then come up with a solution to the problem that you can help with. It requires action. Complaining about wanting change doesn’t work. Like in the story when I had to put my friend in the hands of doctors. How I thanked them in advance for how they will help my friend and what we did as individuals and a community to help. You will have the steps to do this yourself. They are:

  • 1.  What do I wish was different in the world?  

  • 2.  What can I do to move toward that becoming a reality? 

  • 3.  Do it - help or contribute or both.    

The outcome of this step is to know what you would like to see differently and get into the right state to start doing something about it. To realize that things are not completely out of our hands, we can be part of the solution. The outcome is to stop complaining and do something about it - Take responsibility. When we do this we become the change we wish to see in the world.

Your Action Steps:  Are to implement the steps above, and come back and let us know what your results are!

READ the whole story


In Everything there is a gift


Victim or Victor, which is it?