Everything Has a Frequency

Change your frequency, change your life. In the blog post, I will share with you the importance of getting clear on what frequency is. The correlation of what frequencies match what emotions, and how changing our frequency changes our lives. I will share with you about the Schumann's resonance and how frequency plays a part in our world and everything in it. I will share the story of how I would turn grumpy people around at work by raising my frequency and helping them raise theirs. We are responsible. We can impact the world when we understand these three steps. 

1.  What is frequency

2.  What emotions resonate at what frequency

3. How to raise your frequency and therefore change the world   

The outcome will show in another way how there are really only two states, either crappy or happy. To get clear on what frequencies we are operating at, and to learn the steps to changing your frequency.  You will also learn the levels of frequency and how they affect your life.  The higher the frequency the better your life will be. Period. Change your frequency, change your life.

Everything is energy. Everything is vibration. Everything has a frequency. And it's really interesting how frequency can be measured. There's something called the Schumann's resonance. That is the global electromagnetic resonance that is generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. The measurement of Schumann's resonance for years was at a set number that had never changed. And then all of a sudden, a few years ago, it started going up, and did that ever get people excited? 

So what we're learning and I am not a scientist, but what I do know is that everything has a frequency. And that frequency affects everything. When you raise your frequency, you change your life. Low frequencies are fear, guilt, shame, etc,  and the highest frequencies are unconditional love and gratitude. They can all be measured and there are statistics to prove it. I'm going to share them with you here.

Do you ever feel helpless with what is going on in the world and how you can actually help? What I keep coming back to, is the importance of raising our frequency. Raise your frequency, don't stay scared, don't be fearful. Don't be angry. This is low frequency. Low frequency begets low frequency and we have a planet of people full of fear.  What we can do is change our frequency to unconditional love. That means loving even the people you really don't want to. Love them.  Be thankful, have gratitude. Love, joy, peace, and gratitude are the highest frequencies.  The more we walk around with love and gratitude, the higher the frequency is. They've done studies on meditation groups who have completely changed the course of violence in an area because we're all connected.  My vibration affects you and your vibration affects me. This is why it's important who we spend time with, who we're spending our vibration around, because we affect them and they affect us, it’s called the law of entrainment. What is the “Law of Entrainment”? The Law of Entrainment states when two different frequencies are in the presence of one another, they will always come into resonance with each other; the lower frequency will move up to meet the higher one.

So we have to be aware, it's that same thing of waking up and taking inventory on what am I thinking, where am I at, what is my frequency right now? What level am I? Am I at a 10? Am I at a five on my attitude? If you're at a two vibration, you're attracting a whole lot of 2-energy and 2-material things, and  2 level drama. If you're at a 10 then you're attracting 10 - energies and material things and blessings. It's just how it works. So what we can do is raise our frequency. I experienced this firsthand on a daily basis when I worked in the vacation ownership world. It is the easiest, hardest job. It's easy because the hours are pretty good and you can make great money.  But it's hard because everyone who comes in, is determined not to buy from you. Not to listen, not to engage. Some people even make up big grand stories about their life that aren’t even true. My job truly, was just to hopefully break down the walls of resistance far enough so that they could peek over the wall and just look at what I was offering them, so that they could make an educational choice for themselves.  This wasn't easy, because a lot of them literally promised each other they weren’t going to buy. 

But who's responsible? I am. I'm responsible, I'm responsible for my frequency. I also know that my frequency can affect their frequency and I have the power to influence them. It's up to them whether they want to be influenced. But I have the ability to do that. 

I knew I had to get my shit together first. I would literally during a bathroom break go into the bathroom stall, smile, breathe and move and jump around in the bathroom stall to get my heart going. I would also think about the things I'm thankful for and keep breathing until I felt that my energy, my frequency, and my vibration was at a 10, because that's what was necessary to get the job done. There was no way that I could get them over the line of change on the frequency chart if I was barely over the line myself. I needed to be way above the line in order to move them across the line. It was amazing how it worked.  I would even get them up standing and breathing and jumping around at the presentation table.  I'm sure most of them thought  I was nuts. I don't care. I'm responsible. I know what it takes to change your state. And so let's change it,  let's at least get into the best possible position to make the best possible choice. With your kids and with your spouses, get them moving. Ask them what they're thankful for. Help them change their state. Have a dance party. There are So many different ways that you can raise your vibration,  raise frequencies. Change your frequency, change your life..

How you can learn from me…

Step 1. What is frequency

The importance of this step is to get clear on what frequency is.

I do this step by sharing about the Schumann's resonance and how frequency plays a part in our world and everything in it.

To Start…

A. Definition of Frequency

The Definition of frequency is: the rate at which a vibration occurs that constitutes a wave, either in a material (as in sound waves), or in an electromagnetic field (as in radio waves and light), usually measured per second. Humans are spiritual beings and each of us vibrates with a certain vibration. When we feel down, depressed, angry – we have low vibration. The better and happier we feel – the higher our vibration, David Hawkins (philosopher).

Wayne Dyer says “In essence, every single person, as well as large groups of people, can be calibrated for their energy levels. Generally speaking, low-energy people cannot distinguish truth from falsehood. They can be told how to think, whom to hate, whom to kill; and they can be herded into a group-think mentality based on such trivial details as what side of the river they were born on, what their parents and their grandparents believed, the shape of their eyes, and hundreds of other factors having to do with appearance and total identification with their material world. Hawkins tells us that approximately 87 percent of humanity calibrates at a collective energy level that weakens them.”

Ask yourself right now, “what is my frequency on a scale of 1-10?  Or another way to ask is “how am I feeling emotionally on a scale of 1-10?”  This will give you the correct measurement as well. We are always vibrating at a certain frequency depending on how we think and therefore feel. The more we can become aware of our frequency the more we can consciously change it. Change your frequency, change your life.  

B. Low vibration begets low vibration and high vibration begets high vibration

High frequencies beget high frequencies and low frequencies beget low frequencies. Or in other words, low vibration begets low vibration and high vibration begets high vibration. We’ve all experienced this in our life. If someone enters a room in a low vibrational state, most people can see it and feel it. And depending on the people in the room and level of awareness, that one person can bring down the energy of the whole room. The same is true when someone enters a room at a super high frequency. That one person can take a dud party and turn it into an awesome one in seconds. Like in the example I shared with hiding in a bathroom stall for a few minutes to get my shit together and raise my frequency so that I could help my people raise their frequency high enough to be able to make a good choice for themselves. Write this down somewhere. Never make an important decision on a low frequency.  Never ever ever. Always make important decisions in a high vibration.

C. Line of change

In the Frequency chart below you can see that there are levels of vibration.  In the middle of the charge is the line of change.  Anything below the line are the low-frequency emotions like guilt, pain, anger, etc. The emotions above the line of change are the higher frequency emotions like calm, thankful, and excited. There are only two states of being, Crappy or Happy. If you are below the line of change, you are in a crappy state. This is when you are thinking and feeling that life is hard. If you are above the line of change, you are in a happy state. This is when you feel that life is fun and easy.  Simple.  If you are around someone who is angry, how many steps based on my simple chart, do they have to pass through to cross the line of change.  They are just one step away, correct? So how high on the scale do you need to be able to help them across the line of change? You need to be at least a couple of steps above or more to be able to influence them energetically. This is why it’s so important that we keep our frequency as high as possible. It affects ourselves and the people around us.     

In the book, Power vs Force by Dr. David Hawkins explains the level of the impact the higher vibrating people make on other people. Here is his discovery:

  • One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of optimism and a willingness to be nonjudgmental of others will counterbalance the negativity of 90,000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels.

  • One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of pure love and reverence for all of life will counterbalance the negativity of 750,000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels.

  • One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of illumination, bliss, and infinite peace will counterbalance the negativity of 10 million people who calibrate at the lower weakening levels.

  • One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of grace, pure spirit beyond the body, in a world of complete oneness, will counterbalance the negativity of 70 million people who calibrate at the lower weakening levels.

The implications of these figures are immense for discovering ways of improving human consciousness. By raising your own frequency of vibration only slightly to a place where you regularly practice kindness, love, and receptivity, and where you see beauty and the endless potential of good in others as well as yourself, you counterbalance 90,000 people somewhere on this planet who are living in the low-energy levels of shame, anger, hatred, guilt, despair, and depression.  

This is massively important! Change your frequency, change your life, change the world!

The outcome of this step is show in another way that there are really only two states of being how we are either crappy or happy and the levels of both.

2.  What emotions resonate at what frequency

The importance of this step is to show the correlation of what frequencies match what emotions.

I do this step by sharing about the fear and guilt and shame that is going on now with covid.

Here’s what you need to know…

A. What are the frequencies of low emotions

The low frequencies are Shame, Guilt, Apathy, Grief, Fear, Desire, Anger, and Pride to name a few.

B. What are the frequencies of the higher emotions

The High Frequencies are willingness, Acceptance,  Contentment, Reason, Love, Joy, Peace, Enlightenment, etc. Which frequencies would you rather experience on a consistent basis?  We have a choice. We are not victims of our emotions, we choose them. We all know people who have been through terribly hard situations and traumas that are miserable and we also know others who have been through similar situations and are bright shiny happy lights of inspiration. What’s the difference? Choice is the difference. Frequency is the difference. We have a choice. 

C. What frequency are you at right now? 

Ask yourself based on the chart below, where are you honestly at right now with your frequency? If you are below the line of neutrality or in other words the line of change, that means you are feeling like you are just getting by or could even be suffering.  Where do you want to be? What would you rather be feeling? Look at the chart and choose what you would like to feel.  

The outcome of this step is to get clear on what frequencies we are operating at.

3. How to raise your frequency and therefore change the world

The importance of this step is to see how changing our frequency changes our lives.

I do this step by sharing about my time in vacation ownership where I would have people who wouldn't want to be there, angry, grumpy, and aggressive at times, and how I would turn them around. We are responsible. We can impact the world.

Here’s what you do…

A. What is your emotional home?

The first step here is to discover where you are at vibrationally on a regular basis.  Meaning, what is your emotional home? I want you to breathe first. Breathe deep into your lungs,  Make sure it’s through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now I want you to ask your Higher self,  What is my favorite low frequency go-to? Meaning when you are miserable, what is your most common way to be miserable?  Is it anger, fear, sadness, stress, etc?  Ask yourself and write down what comes to mind.  Now you may want to resist admitting what comes to your mind at first, but it’s likely the truth.  Remember the more you can deal with what is true the more you are able to make the necessary changes.  For me when I first discovered this I realized that my emotional home was being stressed out.  Which is every achiever's word for fear.  When you are stressed out you are afraid of all that might not get done, in the most perfect way, at the best possible time, etc. It’s all fear.  “What is your low frequency favorite?”  Now ask yourself, “ what is my high frequency favorite?”  When I’m above the line where do I live?  What emotion is the most common one to experience?”  Write down what comes to mind.  Now I want you to breathe again, at least three times deep into your lungs and exhale “ahhhhhhh” and ask this question.  “Where do I live the most?”  Am I usually feeling the emotions found above the line or am I usually feeling emotions found below the line?”  Be honest with yourself.  Write down what is true. This will take 3-5 min to complete.

B. Celebrate that you realized this

Whatever it is that your realized, either above the line or below the line, I want you to celebrate the fact that you are now aware of what is true! This is huge! So many people go their whole life not realizing that they are angry most of the time. If they fully knew they would likely seek how to change that.  Remember we are 95% subconscious, which means we are 95% program and your program may be mostly stress or anger or pain etc. Knowing is the first beautiful step, so celebrate.  Give yourself a hug or a high five or something for waking up and becoming aware! This will take 10 sec to complete.

C. Work the Diamond

Once you know and if you are below the line or even if you are above the line but would like to get higher on the frequency scale you can work the diamond! The Diamond is a 4 step process of getting your shit together and changing your state.  The first step is to change the position of your body by smiling, breathing and moving it. The second point is to change what you are focused on and ask yourself “what am I thankful for?”  The third step is to replace the bullshit you are telling yourself with what is true,  And the fourth point of the diamond is to connect to Source and ask for support!  This is what I would do in the bathroom stall preparing myself to help my clients. I'd smile, breathe, move around by running in place, Tell myself I’ve got this, that I will find a way to help raise their frequency and I’d ask Source for help.  It works!  I love it! It’s completely transformed my life for the better.  I spend very little time suffering now, because I know how not to.

The outcome of this step is to learn the steps to changing your frequency

When you follow and implement these steps you will learn how to change your frequency,  and therefore change your life. You will know the importance of getting clear on what frequency is.  The correlation of what frequencies match what emotions, and how changing our frequency changes our lives. You will understand how frequency plays a part in our world and everything in it, like in the story of how I would turn grumpy people around at work by raising my frequency and helping them raise theirs. We are responsible. We can impact the world when we understand these three steps.  

  • 1.  What is frequency, 

  • 2.  What emotions resonate at what frequency, 

  • 3. How to raise your frequency and therefore change the world.   

The outcome will show in another way how there are really only two states, either crappy or happy, and that there are levels to both. You will be clear on what frequencies we are operating at, and learn the steps to change your frequency. You will also learn the levels of frequency and how they affect your life. The higher the frequency the better your life will be. Period. Change your frequency, change your life. Change the world!

Your Action Steps:  Are to implement the steps above, and come back and let us know what your results are!

READ the whole story http://www.getyourshittogether.life


Low Frequency Has a Cost


In Everything there is a gift