In Everything there is a gift

What if there was a gift in everything? In this blog post, you will learn that even though shit does occasionally hit the fan, that there is a gift in every situation! Life can be a whole lot of fun when looking for gifts everywhere. I share the story of missing my flight to New York and how I was able to make lemonade out of lemons. You can learn how to do that too by following these 3 steps. 

1. Become aware that shit is hitting the fan,

2.  Literally look around you for the gift in it,

3.  Go with the flow of knowing and enjoying the constant gifts and be grateful. 

The outcome of this is to wake up to the situation so that you can separate yourself from it to be able to control your thoughts. Only then can you take the time to look for the gifts, and they are everywhere. Enjoy the magic that exists all around you!  From following and implementing these steps you will learn how to look at life through rose-colored glasses and it will be a good and healthy thing to do. 

What if there was a gift in everything? Like, actually. What if in our everyday life, we could see the mounds of gifts that surround us on a moment by moment basis.

There's a fun story that I remember in regard to this. And that was that I worked for a company called Fiesta Americana, for years. They were flying me to New York to get my American-Canadian perspective on the business. They serve mostly Mexicans, due to it being a Mexican company, but they also service Americans and Canadians and they needed some help, knowing how to communicate and to understand the culture and how things work. So I was being flown to New York to meet up for one day, to mastermind.

I was really excited to go. And I just had a carry-on because it was just for two nights. For some reason, I thought I had more time because I only had a  carry on but when I showed up at the airport they said, "Oh, sorry, we gave your ticket away." "What?"  I gasped!  "Yeah, we sold your ticket. So you will need to get another flight. Internally or maybe externally I said,  “shit, what am I gonna do?" I ended up having to buy another whole flight to Mexico City, where I would have a connection to go the rest of the way to New York. But then my new flight was delayed and I knew that reaching my connection was going to be a miracle. But there was a chance. So I get to Mexico City, and I am running down the hallways asking people for directions. I literally asked five different people where the train was because I needed to change terminals. Believe it or not, they all pointed me in the wrong direction. So I’m running down the hall saying to myself,” life is happening for me, life is happening for me”. I would get to the end and find out that the train wasn't there and then ask somebody else and they'd send me in another direction. This continued on and on until finally I got to the train and finally to my gate. Sure enough, the plane was gone. 

So I worked the diamond, and I breathed, and I smiled, and I breathed some more. And I said okay, life is happening for me. There must be a gift in this. I don't know what it is. But surely there is. And so I was like, "Okay, what can I do? "So I asked around and I got a red eye flight to New York. I don't sleep on planes. I have to be highly medicated on Benadryl or sleeping horizontally on the floor of the plane amongst all the stinky feet,  in order to sleep. So the idea of flying all night and not sleeping was like, "Oh Lord, how am I going to function tomorrow?", but at least I'm going to get there. 

I flew all night, didn’t sleep and I actually chose to enjoy the flight.  Why? Because I have a choice. I literally landed in New York City JFK airport the minute that the workshop had started.  The stress is starting to build a little because I don't like showing up late, I normally don't. And this is a one day mastermind and I'm literally missing it. But then I remember again that there's a gift in everything. And so I'm looking around literally standing in the immigration line looking to see who or what the gift could be. 

There was this girl in front of me and I thought well maybe she's the gift.  So I  started talking with her and ended up sharing my crazy story of how I got there, why I was there, and that I was late for my meeting but I was really having quite a lot of fun. I was in a good state because I was choosing to be in a good state. She completely surprised me when she said, “I can help you."

"Really?" I said as I looked her in the eyes to see if she meant it. She responded, "Yeah, I have time." I didn't even know how complicated the process was to get to the hotel. It was like trains, planes and automobiles. So a plane there and I had to get on a couple of different trains and then a taxi. She took me all the way to the taxi, which was glorious because she navigated all the ticket booths.  I'm a country girl, I haven't been in the city much, it was just really nice to have the help. It saved me a lot of time figuring it out myself. She brought me to the taxi and said, "This is as far as I can get you but the taxi will take you to the door of the hotel".  I gave her a huge hug and said "You're amazing. Thank you so much." 

In the back of the taxi, I literally changed into my dress and heels. I was in my leggings and flip-flops. I changed carefully so that I could exit the taxi ready for the meeting, and not walk into the hotel looking like I just came off a red eye flight. It was hilarious and I was laughing to myself thinking “I am changing in the back of the taxi. This is crazy.” I was cracking myself up laughing. It was so much fun and I had the best time. I entered the workshop and had a beautiful day and got to add a lot of value. What could have been a miserable situation ended up being a wonderful one? All from believing that there's a gift in everything. So I encourage you to look for the gift. Look for the gifts. Look for the piles of gifts that surround us at any given moment and enjoy them.

How you can learn from me…

Step 1. Become aware shit is hitting the fan

The importance of this step is that shit does occasionally hit the fan.

I do this step by sharing the story of missing my flight to New York, having to take the red eye, arriving late.

To Start…

  1.  Separate yourself from the shit that's happening - become aware

The first step in turning a shitty situation into a great time is to first be aware that you are in a shitty situation. Now I know this seems obvious, but as you know the obvious isn’t always that obvious and we tend to let our programs run the show.  So the first step is to separate yourself from the shit that’s happening and see it separate from yourself.

2. Work the diamond

The next thing you do is work the diamond. The Diamond is a 4 step process of getting your shit together and changing your state.  The first step is to change the position of your body by smiling, breathing and moving it. The second point is to change what you are focused on and ask yourself “what am I thankful for?”  The third step is to replace the bullshit you are telling yourself, like in this instance, I’m going to miss my flight, too, life is happening for me and there is a gift in everything. And the fourth point of the diamond is to connect to Source and know you are not alone and ask for Divine Help.

3. Remind yourself that there is a gift in everything.

The third step is to keep reminding yourself that there is a gift in everything. I said that to myself so many times during that adventure. Before I knew to do this, I would have been tired, pissed off, and stressed. Changing my thinking changes everything.  I actually had a wonderful time.  The current program that runs is that I would have had every right in the opinion of many to be pissed off and miserable. Let’s do things differently. Let's remind ourselves that there is a gift in everything!

The outcome of this step is to wake up the situation so that you can separate yourself from it to be able to control your thoughts.

2.  Literally look around you for the gift in it

The importance of this step is knowing that there is a gift in every situation!

I do this step by sharing how I met the girl in the immigration line and made a friend and received help.

Here’s what you do…

1.  Look around

So when you are in the middle of a situation and you remember that there is a gift in everything, look around. Look around and physically look for the gift.  Look for it.  Seek and ye shall find!

2. Ask yourself, `` Where is the gift?"

Look around and then ask yourself “Where is the gift?"  When I asked myself that, I got the answer of that wonderful girl.  And in the taxi, I got the answer that I had a space to change into my dress to save time in preparation for my meeting.  Where is the gift?

3. Keep asking until you find a few gifts

If at first, you don’t receive an answer, keep asking. Keep looking and keep asking,  you will find something. Remember what is right is always available and what is wrong is as well, so you might as well look for the gift!

The outcome of this step is to take the time to look for the gift, they are everywhere.

3.  Go with the flow of knowing and enjoying the constant gifts and be grateful.

The importance of this step is that life can be a whole lot of fun when looking for gifts everywhere.

I do this step by sharing the story of how the girl went with me most of the way,  How I changed in the back of the taxi, arriving in style.

Here’s what you want to do…

  1. Smile, knowing there is something magical to find

As you go through life, smile, knowing there is something magical to find.  What a different life would be. So i’m encouraging you to not just use this process when shits hitting the fan but to use this process in everyday life. Look for the magic!  It’s so much fun!  I notice ants at work now, I see flower buds about to bloom for the first time, I laugh at things that used to frustrate me. Don’t get me wrong, I still forget sometimes and lose my shit, and my joy, but those times are less and less as I incorporate this process of looking for the magic. So look for the magic, it's everywhere!

2. Find the magic

The second step is to look for the magic until you find it.  Keep looking, searching, discovering, and uncovering the magic that surrounds us every day.  Like perhaps the smile you see on someone’s face, the smell of a baby’s head, the dew on the grass, the gratitude of a friend, the breeze on our skin, the fact that our heart beats 100,000 times a day without us having to tell it to.  That’s magic. Look until you find it!

3. Follow and enjoy the magic

The third step is to enjoy the magic. It’s not enough to just find it, enjoy it. Stop for a second, watch it, soak it in. Breathe it in. Let a smile spread across your face, sit and read a good book, take a nap, laugh at a joke, be present. Enjoy what is all around you. Enjoy!

 The outcome of this step is to enjoy the magic that exists all around us.

When you follow and implement these steps you will begin to see and understand that there is a gift in everything.  Even though shit does occasionally hit the fan, there is a gift in every situation! Life can be a whole lot more fun when looking for gifts everywhere like in my story of missing my flight to New York and how I was able to make lemonade out of lemons.  You will be able to do this too by following these 3 steps.  

  • 1. Become aware that shit is hitting the fan, 

  • 2.  Literally look around you for the gift in it, 

  • 3.  Go with the flow of knowing and enjoying the constant gifts and be grateful.   

The outcome of this is to wake up to the situation so that you can separate yourself from it to be able to control your thoughts. Only then can you take the time to look for the gifts, and they are everywhere. Enjoy the magic that exists all around you!  From following and implementing these steps you will learn how to look at life through rose-colored glasses and it will be a good and healthy thing to do. There is a gift in everything!

Your Action Steps:  Are to implement the steps above, and come back and let us know what your results are!

READ the whole story


Everything Has a Frequency


Be the Change You Wish To See In The world.(Mahatma Ganndhi)