The Art Of Time Compression

Time compression is an amazing skill. In this blog post I will share with you the importance of saving yourself time and energy by doing multiple things for multiple areas of your life, during the same time frame, the importance of taking action and to celebrate your progress along the way. I will share with you a story about how I compressed multiple areas at once and will give you the steps for you to be able to do the same. They are: 

1.  Figure out what you need to do and ask yourself what else you can do at the same time to work on your wheel to create even more balance. -Time compression

2. Do those things - Take Massive Action

3. Celebrate and reward progress,  the outcome of this step is to learn how to compress time so as to get more things accomplished in the same amount of time. 

The outcome of these steps is to make sure you actually take action and get what you want done so that your dreams can actually become a reality! The hope is that you will enjoy the progress, because progress = Happiness. The overall outcome being that you will learn that you must know where you are and how you are doing in life in order to know where you'd like to go from here. Self-evaluation is a must.

So there's a cool trick that you can do to help you balance your life, and that is to use time compression. So what I do is I look at my wheel and I look at all the things that I've written down that I need to do for each one. And I ask myself: "What can I do now towards my goal in this section?" and then I ask, "What else can I do at the same time in maybe another pie, to be able to compress time and get both done?" And so I've become a queen at this, and this is how I have accomplished a lot of things. So, for instance, when I first did my wheel of life, I realized that I could really work on building the relationship with my mom. She loves time. She needs quality time and words. And sometimes I get so busy in life that I don't spend that time. 

At the time she was in Canada and not in Mexico with me. And so I realized I could call her.  And then I said, OK, So what else could I do during the same time?" And I'm like, "Well, I need to get groceries. And that helps my health because I'm eating healthy now and my mom's a great cook. So I'm going to call mom and we're going to go grocery shopping together. And that's going to make her feel happy because she loves cooking and she'll be able to help me. And then I ask myself, "What else could I do?" And I realized that sometimes I don't do a lot of fun things with the boys because I get working. So I think  "Well, I can take the boys with me and we can talk with Beppa, their grandma, and go grocery shopping. And then at the end we can get some ice cream together." And so now I'm building out my health pie, I’m building out my relationship with my mom and my boys pie. I'm getting multiple things done at the same time. And that creates a whole lot of happiness because progress equals happiness. 

I love time compression. When scheduling things for specific growth that you want to see happen in your wheel of life, make sure you schedule what you need to do and make sure you block things off.  I want to use the example of doing that with my women's group. So every Wednesday we get together and I guard that hour with my life. And unless I'm on an airplane, I am there on the call with my girls. With my team, with my people. So I make sure that that happens because that is growing out and balancing my male and my female part of my life.

If I don't take the time to do it, it won't happen. So make sure that you really know what you need to do and then take action to make that happen and schedule a time and a date and then block it off and guard it with your life. You also really want to make sure that you're rewarding yourself along the way when you've been actively working on your wheel and you can see it growing, reward yourself, celebrate the progress, celebrate that you're making a difference and a dent, and you're seeing your wheel get bigger and broader and rounder. And you're going to notice that your experience of floating through life is going to get much smoother. It's not that there's no bumps, it's just that it's easier to go over them. And it's a little bloop instead of, “oh, my God, slow down, almost stop, turn the wheels to go over the speed bump sideways. Careful, careful.” 

You don't have to do that anymore. It's just a little bump as you float over the little challenges and things that go on in life. So schedule, reward and celebrate. I do that through massages, I love massages, and so when I do a good job, I reward myself with a massage. But there are all kinds of things that you can do to reward yourself for a job well done. Get creative with yourself.

How you can learn from me…

1.  Figure out what you need to do and ask yourself what else you can do at the same time to work on your wheel to create even more balance. -Time compression

The importance of this step is to save yourself time and energy by doing multiple things for multiple pies during the same time frame

I do this step by sharing the story about calling Mom on Sundays while grocery shopping and doing with one or both the kids to get ice cream. Building out my relationship pie with mom and boys and also got the groceries done.

To start…

 A.  Ask " what can I do right now towards one of my goals?"

To master time compression, here is what you do.  The first step is to Breathe deep into the lungs again.  Make sure it’s  through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now ask your higher self this question, " what can I do right now towards one of my goals?" write down anything that comes to you.  For me it was wanting to work on my relationship with my mom and so I decided I would call her.  what can you do right now towards one of your goals?"  This will take 1-2 min.

B. Ask " What else can I do at the same time or combine

Step 2 is to ask yourself again, " What else can I do at the same time or how can I combine a few actions?” Write down whatever comes to mind. Writing it down makes it more real and will help you remember.  I figured out that I could also grocery shop while calling my mom and she could help me get the ingredients for one of our family favorite meals. I also realized I could take the boys with me to spend some extra time and they would also get to talk with their grandma.  What else can you do at the same time or how can you combine a few actions?” This will take 3-5 min

C. Step 3

is to ask yourself again, for another pie that wasn't affected by the past example and ask yourself "what can I do right now towards one of my goals? And then What else can I do at the same time or how can I combine a few actions?” Write down whatever comes to mind. Writing it down makes it more real and will help you remember. What else can you do at the same time or how can you combine a few actions?” This will take 3-5 min

The outcome from this step is to know exactly where you are on the map of your life in regard to these 9 areas.

1. Ask what do I need to do to get from where I am to where I want to be and why?  What steps do I need to take?"

The importance of this step is to ask and answer the question "What do I need to do to get from where I am to where I want to be?" 

I do this step by continuing the story of knowing I need to work on my feminine and that I needed to find someone to mentor me and I needed to be more in the flow. (trip to Europe with mom)

Here’s what you do…

A. Ask what do I need to get from where I am, to where I want to be?

Prepare a separate page for each piece of the pie. Then breathe deep into the lungs.  Make sure it’s  through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now ask your higher self this question, “What do I need to do? Or who do I need to be to get to a 10 or a 9.9? I don't believe there are tens because there is always room for growth.  What do I have to do? Or who do I need to be to get to a 9.9 in my physical body. Breathe. Wait for the answer. When you have it, write it down. 

The purpose of this is to create habits and systems that keep you on track. Here’s what I do. So I do my glass of water every morning and then I crawl to my yoga mat, half asleep and I do the same yoga routine I've done for eight years and it works. I have muscles, I know it works.  Then I take a walk, I go for a walk and I listen to my affirmations. I'm amazing. I'm doing the work. I'm kind, caring and loving, and a leader and magical and all these things. I have a whole recording that I’ve made that I listen to. I breathe, I do some breathing exercises and this is how I start my day. Go around the wheel and ask this question for each pie. This will take you about 7-10 min to complete.

B. What would I have to do or be to measure myself at a 10.

Here are some other questions you can ask as you go around the wheel again.  What do I have to research? What do I have to do? Who do I need to be? How do I need to feel? Another question is what would have to happen for me to grade myself as a 9.9.  What do I need to do? Who do I need to be, get specific? How often with who? Where do you want your finances to be? How do you feel about those finances? How do you want to feel at your work? What kind of work environment do you want? Who do you need to be to have that kind of work environment? It starts with you. Who's responsible. You are! I am! We are all responsible for our own lives!

For the male, female. What do I need to do to boost my male energy? What do I need to do to boost my female energy? What course should I take? What sport should I take in order to get that out? Because both are needed, both are necessary. Both are magic. Flowing is magic being firm and certain and strong is magic. They're both needed. They're both necessary. Keep going around the wheel. If You get stuck, move on and come back to it later. Remember you have a page for each pie. You can build on it and get clear on it. When you ask a good question, you get a good answer, right? When you ask an outstanding question, you get an outstanding answer. And these are amazing questions. What do I gotta do? Or who do I gotta be to get from where I am to where I want to be. That is an outstanding question.

C. What steps do I need to take?

So here's what I would do. I would put my wheel in a prominent place where you can see it every day. So when you go about your day,  you can ask yourself, what can I do today towards this? And what can I do today towards that? And what could I do at the same time?  Just keep asking yourself, “what steps do I take next, towards living a balanced life?”

The outcome of this step is to learn how to compress time so as to get more things accomplished in the same amount of time.

Step 2. Do those things - Take Massive Action

The importance of this step is to take action!  Now.

I do this step by sharing the story of my women's group that I have every week and block off the time for that no matter what is going on.

Here’s how you do it…

A. Schedule whatever it is you want to do

Now all you have to do is take action. Do whatever it is that came to your mind. Do it now if you can. If not, schedule a time to follow through with your plan.  When you schedule something it is as good as done.  This will take as long as it takes to complete. Have fun.

B.  Block the time and become unavailable

It’s important that you not just schedule it,  you block it off and make yourself unavailable for anything else during that time.  We are distracted and pulled into so many different directions that it’s very important that you start blocking time for your goals, your life. I have been doing this for years and it one of the main reasons I have a big full wheel of life.

C. Enjoy it and know you are growing your wheel to be large and round and this helps you ride through life much smoother

Third step is to take action.  Get yourself into gear.  Enjoy it and know you are growing your wheel to be large and round and this helps you ride through life much smoother. When you do, you will have the satisfaction of consciously building out your wheel of life and creating more and more balance in it!    I am consciously working on mine so that I can experience a much smoother ride.  This will take as long as it takes to complete. Have fun.

Hope:  The outcome of this step is to make sure you actually take action and get what you want done so that your dreams can actually become a reality!

3. Celebrate and reward progress

The importance of this step is to remember to celebrate your progress along the way.

I do this step by sharing the story of rewarding myself with massages every week or every other week for a job well done!

Here’s what you want to do-

  1.  Declare the reward in advance for a schedule completed well for the week

The first step once you know what you will be doing to time compress and work towards building out your wheel of life is to declare a reward in advance when you do all that you scheduled within the week. This is important because number 1, rewards are fun, and 2, you are more likely to actually do it if you know there is a reward in place. My favorite reward is to have a 90 min deep tissue massage. They are my favorite and I am highly motivated to get them. So choose something you are actually excited about. This will take 3-5 min to complete

2. Carry out the reward

Step 2 is to actually carry out the reward. If you don’t you will be teaching your mind and body that it won’t get what’s promised so what’s the point. You will then be less motivated to follow through.  I have learned from experience that this is true, so I now follow through on my rewards.  Please make sure you carry out your rewards as well.  It’s important to note that you should not carry out the reward if you did not follow through on your goals that were scheduled to get done.  This will take as long as your reward takes to complete. Mine usually last a glorious 90 min.

3. Enjoy it and don't feel guilty ( building out the fun stuff pie)

Your third step is to enjoy your reward guilt free.  You earned it, you worked for it, now you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor!  Soak it all in!  Smile and say “ I am the master of my Life!”

The outcome of this step is to enjoy the progress because progress= Happiness.

By following these steps you will learn that time compression is an amazing skill. The importance of saving yourself time and energy by doing multiple things for multiple areas of your life, during the same time frame. And the importance of taking action and to celebrate your progress along the way. Just like the story about how I compressed multiple areas at once, with my mom, kids, and grocery shopping.   You will have the steps to be able to do the same.  They are: 

  • 1.  Figure out what you need to do and ask yourself what else you can do at the same time to work on your wheel to create even more balance. -Time compression

  • 2. Do those things - Take Massive Action

  • 3. Celebrate and reward progress,  the outcome of this step is to learn how to compress time so as to get more things accomplished in the same amount of time. 

The outcome of these steps is to make sure you take action and get what you want done so that your dreams can actually become a reality!  The overall outcome being that you will learn that you must know where you are and how you are doing in life in order to know where you'd like to go from here. Self-evaluation is a must. The hope is that you will enjoy the progress, because progress = Happiness. 

Your Action Steps:  Are to implement the steps above, and come back and let us know what your results are!

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There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full(Henry A. Kissinger)


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