Vision Without Action Is Merely a Dream

What if you checked off everything on your dream list? In this blog post, I will share with you the importance of celebrating what you have accomplished in the past. The more you understand and see, the more your belief grows in yourself and in what's possible. This allows you to see and measure the progress! Taking action is key and I do this by telling the story of me sharing my journals with the boys year after year and how 95% of it has come into being by writing things down and taking small action steps every day.  I will also give you the steps to insure this for yourself. 

They are:

1.   Build up your belief that dreams come true

2.  Be consistent!

3.  Start taking action now  

The outcome of this is to look back and acknowledge past accomplishments! They all started at one point as a thought or want. By the end of this blog, you will have a time every year planned to get away to design your life! You will learn how important taking action really is in order for transformation to take place and that it really is possible step by step to make shit happen!

One of my favorite moments was sitting down at the kitchen table doing one of my “kitchen table life lesson” times with the boys. I grabbed all of my journals and brought them down to the kitchen table. I thumbed through each of them and showed them all the things that I wrote down every January for my goals/ dreams for the past 10 years.

I read to them how every year I thank God, for all that's happened in the past year and I go through my pictures in my phone and it reminds me of all the things I've done, the places I've been, the people I have a relationship with,  the progress that's been made and the smiles. I write everything down that I'm thankful for, and then I write down what I want and why I want it. I have the costs there and the timeline and the time frame. And then I can see from year to year how many things were accomplished.

95% of the things that I write down every year happen, come to pass, take place, and become a reality. So by sharing these things with the boys, knowing that we did all those things and repeating those things to them in that way, It blew their minds, and their eyes got bigger and bigger as I went through the journals.  These weren't small dreams. To name a few... build a house for mom and dad, build an Airbnb for mom and dad to manage because that's their dream. Take a trip around the world, be the top salesperson in the company multiple years in a row, have over 50 percent closing percentage, etc. All of which have happened.  They were big things to me. I don’t tell you to impress you but to impress upon you that this process works! And so after that little lesson, they got right to work on writing down their dreams. They now know how to do that. They get to see things come to fruition, and here's the beautiful thing: as you record these goals and dreams every year, you get to see things happen and that builds your belief. The bigger your belief is, the bigger the sky is. There's no ceiling. I used to think there was a ceiling on what's possible. Now I know there's no ceiling and I go for it, and things happen again and again and again. So do it yourself and teach your kids.  

Every January, I go away to do this. I recommend that you do the same. I literally take off by myself most of the time, and I go to a quiet place where I can work on my goals for the year. Some of the places I've been are... I flew off to Hawaii one year, which was amazing. I visited Valle De Bravo a few times, it’s a beautiful town south of Mexico City, up in the mountains, I would sit there by the lake, sit on mountain peaks, hike and get into nature and just really connect with myself and with God and then ask what it is that I should do this year. I've also been to Costa Rica and a bunch of other places. I encourage you to get away and to do that, too, because there's so many distractions that keep us from taking this time. This is your life. If you're not going to care about your life, who is? As Jim Rohn says “If you're not going to plan your life, who is? And if you don't plan your life. Then someone else will and they don't have much planned for you,” It's important that we plan our own lives. We know what we want and we know why we want it, then we go after it little by little, brick by brick. Don't look at the whole chunk. Just take one bite at a time and next thing you know. You're on that epic vacation, you're driving that new car, you're introducing your family to their new home. This is what happens. Believe it. Enjoy it.

How you can learn from me…

1. Build up your belief that dreams come true - look back on your life in the times that you accomplished something big and how you did did the work, you made the time, you got it done, do this every year. Celebrate!

The importance of this step is to look back and celebrate what you have accomplished in the past. The more you understand and see, the more your belief grows in yourself and in what's possible.

I do this step by sharing a story of me sharing my journals with the boys year after year after year and how it almost all came into being.

To start…

 A.  Ask yourself " what did I ever wish for or want and then got or experienced?

It’s important to build up your belief that it’s possible to dream. Some of you may be pros at this and for others, this may be the first time that you give yourself permission to think big. To do this next step find a quiet place to sit where there are no distractions. It would be good to pick a time where you are completely alone to ensure this. Make sure you are in a great state by moving your body and thinking about at least three things you are thankful for.  You can also play some inspiring music. Once seated comfortably, breathe deeply into your lungs in the same way I shared with you earlier.  Breathe deep into the lungs through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”.  Exhale for as long as you can to release any stale air.  The Ahhhh sounds help release stress.  Then ask your higher self the question,  "what did I ever wish for or want, and then got or experienced?”  Write down anything that comes to mind.  Maybe you are sitting in your house right now, at one point that was a thought and now it’s a reality, for example. This is why I always review my goals and dreams from the past year and summarize what I am thankful for from the past year. When I see it in black and white it makes me believe even more what all is possible.   what did you ever wish for or want, and then got or experienced?” This will take 3-5 min to complete.

B. Ask yourself " did I know in the moment of wanting exactly how I would make it happen?  - No and yet it happened

 Breathe deep into the lungs again.  Make sure it’s through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now ask your higher self this question, did I know in the moment of wanting that thing or experience, exactly how I would make it happen?  The answer is likely no, and yet it happened anyway, step by step.  Realizing that you don’t have to know “ the how” to begin with is key. The how comes later. This will take one minute to complete.

C. Celebrate that you set your mind to it and you made it happen!

The third step is to give yourself a pat on the back, or a high five for having a thought, a want, and making it happen. Seriously do it, give yourself a pat on the back, celebrate!  We are programmed to not be content until…. But that’s bullshit. Soak it in right now. At one point you had a thought of having something or some experience in your life and you did it. That’s awesome! You are powerful. Everything starts with a thought.

The outcome of this step is to look back and acknowledge past accomplishments! They all started at one point as a thought or want.

2. Be consistent!

The importance of this step is to do this yearly planning every year at the same time so that you get a rhythm and so that you can see and measure the progress!

How I go away every January and take time to really write down my goals and dreams, getting clear. Valle De Bravo a few times, Hawaii, Florida, Costa Rica…

Here’s how you do it…

A. Decide where you will go to write down your goals every year in January.

In this first step, I encourage you to take a moment to ask yourself, “ if I was to go away for a few days to write out my goals for the year, where would I go?”  Write down any inspiring place that you think of. Look at the list of places and choose the one that makes you smile the biggest. I always want to go to a place where I can get into nature. Nature helps me connect to Source even more and its good for the soul. Hawaii and Costa Rica are a couple of my favorite places to do this process.  Perhaps you don’t have the funds or time to go too far, that doesn’t matter, just figure something out. Rent an Airbnb up in the mountains or by a lake, or stay at a friend's place who’s on vacation. Where there is a will there's a way. The important thing is to find a way. This is your life we are talking about.

B. Schedule time off work to go

The next step is to schedule the time off work and let everyone that needs to know that you are disappearing for a few days. The more disconnected you are from the rest of the world the better. My kids know that come the beginning of the year, I take off and disappear for a few days. It’s one of the smartest things that I've incorporated into my life.

C.  Make it happen, no excuses.

The third step is to guard those dates and that time with your life and under no circumstance do you let anything come between you and that designated time to design your life! Period. Make it happen, no excuses. It is now a yearly tradition for me. I highly encourage you to do the same.

The outcome of this step is to plan a time every year to get away to design your life!

Step 3. Start taking action now

The importance of this step is that without action nothing happens

 I do this step by sharing the magic of doing this process and writing things down and taking small action steps every day creates your dream life.

Here’s what you want to do…

A. Get in the car or on the plane, go

So this first step is one of the most important steps in this process and it’s this. Go, get out of dodge. Take Action. When the time comes to go, go. You will likely feel all kinds of emotions like, I don’t need to do this now, I can do it later. I don’t even know what I want yet, it’s stupid to go etc. Don’t listen to these voices, resist, and go. It will all come to you in time. I suggest you get settled the first night, enjoy some alone time and get going on it in the morning.

B.  Find a quiet inspiring place to think, feel and write

In the morning find a quiet inspiring place to think, feel, and write.  Make sure you have some food and water with you so that if/when you get into the zone you don’t need to be worrying about what to eat or drink.

C. Ask yourself, what are you thankful for?

To do the next step Breathe deep into the lungs again. Make sure it’s  through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now ask your higher self this question, “What am I thankful for from this past year?” put your phone on airplane mode and then look at the pics from the past year. It will surprise you how many amazing experiences and people you have interacted with during the last 12 months. Celebrate each thing and write them down. This will take an hour or two.

D. Add anything that is still in process, to the new year and set new dates

For the next step, look at last year's goals and transfer anything that didn’t get done, to this year's goals. Set new dates and times to complete them. This is a good time to re-evaluate if what you wanted last year is still something you want for this year. If not, scratch it, if so keep it and add it to this year's plan. This will not take more than 10-15 min

E. Add the new exciting things to the new years list

To do this next step breathe deep into the lungs again. Make sure it’s through your nose, hold for 5 seconds and exhale through your mouth making the sound “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Now ask your higher self this question, “ What new and exciting things do I want to do, experience and feel this year?” Keep asking yourself over and over and over. Write down anything that comes to mind without judgment or trying to figure out how. Now is not the time for that. Right now you are just brain-dumping any and all things that light you up and get you excited. I like to play inspiring music when I do this. Get excited, this is your life! This could take an hour or hours depending on how you process. Just make sure that everything on your list inspires you.

The outcome of this step is to inforce again the importance of taking clear action and taking action now.

When you follow these steps you will realize that it’s possible that you can check off everything on your dream list. You will understand the importance of celebrating what you have accomplished in the past because then your belief grows in yourself and in what's possible. Doing this consistently allows you to see and measure the progress! Taking action is key and I do this in my story about sharing my yearly journals with the boys and how 95% of it has come into being. You will also have the steps to insure this for yourself. 

They are:

  • 1.   Build up your belief that dreams come true

  • 2.  Be consistent!

  • 3.  Start taking action now  

The outcome of this is to see and know past accomplishments! Understanding that they all started at one point as a thought or want. By the end of this blog, you will have a time every year planned to get away to design YOUR life! You will learn how important taking action really is in order for transformation to take place and that it really is possible step by step to make shit happen!  You've got this!

Your Action Steps:  Are to implement the steps above, and come back and let us know what your results are!

READ the whole story


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