Low Frequency Has a Cost

Low frequency has a cost, are you willing to pay the price? In this blog post, I will share with you the importance of taking a good look at how low frequency impacts the world and see where these low frequencies have affected you personally. You hold the remote to your life. I will share my story of how years of living in fear, guilt and shame and anger can affect a person. I do this step by sharing the story of my migraines and what I had to do to get over them. The best way to change the world is to raise our frequency. Follow these three steps to get clarity on where you are at in your life.

1.  Low Frequency and the pain and suffering it causes us/What are the long term effects of low frequencies

2.  How have they affected your life specifically?

3.  Change your frequency change your life.

The outcome of this step is to show the science of what long periods of living in fear can cause in a person and to see and feel how fear and guilt and anger have affected your life and what it has cost you. You will know the facts about frequency and how it is the difference between a happy or crappy life. You will learn the true cost to low vibrational energy and by staring the aftermath straight in the face, hopefully, you will be inspired to raise it as high as you can. 

So here's the thing about low frequency. It's a real bitch sometimes. Fear, anger, guilt and shame... are terrible things to experience. For years, when I get real about it...that was the frequency that I was at. I was terrified and I had so much guilt and shame, about leaving the Mission organization I was with, not being successful in my marriage, etc.

Leaving the Mission was huge,  choosing to do things differently, and to live a freer life away from the rules and dictation of the Mission... It was wonderful in one respect, and it was terrible in another because I felt so guilty. That's the way that it is in general, across the world, that's how you control people, make them feel guilty. Shame is even worse, shame means you are bad. Now that you did something bad, but that you, at your core, are bad.

It was years before I let myself off the hook and realize that it was bullshit, that this is not how God operates. Unconditional love is who God is. And guilt, shame, fear, control... That is not God.

And I started redefining and getting to know God in a different way. Getting to know Source, The Divine, in a completely different way. And those low frequencies... The impact that they had on my life was absolutely 100% physical as well. It caused me to be literally curled up in a ball in a dark room for a year and a half, with migraines. 

I'd always been prone to headaches. Mostly now I believe because of my low vibration of living in fear and guilt and also because of what I was eating, I didn't realize that I shouldn't be eating bread, dairy, and meat. But since I've gotten rid of all those things, my headaches are gone. But the migraines... they are on another level. And anyone who's had a migraine knows. To give you an idea of how painful a migraine is...  I’d rather go through childbirth than have a bad migraine. During that time I wasn't a mother and I wasn't a wife, and I was barely a human being with the amount of pain that I was in.  One day,  for the first time in my life, I actually looked at a bottle of pills and went "Hmm..." I sucked in air when it hit me. "I can't believe I just thought that." And so now I understand a little, about how people get to the point of killing themselves like my grandmother did when she was in an abusive relationship and didn't feel like there was a way out. She took a pile of pills and ended her life. In that moment, I understood her. Low frequency has a cost. 

There are many studies, many that show a specific emotional charge and exactly what physical component will be affected by that emotional charge. That would be another whole book, But research it, look it up. Our emotions, our vibrations, affect our physical body. And those of you who have chronic pain know how it's a vicious circle because with the pain, it's really hard to be in a high frequency because you're in so much pain. But raising your frequency is the answer. It will help. Without a shadow of a doubt it will help. 

The cost isn't just in the pain that you feel. But it's the loss of who you are as a person. I wasn't able to take care of my kids in the best way that I could... I was barely surviving. And then there's more guilt and more shame because you're not being the mother that you want to be..   And then there's more fear, because how long is this going to continue.  You can hardly bear the thought of that. Then there’s the financial costs to physical pain. I ended up driving to my wonderful uncle and aunt's house a couple of hours away and stayed with them, God bless them, for three days a week for a year, so that I could go to a migraine clinic. An acupuncture migraine clinic, four times a day, three days a week. It was the only little bit of relief I would get in those three days. My second husband Pete and my parents were amazing at helping me take care of the boys..  It affected them, It affected my family big time. I know those of you reading this that have chronic pain, you know how it affects your loved ones. I sought help and treatment whenever I could, and it costs so much money, time, energy and relationships to try to get well. 

What changed was, I raised my vibration. I removed the fear. Fear was the biggest one for me. And I moved to Mexico where I could start over. Where I could not be feeling trapped by the mission, and the rules and the judgment and the guilt and the shame and most of all, fearing my ex-abusive husband’s harassment. I was able to raise my frequency. I was able to live in unconditional love and gratitude. And you can do that too. You can do that in the midst of your pain.

Be aware of what's going on that's causing you to have this pain. What is it emotionally that is going on that you have these ailments. There's absolutely an emotional reason. There is a vibrational reason. So look at it. Get curious about it. Figure out how you can change that and raise the frequency so that you can get relief and so that you can truly live.

How you can learn from me…

Step 1. Low Frequency and the pain and suffering it causes us/What are the long term effects of low frequencies

The importance of this step is to take a good look at how low frequency impacts the world.

I do this step by sharing the story of years of living in fear, guilt and shame and anger can affect a person.

To Start…

A. The effects of low frequency emotions on the body.

There are studies that show (look up in book, becoming supernatural) that prove that it is the field of frequency around us, otherwise known as “the field” that affects matter.  They did a study on a group of women who all had ovarian cancer markers in the field.  Some had ovarian cancer currently, but eventually, all who had the marker in the field eventually had ovarian cancer. In other words, cancer didn’t create the marker in the field. The marker in the field created the cancer. This is super important to understand. What this means is that our frequency affects our physical bodies, not just how we feel about our day.  

At the 2017 Neuroscience Education Institute (NEI) Congress, a Friday session focused on the physiology of fear and its impact on wellness. It was presented by Mary D. Moller, PhD, DNP, ARNP, PMHCNS-BC, CPRP, FAAN, associate professor, Pacific Lutheran University School of Nursing, and director of Psychiatric Services, Northwest Center for Integrated Health. The potential effects of chronic fear on physical health include headaches turning into migraines, muscle aches turning into fibromyalgia, body aches turning into chronic pain, and difficulty breathing turning into asthma, said Moller.

The potential effects of chronic fear on emotional health include:

  • Dissociation from self

  • Unable to have loving feelings

  • Learned helplessness

  • Phobic anxiety

  • Mood swings

  • Obsessive-compulsive thoughts

This is just a part of the damage that long term fear can do to the body. I had to wake up! I had been living in fear for over 10 years before I started getting help for it.  It’s time to pay attention to our energy, our frequency, our vibration. I will listen to different healing frequencies on youtube to cleanse me, and help me raise my frequency. For example, the 741 Hz frequency is known for its ability to penetrate deeply into the conscious and subconscious mind. This frequency is very beneficial for helping remove toxins and electromagnetic radiation from your cells. In doing so, this frequency can cleanse your cells from viral, bacterial and fungal infections. This makes regular listening of 741 Hz a crucial tool in your arsenal. 

To do this step, Breathe deep into your lungs.  Make sure it’s through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now I want you to ask your Higher self, How much time do I spend in fear?  How is fear affecting your life? Write down anything that comes to mind without judgment. This will take around 3-5 min to complete. 

B. Effects of Anger on the Body

The effects of long term Anger on the body are 

  • Headache,

  •  digestion problems,

  •  Insomnia,

  • increased anxiety,

  •  depression, 

  • high blood pressure, 

  • skin problems such as  eczema, 

  • heart attack 

  • stroke.   

I held quite a bit of anger in me as I was not taught how to deal with anger.  I was taught not to have it. Except that we do, and if not dealt with properly it gets stored in our bodies and it turns into disease.  Dis - ease, disease. I have spent a lot of time with my coach/healer, working through my anger. In my mind, now that I know the harmful effects, there is no other option but to deal with it.     Breathe deep into your lungs.  Make sure it’s through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now I want you to ask your Higher self, How much time do I spend angry. Write down anything that comes to mind without judgement. This will take 3-5 min to complete.

C. The effects of Shame on the body.

The effects of long term shame,( the lowest frequency), on the body cause

  •  anxiety, 

  • depression  

  • worthlessness. 

  • low self esteem. 

People who are consistently ashamed live out a difficult, emotional and mental battle every day.  Breathe deep into your lungs. Make sure it’s through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now I want you to ask your Higher self,” How much time do I spend in shame?” Write down anything that comes to mind without judgement. This will take 3-5 min to complete.


The outcome of this step is to show the science of what long periods of living in fear can cause in a person.

2.  How have they affected your life specifically?

The importance of this step is to look at yourself and see where these low frequency have affected you personally

Story: I do this step by sharing the story of my migraines and what I had to do to get over them.

Nuts and Bolts:

 A. Ask yourself " How has low frequency like fear affected my life?"

 For this step breathe deep into your lungs.  Make sure it’s through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now I want you to ask your Higher self,  " How has low frequency like fear, anger and shame affected my life?" Write down anything that comes to mind.  For me it caused me major debilitating migraines where I had to live in a dark room curled up in a ball in excruciating pain, on tons of pain meds for a year and a half.  How has low frequency like fear, anger and shame affected your life?" This will take 3-5 min to complete.

B. What has it cost you, your family, your work, your pocket etc

Breathe deep into your lungs again. Make sure it’s through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now I want you to ask your Higher self,  “What has living in low frequency emotions cost me, my family, my work, my pocket etc?” Write down anything that comes to mind without judgment. In my case it cost me my job, a year and a half of my life, cost me not being able to be the mom I wanted and needed to be for my kids, cost me thousands and thousands of dollars, and most of all it cost me loving my life. What has living in low frequency emotions cost you, your family, your work, your pocket etc?” This will take 3-5 min to complete.

C. Ask yourself " Is it worth it to stay living in low frequency emotions?

 For this third step, breathe deep into your lungs again. Make sure it’s through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now I want you to ask your Higher self,   “Is it worth it to stay living in low frequency emotions?”  Write down the answer.  If the answer is no, it’s not worth it.  Then make a decision right now to do things differently.  Make it your mission to figure out how to stay as much as possible in a high frequency of joy, love and gratitude.  

The outcome of this step is to really see and feel how fear and guilt and anger have affected your life and all that it has cost you.

3. Change your frequency change your life

The importance of this step is to know that you hold the remote to your life.

 I do this step by sharing what we can do to help the world and that is to change our frequency. 

Here’s what you do…

A. Share stats on how meditation have affected wars, and violence

Meditation is a wonderful way to raise your frequency and there are many studies that show the benefits not only individually but also collectively in helping specifically to reduce crime. Here is an example below.

In their study, published in the Journal of Health and Environmental Research, the authors suggest that these results are consistent with the hypothesis that a sufficiently large group practicing the Transcendental Meditation® technique and its advanced program, the TM-Sidhi® program would lead to reduced societal stress, as reflected in reduced rates of murder and violence. This group practice is said to create a positive effect in the environment due to a hypothesized "field effect of consciousness."

During 2007-2010, the size of the TM-Sidhi group located at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, was above or near 1,725 participants, the size predicted to have a positive influence on the US quality of life. This predicted threshold represents the square root of 1% of the US population at that time.

"This study and 17 other peer-reviewed studies suggest that one's individual consciousness is directly connected to an underlying, universal field of consciousness and that by collectively enlivening that universal field through the Transcendental Meditation technique, such a group can have a positive effect on the quality of life in society," added coauthor Dr. Michael Dillbeck.

28.4% reduction compared to previous four-year period

The study found that a slightly increasing trend in murder rate during the baseline period 2002 to 2006 shifted significantly to a declining trend during the four-year period 2007 through 2010. As a result, the urban murder rate was reduced 28.4% relative to the 2002-2006 average. The researchers estimated 4,136 murders in the 206 cities were averted by the significantly reduced trend in murder rates.

They calculated that the probability that the reduced trend in murder rates could simply be due to chance was 1 in 10 million.

B: What are the 7 healing frequencies

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” — Nikola Tesla

There are many different healing frequencies.  Here are a few to try on for yourself.

The Solfeggio Frequencies

  • 174 Hz relieves pain and stress.

  • 285 Hz heals tissues and organs.

  • 396 Hz liberates you from fear and guilt.

  • 417 Hz facilitates change.

  • 528 Hz for transformation and DNA repair.

  • 639 Hz reconnects you with your relationships.

  • 741 Hz helps provide solutions and self-expression.

The outcome of this step is to know the facts about frequency and how it is the difference between a happy or crappy life.

When you follow and implement these steps you will learn that low frequency has a cost.  You will know the importance of taking a good look at how low frequency impacts the world and see where these low frequencies have affected you personally.  Like in my story of how years of living in fear, guilt and shame and anger affected me and caused me a year and a half of migraines. The best way to change the world is to raise our frequency.  Here are the three steps to follow. 

  • 1.  Low Frequency and the pain and suffering it causes us/What are the long term effects of low frequencies, 

  • 2.  How have they affected your life specifically? 

  • 3.  Change your frequency, change your life. 

The outcome of this step is to show the science of what long periods of living in fear can cause in a person and to see and feel how fear and guilt and anger have affected your life and what it has cost you.  You will know the facts about frequency and how it is the difference between a happy or crappy life.  You will learn the true cost to low vibrational energy and by staring the aftermath straight in the face, hopefully, you will be inspired to raise it as high as you can. 

Your Action Steps:  Are to implement the steps above, and come back and let us know what your results are!

READ the whole story http://www.getyourshittogether.life


Understanding replaces Forgiveness in the mind of the master


Everything Has a Frequency