There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full(Henry A. Kissinger)

Life happens better when you schedule it. In this post, I will share with you how to get to the point of total clarity as to what you want and when you want it by?  The importance of doing any research necessary to know how much it will cost for this thing or experience to come to fruition and also the importance of scheduling. I will share with you how I plan two big 2 week vacations and two 5 day vacations per year, when they will be, and how I block time off to research, plan, and know when and how much to put away towards it.

I will then share with you the step on how to do this yourself, they are:

1.  What do you want and When do you want to accomplish it by

2.  How much will it cost to make it happen?

3.  Schedule times and dates to get done what you need to get done.    

The outcome is to get very clear on what and when you want to do something, to know exactly what it will cost to do whatever it is that you want to buy. You will learn that things actually get done and change is made when you schedule whatever it is that you need to get done. Live baby live.

I've learned over the years the importance of scheduling. Of planning. Of getting clear and writing it down in advance, whatever it is that you want. Every year I do that, I write down what I want and I plan it all out... My favorite thing to plan out is my vacations because travel is literally my favorite thing to do. I have been to 56 countries. Just hit 56 coming to Guatemala to write this book!  

I really don't claim any country. I'm a child of the world and I intend to see as much of it as  I possibly can. I do two big vacations a year and three to four smaller four to five-day getaways. In January, I will write and plan it all out. I get an idea of where I want to go, and I block those dates. If I'm not sure, I at least have those dates blocked so that I know for work that I'm able to get that off. I know roughly how far it might be, whether it's like a long distance trip, or closer to home and about how much it'll cost. I wanted to have  some one-on-one time with my boys. And so I gave both of them a chance to choose where they wanted to go with me with a five thousand dollar budget.

I didn't care where it was in the world as long as we could do it within five thousand. It was amazing!  Brayden chose Sri Lanka. One of the most epic vacations I've ever taken was to Sri Lanka with Brayden. Having that one on one time does my mother's heart good. And most of the $5000 went into our flights, so we didn't move too much from the hotel, but we were right on the ocean. We surfed and did yoga every day.  We had this epic time because we blocked off the date, I knew the cost, I planned for it, and therefore it happened.

Tate chose Costa Rica. And Costa Rica is much closer and a lot cheaper. So we were able to go for two weeks to Costa Rica. It was a blast as well!   We Surfed, swam in hot springs, saw volcanoes and sloths. It was a great time of just doing things that we love and spending that time together. It only happened because I had a plan. I knew the cost, I blocked the dates, and we made it happen.

The other important thing to remember is to research the vacations in advance, once I know where I'm going, then I can spend time researching, seeing what I want to do, where I want to go, what I don't want to do, where I don't want to go. You can budget things out better that way. 

The other really important thing is to block off time to plan. So just like your scheduling time for the vacation, you want to block off time to plan. Now there are times where maybe you don't want to plan and you just want to show up. I've done vacations like that, too. I took my mom to Europe and we had a freestyle vacation where we couldn't plan more than one day ahead.   We ended up going to Scotland, Ireland,  Switzerland,  France, Monte Carlo, Denmark and Denmark, all then to Barcelona, Spain and home two weeks. So there are vacations like that too where you're just going to see where you're going and freestyle it. But then there are the times you're going to want to plan. In this case just make sure you schedule time to plan so that you can enjoy your trip and know that you've taken the appropriate amount of time to make sure that it's amazing. How many of these vacations do you get a year, right? So you want to make sure that you're doing all that you can to make it epic.

How you can learn from me…

1.  What do you want and When do you want to accomplish it by

The importance of this step is to get to the point of total clarity as to what you want and when you want it by?

 I do this step by sharing how I plan two big 2 week vacations and two 5 day vacations per year and when they will be.

To start…

 A.  Ask what do I want

To do this next step find a quiet place to sit where there are no distractions. It would be good to pick a time where you are completely alone to ensure this.  Make sure you are in a great state by moving your body and thinking about at least three things you are thankful for.  You can also play some inspiring music.  Once seated comfortably, breathe deeply into your lungs in the same way I shared with you earlier.  Breathe deep into the lungs through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Exhale for as long as you can to release any stale air.  The Ahhhh sounds help release stress.   " What do I want?  Write down anything that comes to mind and keep repeating the question until you have a few examples you are excited about. Pick your favorite one. When I did this exercise  I was excited about taking my boys on one on one trips. I had never done that to that grand scale before. I had done individual weekend getaways before but nothing overseas.  So I was excited.  “What are you excited to do?” This will take 3-5 min.

B. Ask when do I want to do it

To do this next step breathe deep into the lungs again.  Make sure it’s through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now ask your higher self this question, “When do I want to see this idea accomplished?”  Write down the date that works the best from what you know and feel. I planned Brayden’s trip for over my birthday in March and Tates for October, to break up the year.  “When do you want to see your idea accomplished?” this should take 3-5 min.

C. Schedule and block it off - get time off work

The third step is to schedule the full time off, block it, and arrange to get the time off work. Do it right now if you can. Take the time, you will thank me later, trust me! I scheduled the time off the next day when I went into work and got it signed off on. It’s a great feeling when you do that, as you can already start to feel the benefits of going,and/or seeing whatever it is that’s important to you, come to fruition! This should only take 3-5 min.

The outcome is to get very clear on what and when you want to do something.

2. How much will it cost to make it happen?

The importance of this step is to do any research necessary to know how much it will cost for this thing or experience to come to fruition.

I do this step by Sharing how I researched my vacations and knew roughly what flights and hotels and activities would cost.

Here’s what you do…

A. What does it cost for this item or experience

For this step I want you to research how much it will cost for whatever it is that you are wanting to see happen. For me I had a set 5000 usd budget. This will take about 20-30 min depending on how much you like to research. A brief search will get you an idea of how much it will cost.

B. Get specific on each thing

Then you want to dive in a bit deeper and get specific on how much every little thing might cost. For Brayden and I  when we researched together our trip to Sri Lanka, we looked up the cost of flights, hotel, average meal cost and cost for any activities we wanted to do while we were there. So get specific. The more clear you are the better so that you can prepare. This should take 20-30 min.

C. Know your total for the item or experience

The third step is to add it all up and know your total. I mean KNOW your total for the item or experience. Then add a bit more for incidentals and a few surprises and you will be good to go!  Brayden and I had a daily amount we could spend.  If we didn’t spend it, it would roll over to the next day which would allow us to do a bit more for example. So KNOW your total.

The outcome of this step is to know exactly what it will cost to do whatever it is that you want to buy

Step 3. Schedule times and dates to get done what you need to get done

The importance of this step is also to schedule times and dates for whatever you need to do or research to get to the final date successfully.

I do this step by sharing how I block time off to research, plan, and when and how much to put away towards it.

Here’s how you do it…

A. Schedule time to research

So you’ve done the basic research, now it’s time to schedule time to research some more, closer to the date of going or doing whatever it is that you want to see accomplished. So block some time in advance in your calendar so that you can be prepared. Tate and I when we were planning our Costa Rica trip spent time looking up surf breaks and how far they were from the hotel and how we might get there, and where there were boards to rent ect. This will take as long as it takes to get the certainty you need for your desired outcome.

B.  schedule time to plan

The second step is to schedule time to plan out what you might want to do and when, and lay out the schedule.  I always try to plan for activity days and also rest days so that there is a nice balance. You may have to book cars, or activities in advance. I’ve found if you don’t take time to go through the forethought you can end up like us in Hawaii, wanting to swim with the sharks, but unable to do so, due to everything being booked up. This will take likely 30 min plus

C. Schedule time to make payments towards it.

The third step is to schedule how you plan to pay for it.  How much you are putting away and when. This is a very important step or time could get away from you and all of a sudden you are almost to the date that you scheduled to go and you don’t have the funds.  Don’t let this happen to you. Figure out your budget and decide how and when you will pay for whatever it is you are wanting. I would have a certain percentage come off of my weekly paycheck and go into a specific fund every week towards my goals. Once filled, I could work towards other goals and dreams.

The outcome of this step is to fully understand the value in scheduling whatever it is that you need to do or research to get whatever it is done.

If you follow the steps in this post you will discover that epic experiences and things happen when you schedule them. You will learn how to get to the point of total clarity as to what you want and when you want it by? The importance of doing any research necessary to know how much it will cost for this thing or experience to come to fruition and also the importance of scheduling. I will share with you how I plan two big 2 week vacations and at least two - 5 day vacations per year, when they will be, and how I block time off to research, plan, and know when and how much to put away towards it.  You will learn the steps on how to do this yourself, they are:

  • 1.  What do you want and When do you want to accomplish it by

  • 2.  How much will it cost to make it happen? 

  • 3.  Schedule times and dates to get done what you need to get done.    

The outcome is to get very clear on what and when you want to do something, and to know exactly what it will cost to do whatever it is that you want to do or buy. You will learn that things actually get done and change is made when you schedule whatever it is that you need to get done. Live baby live. Schedule it to happen!

Your Action Steps:  Are to implement the steps above, and come back and let us know what your results are!

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